August Thread -to Infinity and Beyond!!

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  • Morning all! Wow.........what a wonderful week for you guys! Good job all my skinny friends!
    SpecialK - WOW - 16#!!! Homeboy look? Hmmmm!
    TheKidsMom - Yes, once WW says it's official, IT'S OFFICIAL! Goooooooood Job!
    Barb - Glad you are feeling better! I've always said I would rather give birth than have a toothache/tooth pulled ! Don't ask! I've had some major teeth extracted in my time! haha! So glad your daughter is home! Now it's back to school time! We've been doing a little school shopping, but I really need to get on the ball! Anyways, enjoy her the next couple of weeks!
    Hey CURVY - Good job on the new pants size! Gosh, you guys are doing so well!
    SEXY UNDERWEAR.............How did we get on that subject...........DORA? Was it you? lololololol! Well I plead the 5th!
    Well ladies, I wish I could report a loss this week, since it is Saturday and I just weighed in! But............At least it isn't a gain! I have kinda been at a stand still for 2 weeks now! I really have to say tho, I have been kinda lazy. The kids were on vacation with their dad, my husband worked doubles all week and I worked Mon - Sat. at yes, the chocolate store! Not that I ate a lot, just one for me and one for each of you several times a day! hahha! Just kidding! Well, have a good weekend everyone and keep up the good work! I promise to report a loss next time! (hold me to that girls)!
  • I really expected to have to come back this week and say that I gained back most of the weight, but I actually lost a pound. Yayyy! It's been a crazy week for various reasons and we ate out twice and I never made it to the grocery store or planned out a menu. I also didn't drink much water and didn't exercise at ALL except to chase after my little bunnies (2 daughters), so that 1 pound is a miracle! LOL Hopefully this week will go much better.

    ~ Marylyn
  • Hey everyone!! I'm feeling SOOO much better--have ventured into "semi-solid" foods (i.e. cheese, tuna salad, etc). Now if it weren't so horrendously hot (96 and above latley!!) I'd love to go out for a short walk--ugh! this heat is sucking the life out of me! This will be a busy week. My mother in law arrives Thursday (yay!). Have to get a guest room ready for her, buy groceries, blah blah blah. Will have a post-op visit with the oral surgeon on Tues. School doesn't start here until the 29th. -- is anyone's kids already in school?? My nieces in Atlanta go back tomorrow! Haven't been on the scale in a while--will do that Tuesday. I feel lighter! but we'll see....
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!

  • My older bunny, Joy, started Pre-K last Thursday. It went pretty well - I only cried twice! The first day was a parent/student orientation day and only lasted a couple of hours, so we went in with her and met her teachers and saw her room. She was supposed to have a full day of school on Friday, but she woke up with a temperature of 101.4°. Poor bunny... Joy's feeling much better today, although we kept her out of church just in case she is still contagious. She starts riding the school bus tomorrow, and I know she is going to love that. And I know I'll get used to it, eventually. I am looking forward to having more one-on-one time with the littler bunny, Katie. She tends to get drowned out by her louder big sister.

    ~ Marylyn
  • Happy Moday
    Meram- a maintain is still very good, just do not give up.

    TKM-Woooo Hoooooo, I am so happy for you! what an accomplishment. I will think of you as I head towards that goal. Still seems so far away for me, but one step at a time.

    Barb, I am so glad you are doing so much better.

    Marylyn, It must be hard to see your litttle girl head off to school. Did she ride the bus today? How was her day?

    SpecialK-Good job, You must be looking so great already, remember those baggy pants mean you are succeeding at what you set out to do, you should be so proud of yourself!

    I had my WI tonight and I lost another 3.something pounds, botton line is I have lost 58 pounds (232 sticks of butter).

    I spent some time at the car dealer tonight. Depending on when the credit union gets back to us re our loan application that we sent thru tonight, I may have a new car tomorrow evening. I am 41 years old, and this will be my first NEW car. I am so excited, I can't sleep.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Take good care,

  • Curvy! 58#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to be able to say that!
    And a new car.................Yippee! I am 41 also and we just went through our credit union in November and got a brand new Nissan! I love it and I can remember not being able to sleep the night before too!!!
    Have fun and talk to you guys soon!
  • Joy did ride the bus and liked it a lot. Thank you for asking, Curvy. She has some communication/speech issues, so she can't tell me what she did or how she liked it. But she came home happy both yesterday and today and is already asking when she can go back, so obviously things are going well. I talked to her teacher yesterday and she said that Joy did very well and even ate some of the school food. Yayyy! She is SO picky and I'm really hoping she will learn to eat some new foods this year.

