Tuesday Aug 23, 2005

  • Good morning everyone!

    Happy birthday to Gracie Leens.........so special.

    I have to go jump in the shower but I thought I would start things up for a change.

    Back later!

  • Good Morning

    Thanks Liz

    Its tuesday isn't it lol. Nothing much is happening. It was a sad day yesterday. When I got home last night I got the mail and there was a birthday card for Grace from my BIL. He mailed it the day before he died Broke my heart and my DH got so choked up.

    I'm just sitting here having my coffee and oatmeal. Whatcha all up to today?

    Oh yeah, I do have work to do LOL.... _)_&#%(#%&
  • (((((((((((((((((((((Leens))))))))))))))))))))

  • Leenie, I'm so sorry about your BIL! That is so sad. we both know, though, that he is in a far better place now and has no pain.

    I can't believe that Gracie is four-year-old already! It seems like a few days ago when you announced her arrival.

    I just read the FASTING thread! Oy vey! It reminded me of the old days in the chat room. For those who know me well...aren't you glad I didn't participate!

    It'd downright cold this morning in Wisconsin! Cool and crisp! Haven't been doing much lately. I just plain lack in motivation and I have painting and stripping to do. Sewing too. I should kick myself in the fanny!
  • I'm swamped today and we havent had time to grocery shop and we have a wedding tonight so the rest of the week will be alot of fun
    Leenie it's so beautiful that gracie got your BIL's card its like one more I love you from him.
    Gotta bolt New stuff learning day!
  • oops, I posted on Monday's thread earlier, sorrreeeee.

    Here it is !!
    I wish Little Ghostlie would join me on the verb....I just got done sweeping out the cobwebs...good going on Curves, how many times a week do you go? I used to belong to my local one, but discontinued my membership last year after my broken elbow, I couldn't use the equipment for over 6 months and it seemed like a waste of $$. The gym in my office complex is only $3.00 a week so I maintain that one, but it is just easier to hold my interest at home in the early AM right now....I SWEAR by that rebounder, I use it almost every day....today I was working out to an old CD by INXS (suicide blondes)

    lots of action overnight i read.....the best of intentions are sometimes rebuffed.

    Leenie! My best vibes to you, he is in a better place.

    Hey CARLA!!!! haven't spoken to you in a while, hope all is well.....
  • I'm back, and there's even more of me to love. My eating like a thin person didn't work too well, even though I had the perfect example right there with me. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day. Old habits sure do die hard, especially for us members of the clean plate club. And next to no exercise either.

    I seem to have missed some fun with the whole fasting debate. Darn! Is it too late to mention the Fat Flush 3-day semi-fast? No doubt it's just as unhealthy as all the rest, but if it's done exactly as described in the book it doesn't seem too harmful and should give the quick start result we often need for motivation. Of course Fat Flush is full of a lot of hocus-pocus and odd rules. I think "magic" diets like that are always full of complicated instructions just to keep people so busy they forget that they're really losing weight because they're eating less...

    My kitties survived my absence all too well. Little Lily got a lot bigger and now is a champion jumper. Bigboy must know I'm writing about him because he just let a SBD go, and me without my gas mask... Having a live-in catsitter really was the best solution. Right now they're both curled up beside me on the bed, but of course not too close to each other.

    April, I'm very glad to hear your DGD is doing better. It must have been scary for the whole family. As for you, I wish we could come up with some way to help you feel better. Do you have a pet that loves only you and snuggles with you when you're blue? It sure works for me.

    Leenie, so sorry to hear about your BIL. How bittersweet to have your little Grace receive a birthday card from him after his death. It sounds like he was a very caring person to think of others even at the end.

    Hmmm... I'm beginning to think Lily is the gas machine. They're both pretending to be fast asleep and totally innocent. I'm pretty sure it isn't me.

    Marble, I can't seem to find a post from you explaining the daughter problem. Has she disowned you for turning off the money tap? I'm impressed with your rebounder use. Mine is sitting in the middle of the living room, sort of a nice kittie jungle-gym.

    I've probably milked the jet lag thing to the hilt, so it's up and at 'em. (Not quite yet - don't want to disturb the babies' sleep.) The weather is glorious - no humidity, around 70F, nice breeze. There's no food in the house, and the milk I left in the fridge was a rather interesting science experiment, now released into Ottawa's unsuspecting sewer system. And the laundry!

    I know I've missed writing notes for most of you, but I don't know how to go back to other threads without losing my post, so this will have to do since I only seem to be able to retain vague bits and pieces from my extensive catch-up reading in the wee hours. It's good to be back, even better to be back on track!
  • Hello Ladies…

    I think I’ll go check out that fasting thread, see what I missed….

    I didn’t come by an post yesterday… it’s been…. A rough 2 days. I didn’t go to the gym but I did do a work out tape. (Lifting Weights to Loose Weight – 47 minutes).

    I am not sure if I am ready to talk about this yet… I am hoping it will all pass over. But my parents are having a situation right now… the situation has come up before and has blown over… but right now, I don’t know if I want it to blow over anymore. Too much stress and then they get me involved and I play the middle man. *sigh*

    I am starting to think all the second hand smoke I sucked in when at the karaoke place and friends bday party has irritated my lungs and so that is why my asthma is in over time right now. I am drinking lots of water and keeping my inhaler on hand. Nothing major, just gotta get all that crap outta my lungs.

