Old Hens - 40+ And Ready To Lose - Vol. 8

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  • Good Morning Chicks!
    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Ours was nice. On Friday night we went to a friend's wedding. It was a blast. There were about 12 of us from my hubby's work and we had a great time together! Stayed out a lil too late and had a hard time getting up on Saturday. I had plans to paint all weekend but ended up spending most of Sat on the couch. In th evening I worked on some prep for the painting. Sunday I wasn't much more motivated and didn't start until late afternoon. I ended up just buying a quart of primer and paint to do a test wall. I think it's going to look good - just a lot of work because the room is going from deep purple to taupe - hence the primer. Will be some good exercise this week.

    In addition to the painting I have plans with a group of girls on Wed night and DH and I are hosting a Poker tournament at our house on Friday. It's a no limit Texas Hold'em - we have about 15 friends playing. I have to plan all the food and drinks and shopping....sometime this week. Gonna be a busy, but fun time!

    Sounds like it's the month for messed up cycles...I am over a week late and feel so icky...I've had all the PMS signs and major bloat, but it's a no show. Ugh. I just want to get it over with so I feel better.

    Lilion - You mentioned pilates...I have the Pilates for Dummies tape and really like it. It's the basic moves, about 1/2 hour and I feel really good when I do it. Really works the abs.

    J-ann - Aww...nothing like the unconditional love of a furry friend curling up with you! I love my 3 pups. The chihuahua has somehow managed to sweet talk her way into sleeping with us lately.

    Terri - I know what you mean about wanting to call in...I guiltily admit to sort of doing that...I decided to work at home today. Not a huge deal since I do it 2 days a week, but I feel guilty when I add an extra day. I had no meetings scheduled and this way I can get some laundry done and save a 1/4 tank of gas --- with the rising pricing I may not be able to afford to drive to work much longer. I'm so glad you are getting all the horses moved to a new, better place!

    Ruth, Thin, Michelle, Steph, Tina.....Everyone Else... - HELLO!

    Time for work....

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Hi everyone! I had a busy weekend. Sorry to not be here. Saturday and Sunday I worked as a "showgirl". We watched Red Eye, which was pretty good. Very suspenseful.

    I've been doing well with food although the scale has not been good to me the past couple of days. This is when Mother Nature "should" be here, but apparently she decided not to come......again. I wish she'd just make up her mind if she wants to continue or not. It would make life so much easier. I don't know if maxing out my WW points each day is the cause, or if it's her, lack of her or something else. Very frustrating. I do believe I'll be making some adjustments to my "points" this week anyway. See if some tweeking doesn't help boost the loss.

    Lilion: I'm sorry that the NUMBER isn't what you wanted it to be on the scale, but 20 is a number too and that's the size of those jeans you're fitting into. WooHoo for you sticking with this for 6 months. Just think of the accomplishments another 6 months will bring.

    Ruth: Sorry we left you alone this weekend. Thanks for the prayers for my nephew-in-law. He sure needs them. A CAT scan Friday revealed that my NIL has a hairline fracture in his neck at the base of his skull. He has been hemmoraging internally but they don't know from where. They're suspecting that it is near the fracture somewhere. They told HIS mother and my BIL yesterday that they think his brain is bruised and that he is having some siezures. His mother went immediately into shock, as 8-9 years ago her other son had been in an auto accident and had closed head injuries so she knows what THAT is all about.

    Leanne: Staying away when you're not OP isn't the greatest idea. The lack of support tends to help us throw the good habits away and fall back into the nasty ones. When you're not doing well is the time you should be here more often. Congrats on putting your funk behind you and getting on the bike. Every step we make in the right direction is one we can't make in the other.

    Terri: My my but you're busy. It must be a real chore running from barn to barn. I'm glad the new guy is so accommodating. Of course, like you said, I'm sure it has something to do with you buying some of his horses. I bet you will be one happy camper at the end of the month when all the moving is over and you can be done with the other place. I bet they're none too happy that you're taking the "barn girls" with you, or don't they know yet?

