
  • are they allowed on phase 1? I didn't see them on the ok or avoid list for phase 1.... anyone know?
  • They are fine. They are the same as filberts.
  • um ok i've never heard of filberts before..... (us crazy canadians and our lingo)

    thanx ruth
  • I picked up an updated food list somewhere (sadly, I didn't think to note where), and here is the "Nuts and Seeds" section for Phase 1:

    (Limit to one serving per day as specified. Dry roasted recommended.)
    Almonds - 15
    Brazil Nuts - 4
    Cashews - 15
    Filberts - 25
    Flax Seed - 3 TBS (1 oz)
    Hazelnuts - 25
    Macadamia - 8
    Peanut Butter, Natural, and other nut butters - 2 TBS
    Peanuts, 20 small (May use dry roasted or boiled)
    Pecans - 15
    Pine Nuts (Pignolia) - 1 ounce
    Pistachios - 30
    Pumpkin Seeds - 3 TBS (1 oz)
    Sesame Seeds - 3 TBS (1 oz)
    Soy Nuts - 1/4 cup
    Sunflower Seeds - 3 TBS (1 oz)
    Walnuts - 15

    Hope this helps! Personally, I hate most nuts and seeds, but hazelnuts/filberts are one of the few I can stand in cooking. The only nuts and seeds I'll just sit down and eat are pistachios and pepitos (naked pumpkin seeds). I like peanut butter, and peanuts are okay, but I don't really like to just eat them. But I can eat pistachios and pepitos for hours if I let myself!