Interesting Insight of mine

  • I recently transferred to a new job. So, now I've got new co-workers obviously. I just realized how different this "diet" experience has been for me. At my former job, I got really self conscious with any of my weight loss efforts b/c *someone* would have to make some *comment* on what I'm heating up in the microwave or what I've got for lunch or how I'm "shrinking away to nothing" (huge overstatement - I never lost more than 5 lbs).

    Anyway, it is just soo liberating to have co-workers be appropriate and mind their own business. I feel so much more free to have my morning eggs or whatever.

    Deep thoughts by me. Roxy55
  • It makes you feel more confident and less self concious doesn't it!?

    Were the people in the other office maybe jealous that you had even made the effort to better yourself?
  • I hear you. That's what happened with me. It was "still on South beach?" at my old job. I've been here since April and NOTHING!
  • That is great to read that you are having a better experience in your workplace.

    I am having a similar thing at uni at the moment. I actually have friends who are very supportive and dont hassle me to eat crap when they do... an even a friend who walks ith me after lunch when our timetables align... makes life so much easier.
  • Wonderful! That's the way it SHOULD be!!
  • Amen, Ellis! That's exactly how it should be! Be supportive or keep your trap shut, I say!

    So glad so many of you have supportive coworkers! Mine were often curious about what I ate, but most of the time, they were just very supportive and courteous. They would eat out of my sight or eat out, but they didn't try to tempt me with things. On my birthday, they ordered a SF cheesecake from a local bakery. So nice!
  • They made me Sugar free starwberry jello, with sugar free whipped cream for my was so thoughtful!
  • That's so sweet, kyemom!

    I'm a SAHM, so I don't have co-worker issues anymore, but DH has had a tough time at his new job. It's not so much that he gets harrassed or picked on or anything, but since he's the new guy, he's gotten lunch invitations that he's had to turn down, and they brought in something he couldn't eat (bready crust) today. I told him that next week we're on to Phase 2, and he can probably go ahead and have a slice or two of the currently forbidden food, or go out to lunch - as long as he's smart about it. I think he's looking forward to it!