    BarbPA: You have some very ambitious plans for this week. The "baby" went to the casino to play Hold 'em on Friday night and won $400. I bet he'd love to come play with you! I think taking another day at home is just a great way to get your employer used to you working from home once the baby comes. Keep it up and by the time the little guy gets here you'll be a working, stay at home mom.

    Well, girls, I'm on my way to the dining room to try and clean up some of the piles of paper that seem to accummulate there. See you all later. Love ya bunches!

    "Don't wail on the scale if you cheat when you eat!"
  • Hi all! I was rather MIA this weekend as we were busy. Had a big family dinner at my sister's in Lee's Summit, MO for my nephew who is going away to Cal Poly in California on Sept. 2 (freshman year). He is my older sister's "baby" and the true genuis in our family! Very emotional for mom, Nanny and his two aunts! We've always been a close knit clan and have all stayed close distance wise, so it's a major biggie that the little guy is going all the way to California to college. I'm happy for him, but also can't help but to worry about him too!

    Seth started 8th grade this morning and that was enough to send me into a mom-depression. I can't believe he's already in the 8th grade. I remember when he was such a cute toe-headed little toddler that did nothing but laugh. Girls, I am getting old!!

    I did have WI Saturday morning, and stayed the same. I am perfectly content with staying the same, as I had such a horrible, horrible off-program week, week before last. It's sickening to think it took my an entire week to undo the damage I did in 6 days. Just not worth it.

    Lilion - I notice sometimes that you say you don't even get all of your points in?? This may be what your platuea is all about. You really do need to eat all of your points, and if you are exercising everyday, you might need to actually bump your points up a few. I know how this sounds, but it really does work. Besides, look how far you've come! I've lost 32 pounds, am in the low 250's, and am still wearing a size 24! You're wearing size 20 jeans and I can't wait 'til I get there. You have so much to be proud of.

    Terri - I know you will be so happy to get all the "guys and girls" moved to your new place where things will be so much more peaceful. And yes, once things calm down for you, I would love to meet at a trail and walk with you.

    Leanne - You are doing great with your exercise. You haven't let your knee problems get you down and stop you from getting on that bicycle or walking. Look at the positive things you are doing! Hang in there.

    Thin - I will definitely add your NIL to to my prayer list. Hope he shows improvement soon.

    Ladies, I don't mean to leave anyone out, but I am at work and have just been swamped since last week. I will try to pop on tonight at home and catch up with everyone. Take care!!
  • Hi all! Just a few seconds here, I'm supposed to be cleaning house. But I remembered that I forgot to post very special birthday wishes on Saturday for Judy so,

    Judy, this one's for you!
    Happy Birthday to YOU!
    Happy Birthday to YOU!
    Happy Birthday, dear Judy!
    Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
    Hope you had a wonderful day!
  • Aw! Thanks Thin,

    I had a quiet B'day but it ended with a super dinner and I was able to stay OP.

    Got a gift cert. to the local Thai rest. and a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble's. Mmmmm great food and good books. I'm happy.

  • Happy Belated Birthday Judy!

  • Hi ladies,

    I went to WW WI tonight and am thoroughly P.O'd. But as the topic of the meeting was about persistence, I will not quit. I can be mad but I won't give up. I'll be glad when TOM finally shows up instead of just feeling like its around the corner. It also occurred to me that there are things that I do that I can change and quit playing around being stupid.

    I did 30 minutes of exercise this morning. Twenty on the airdyne and 10 of hand-weights. That made me feel pretty good.

    So, what is everyone who reads reading this summer? I am working my way through the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series. I just picked up book six at the library. I just love her. And I finally decided to read the Harry Potter series. No one tell what happens at the end of the new book!!!! I'm on book two. I alternate between Potter and Plum. That might take me up to Christmas to finish the two series.

    I hope I'm not stepping out of line here, but ladies, Barb.G needs our prayers as her mom has taken a turn for the worse.

    Judy - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! I'm sorry to say that I have gotten very lax about checking the birthday thread. Quiet can be good! Great gift certs!

    Kim - Good job on a maintain if you've been off-P! Does Seth like school?