    I’ll catch up with everyone later!
  • SueMarie; lift wts. to lose wt. is a good one, congrats on FINISHING it!...hope all goes well on the homefront, if necessary, you can join me in boycotting family...I hear we can get a room Guatalmala for $19.00 american with a view of the waterfalls..... and eat for $1.00 a day.......I plan on hiding in Central America from Thanksgiving through New Year's, I'd sell my body for extra cash...but I don't think there would be much interest in my female fat cells.....

    Welcome home Carla!!! I've missed your posts....what are you feeding those poor cats? I gave mine too much shaved turkey breast and one of them exploded in the litterbox...not a pretty site, but I trapped him in the bathroom to clean him up with Olay Daily facials and scissors.

    Poor DD is unhappy with herself and attempts to make misery for me, I pretty much put my foot down last year, took a firm stance and she's convinced I'm the worst parent in the world since I cut her off....sorry but it's time for her to take responsibility for her own debts.... stop living beyond her means and expecting me to clean up the mess. She needs to take control of her lifestyle and body. I've offered other types of support (instead of $$) but it's like poking an angry bear with a stick.....

    (that's why I hate holidays....I'm always walking around on eggshells and trying to make nice for my mother's sake).

    BBL, work is annoying today.
  • I think you're doing the right thing with DD. Independence is the best gift anyone can give a child. Not that the perosn being cut off is going to like being pushed off the gravy train...

    The cats are eating regular food. But it's tricky because he's supposed to be on lo-cal food and she's on hi-protein kitty food, and it's impossible to stop them from eating from each other's dish. The smell may have been Lily: she seems to be having a bout of diarrhea, I don't know why. The sad part is she ALWAYS steps in her runny output while covering it up, and then she runs around the house spreading it. (She isn't into grooming in a big way yet...) I've been using kitty wipes followed by Jcloth to clean her stinky legs and feet, but she hates it and they're never quite clean.

    No one has ever weaned themselves from Celexa as slowly as me. But I'm getting there, and no ill effects. In fact much of the time I feel a lot better. (Of course I haven't been drinking much wine, which may have an impact as well...) I do think the Celexa had a lot to do with the amount of weight I had gained. My appetite is more in control now. (Except when they put out free goodies at coffee breaks...)

    I used to run away every year at Xmas, but finally realized my stepmother would not live forever and I should bite the bullet and be nicer to her. She's difficult, and loves to press those buttons, but she is lonely and appreciates my visits, so... If there's a heaven, I must be earning some credit fto get me out of purgatory and through those pearly gates.
  • My big-boy is the Chairman of the clean plate club....that cat LIVES to eat...and has a passion for chicken breast and cold-cuts...he WAITS for the fridge to open....along with his special diet (UTI plug up) food....

    I keep a clean-up kit in the master bath...long haired cats are a pain to clean (and maine coones like water)...I don't like to use the expensive facial towelettes, but it works, and then I just chop away the hair.....

    what's worse is my house is totally messed up with construction, I have the cats eating in the main bath along with their box, the dog is eating in the dining room (where I've stored a container of kitty litter along with my rebounder and the stereo), the liquor cabinet contents have been moved to the linen closet.....

    Are you almost off the celexa? It took me about a month to wean off of beta-blockers as when I skipped the med, I got tachy HR...and felt awful..now my resting HR is in 80s, before it was 122-130, that's why I'm so determined to master a real cardio workout, my recovery is better and my resting pulse should be much lower. In addition to the fact that i want to melt fat away like an informercial, SIGH!
  • Good Evening Ladies...

    Just dropping in to post a hi

    Today has been a rough day.. I know I read all the posts but can't seem to remember much other then the Fasting Post, something about a cat, Welcome Back Carla, and /hugs to Leenie.

    I've been tired and rather sluggish all day... Could be I didn't take my Claritin-D this morning. I took Tylenol Allergy Complete and all I have wanted to do is sleep. Or it could be that my iron is low again and I am anemic again.. haven't been eating right again.. Have to find the iron pills again and start eating some meat.

    Well I guess my not weighing in everyday paid off... I got on the scale this morning and weighed 139.. The last time I got on the scale was August 1st and I weighed 154. So I guess I've done something right.

    Well... I've done absolutely nothing productive today.. Still have lots of cleaning to do.. I know I won't get anything done tomorrow.. I have to go birthday shopping tomorrow.. All four of my friend's children's birthday party is Saturday and my hubby's birthday is Friday. and then my son has back to school night tomorrow night at 6:45 so it will be a busy day.

    Well It's bed time for me. I think I need some extra sleep tonight.
    Hope Everyone has a wonderful evening

  • Stephanie - WAY TO GO!!!! What a lot of weight you lost. Congratulations!

    I'm here and lurking. Still not feeling great. Better, but I'm sure tomorrow will be great. Oh did I mention I have tomorrow and Thursday off of work?