    Thin - How's the nephew-in-law? See, your body is doing kind of what mine is doing. I don't care if it skips occassionally and neither does the doc but does it have to leave the scale in an upward position????? That is the irritating thing. Yeah, I think they have caught on that the "barn girls" like to hang with us. We are trying to be mature and not make them feel they are caught in the middle though. I'm counting down the final days and am spending as little time as possible at the old barn. Except its been raining too much for the new guy to get the divider up in the pasture to keep the young ones separate from the big ones.

    I better get this posted before I screw around and lose it. And before my battery dies. Good night and sleep tight!
  • Good morning ladies, just a quick pop in to say hello, and hope you are all doing well.

    Judy, I am glad you had a nice b'day and I am sorry I didn't wish you a Happy one. I forget to check the birthdays, no excuse, just a bit absent minded. (couldn't be MY age)

    To the rest of you, have an OP day! Iwillbe....Ruth
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Not much time, but also not much to report!

    Judy: Happy belated birthday! Hope it was happy!

    Aunt Flo may have arrived, but she doesn't seem to have helped the plateau any. I'm hoping she'll take a couple pounds with her when she goes, but I really kinda doubt it. Feeling really fat today and the scale is up...then again I did eat like a pig last night. I was COLD - if you can believe that - and made chicken soup and grilled cheese for dinner. It was 1 pt. cheese, but still, I ate two sandwiches and two bowls of soup. Went out with friends Monday and ended up eating poorly then too. So if it's up instead of maintain on WI on Friday, I'll know what's to blame.

    Terri: Don't dispair. Maybe it's sympathy weight for me? I'm quite sure we both can keep this up and lose some weight!

    I continue to get compliments on how much I've lost, which helps...but it also makes me want the rest gone. A woman I've worked with for years told me yesterday that she doesn't remember ever seeing me this size...I can see that, since it's been years. Anyway, it really makes me want to lose the rest. I can't imagine what it would be like, just to weigh less than my DH! How cool would that be? Since my ultimate goal is 10 lbs less than his - I have to lose it all to weigh less than him!

    Will say my prayers for Barb! I'm so sorry to hear about the downturn - she'd been doing so incredibly well.

    Have you all noticed how many Missouri ladies are here? Maybe we should plan a get-together? I'd love to meet you ladies.

    Well, time to go. Justice awaits.
  • Hello!
    Hello, ladies, I hope you will allow me to join your little group for support and fellowship. I'm 52 years old and have about 150 lbs. to lose. I have recently returned to Weight Watchers.

    I live in Columbus, Ohio, and work from home doing broadcast captioning for the deaf. My time is divided approximately 50-50 between captioning college classes and city council meetings.

    My primary hobby is quilting, but I also love to read -- mostly science fiction and mysteries and a little historical fiction.

    I have two grown sons who live in California. I will be seeing them again toward the end of the year when I make a trip out there for the birth of my first grandbaby! At that time I will be meeting my daughter in law for the first time and also dealing with my ex-husband and how possessive he's going to be over the new baby -- both situations that can tend to push me into emotional overeating if I'm not careful. I'm sure I'll be posting more about that in the future.

    In April I'm going to be going on a quilting cruise! I've wanted to go on a cruise but didn't want to go by myself. I finally decided I wasn't going to wait any longer "until I'm thin" to go. I must admit the fact the ship leaves from San Diego and will enable me to "sneak" in another quick visit with g-baby made making the decision a bit easier.

    Enough blather from me. I hope everyone has a fabulous day and we all get to know each other a whole lot better!
  • Good morning ladies! Hope all is well in your respective worlds. I had an appt. with my ENT doc yesterday. I have to do another sleep study test, which I expected. I was diagnosed with sleep apnia almost seven years ago, and have even went through that surgery from . Don't let anyone tell you it isn't that bad, trust me, it is. Anyway, I need a new C-PAP machine, mask, humidifier, etc. and in order to get the lovely insurance company to pay for it, I have to undergo another sleep study and jump throught the hoops. But, I will, as I am in desperate need of new equipment. Exercise and food have been good this week.

    Terri - So far Seth is enjoying school. He started the 8th grade and has taken all Challenge classes and algebra. Its going to take a lot of effort on his part, but he seems to be determined, so I'm a happy camper! I absolutely love Janet Evonavich's Plum series. I devour each one as they come out. I've also read all of the Potter books. I am an avid reader. I have just finished J.D. Robb's "In Death" series. They are futuristic murder mysteries, and even though I'm not a big Sci-Fi fan, I really enjoyed these books. I actually have the last two in hard back, so if you decided to read the series, I can loan you the last two. I also have all the Potter books.

    Lilion - It was cold yesterday! Monday night I fixed a big pot of WW Taco Soup (6 points for 2 cup serving). It is really good and very filling. I always bring my two buddies at work some and they also love it and they're both thin! Hang in there and stay on program. It will pay off. You have come so far, and I know you can get there. As my hubby has recently lost 45 pounds and is no known as "stick boy" by my family, I doubt I'll ever way less than him, but I sure would be happy as a clam to come close. Also, I would love to have a get together for us midwestern girls. It would be so much fun to meet everyone who I deem my support system!


    Ladynredd - A big warm welcome to you. This is a wonderful forum with everyone here going through the same things you are with your weight. It's a support system that tops all the others. Looking forward to getting to know you!

    Barbg - You and your family will remain in my prayers. Please know we're here if you need a shoulder.

    Thin, BarbPA and Ruth - Hi ladies! Hope your day is going well.

    Since I left early yesterday and had a dentist appt. this morning, I really should get back to work. Have a great day! - Kim
  • Hi everybody! Just peeking in for a minute because I really SHOULD be off cleaning my house for this weekend. I have gotten side-tracked all week and not gotten a thing done! I have tomorrow and Friday and then it will be too late. Where's the broom smilie when you need her. Or the dusting one or the vacumming one..........you get the drift.

    Summer Reading: Hmmmm, I've gotten hooked on Jennifer Crusie. I absolutely love Evanovich and went through all of the Plum series in about 6 weeks, 1-9. Then I couldn't wait for her to pop another one out. I've read them all except the last one as they've been released, but now I think I'll go back and start at the beginning again before I read this last one. She is such a hoot. Crusie is whitty and fun and a quick read like Evanovich, but I would say there are more steamy scenes in the Crusie books. And Crusie's aren't a series so you can just read one and not be dying to find out what happens next. Evanovich's "Full" series is also very good. And the re-released romances I'm enjoying as well.

    Kim: Oh honey, don't blink or you'll turn around and find Seth is a college graduate. That's what happened in this house and now my boys are looking for houses of their own. Talk about "mom depression", I'm going to be an empty nester. Well, then there's the BRIGHT SIDE, two bedrooms that I can convert into anything I like, no more tons of laundry, and the electric, water and food bill goes down. Ok, what was the down side again????

    Judy: Glad you had a nice birthday. Quiet is good. Congrats on staying OP. BIG accomplishment!

    BarbPA: I see you peeking in!

    Ruth: How are all your projects? Are you done now?

    Lilion: Congrats on the compliments. I'm sure that feels GREAT!!! Soup shouldn't have been so bad. Count it and move on.

    Ladynredd: Welcome to our little corner of the world. I think you'll like it here. That cruise sounds like fun. Honey and I went on a cruise that I won waaaaay back in 1985. It was only 3 days but we really enjoyed it.

    Terri: NIL had surgery on Monday. It was supposed to be his jaw AND his lower leg but there were so many emergencies that they didn't take him until 3:00 so they only worked on his jaw. It was a 5 hour surgery. They added pins and plates and wired his mouth shut. No talking. They will revisit the area in 3 weeks. My niece is having her baby today. I don't have any word yet so I'm guessing they're all still at the hospital with her. Thanks for asking.

    Well, girls, I think playtime has ended as I really need to get something done. Hope you all have a great day. Love ya bunches!

    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson
  • Hello Chickees!
    I hope you are all having a great day! It's beautiful here and I'm in a great mood! Been a busy week between the bedroom painting, Girls night out tonight and the poker tourney we are hosting on Friday. Whew...Fun Stuff!
    Had a blast at a party supply store today buying stuff! Oh - yeh - I'm working somewhere in there too!

    Terri....we need to do a TOM dance. Ugh, come on already! Good job on the exercise and determination!!! Harry Potter was my big read for the summer - the new one! I LOVE all of the HP books...and can't wait for the movie in November. Other than that I have a zillion different books on adoption, Guatemala and Spanish!

    Judy ... I'm glad to hear you had a nice B-day. You reminded me that I have a B & N gift card to use too.

    Lilion....Isn't it nice when people notice the loss and you get compliments! Keep it up!

    Donna....WELCOME! This is a fabulous group!!! Hubby grew up north of Columbus...do you know where Marengo is? We lived in Columbus for 4 years after we got married and then moved to the Philly area about 6 years ago. I LOVE CRUISING!!! Good for you!

    Doxie ...Glad to hear you are having a good week with food and exercise!

    Thin ...Yep...I'm always peeking in! Just don't aways have time to catch up or post. You know I can't stay away from all my gals! All my best to your niece today as she has her baby. They are in my thoughts!

    Ruth ...HELLO!

    HOWDY to everyone else out there lurking around! Drop us a note and tell us how you are doing!

    I'm outta here for now.....
  • Hi ladies,

    I played hookey from work today. I just couldn't face spending 7 hours sitting in a financial review meeting with a bunch of frat boy back slapping. I actually have a much cruder description which includes a ruler but we won't go there.

    DH and I went out to lunch at Joe's Crab shack. We both pushed our plates away without finishing. We had no breakfast and will have a light supper. A stop by Wal-mart to replace the paper shredder and then off to a movie. We haven't been to a movie since we saw Million Dollar Baby how many month's ago? Yes, we had movie popcorn. Oops, supper had better be very light.

    We saw Four Brothers. We enjoyed it. For you Detroit gals, there was one scene at the beginning where they scanned the old building which I think is being rennovated as City Hall and I told DH....I've seen that building..I think we drove through that neighborhood! He was NOT amused when he realized I was talking about the trip to Detroit in April.

    I was supposed to go riding with Nicole tonight but looks like we're going to get another round of thunderstorms here pretty soon.

    Anyone see the WW commercial where Cher is singing in the background? It is wonderful. I'd love to have that where I could watch it over and over for motivation.

    BarbPA - You have adoption books...I have a library of equine books. Too many to read. Your week sounds wonderfully busy. And, I must say that it is good to see so much happiness in the tone of your posts these days. You've been through so much the last few months but your happiness is shining through.

    Thin - Heck, forget the cleaning smilies, how about smilies that actually come and clean?? That is what I need to be doing. Keep us posted about NIL and the new baby.

    Kim - Yuck about the sleep test again. Never had one but it doesn't sound like fun. Good job on keeping food and exercise OP.

    Lady - Welcome to the group. Blather away anytime. Nice to meet you. A quilting cruise sounds like so much fun! And a new grandbaby is always fun too!

    Lilion - Stupid scales. Maybe you can chart out your total points eaten and total activity points to see if you're getting enough or are already on the high-end consistently. Sometimes even adding or dropping a couple of points on a daily basis can break those plateaus. Be sure to eat your activity points. Some people break plateaus by eating high points one day and low points the next as long as its the same for the week. Yes, I agree, we Missouri gals should meet up sometime soon.

    I think I'll dust off my WW free exercise DVD I got a couple of years ago. That or Tae bo. That is, once I blast DH off the couch so I can have the living room. Oooh, I have to finish the Chamber of Secrets first!

    to everyone else. Later chicks!
  • Wow so many posts since I was here!

    Lilion I know exactly what you mean about compliments on weight loss and it making you frustrated because you want the rest gone! But hang in there - do all the right things and it will fall off. Sometimes our bodies just take a break for a while, I think!

    Welcome in Donna! This group is great for support because we all have a lot to lose and know how it feels to battle a mountain!

    Kim, glad to hear you are still on track, even though you are so busy! My ex-husband had sleep apnoea as well - it really sucks.

    Hi Thin, BarbPA, Ruth and Terri (and anyone else I've missed)! I'm sick so I'm not going to sit on the computer any longer. I have to lecture tomorrow and that's going to be interesting with no voice!