    Congratulations on both the weight loss and the new car! I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

    ~ Marylyn
  • good vibes.........
    New cars????????? Baggy pants??????????? Semi-solid foods??????????? 58 pounds gone???????Sounds like we are ALL moving forward in such positive directions. I'm so happy for us all.

    The last few days have NOT been OP. Too many meals out, bad choices, etc. However, I did sweat like a pig on Sunday (mowing the lawn), Monday (outdoor 'summer's over' party) and today (zoo). The scales show I'm maintaining. But, I know I can do better!

    Tomorrow's a brand new day and I'm refocused.

    Tomorrow is also our 1st day of school--my son goes to 5th grade and my daughter to kindergarten. I'm so nervous for my 5th grader; new campus, every class is in a different room, etc. Altho it's a little exciting to him to be doing something new, I know he's nervous. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. My daughter is just too excited to sleep--at 5, the world really is your oyster!

    I'm off on a business trip Thursday-Sun, then another one next Wed-Sun, so won't be posting for awhile. I'll be in Vancouver first and plan to eat nothing but fresh seafood if I can swing it! Surely it's cooler there than here in Texas........I'm SO done with the summer heat and humidity!

    Have a great week or so keep those posts coming!
  • Good morning all!! I've been MIA getting ready for my MIL's visit (here tomorrow). I'm embarrassed to report that I've been sooo slack in my journey to better health. Now that I'm pretty much back on solid food, I've really made up for lost calories. UGH. And I feel awful--physically and mentally. I read an article in "More" magazine yesterday (a GREAT mag for us over 40 chicks!!) about heart disease in women. sure brought me up short--especially the part about thinking "I'll start dieting tomorrow". Eek! short...I fell off the wagon, was run over by the wagon, and am throwing my battered arse back on the wagon. The good news is I'm up to exercising again and have quit computer solitaire cold turkey. So...having said that I'm off to change clothes and walk the dog. The weather here has taken a change for the better...not so high temps and very low humidity. I love it!! No excuse to stay inside anymore.
    Have a great day, ladies!!

  • Howdy Ladies!

    Today is my first official day of "retirement". Twas supposed to be tomorrow, so I wasn't prepared with a "to-do" list. (going back in tomorrow for a bit, and Friday for what is supposed to be my "going away party")

    LOL, I met with a business analyst that the boss hired. The guy asked me lots of questions about how the company got where it is now. Then, he asked me if the boss was bi-polar! Whew! Turns out his ex-wife is, and he recognized some of the signs. Dunno if that means he has better answers, or will just give the boss the cold, hard facts. My delightful replacement brought me a gorgeous bouquet of fuschia-and-white striped roses . Whatta gal.

    So, here I am, spending too much time on the puter, ignoring my hubby's dirty laundry, wondering what task to take on. At least I made it to the gym for a really good workout. Hope there's lots more of those....

    Here my kiddo started school yesterday. Next year, it will be after Labor Day. As it should be. She was totally bummed when her schedule showed 2 of her electives got scratched. But after school she decided that her teachers are all wonderful ( a first!) and she would like to rescind that request for a schedule change, please.

    TK, can I go with you to cool climates, can I huh? I'll even drive us to the airport. If not, you have to at least wave when you pass Round Rock's McNeil Bridge. And try not to think of all the wee bats living underneath...

    Barb, glad you are back in the saddle. Hope the MIL visit is fun. I love my MIL -she's an angel, halo and all.

    BunnyMom, your wee bun will have a blast at Kindergarten. Y'know, I just read an article about a parent who would play school with her Kinder instead of constantly asking how things went. She said that way the kid was acting out and probably learning better, too. I remember my baby's night before Kindergarten. We had just moved here and all our stuff was in storage. The teacher had asked for each child to bring a teddy bear for a first day tea party. I grabbed a Happy Meal beany bear and sewed a wee vest and some beads for earrings onto it (and a tail-ring, too). She was all stressed over not having the right bear, but the improved Beany Bear worked out quite well. The teacher liked it, too!

    So, off to powerwash stuff in the backyard. I need a ladder to tackle some indoor painting, and it's covered with elm seeds-yechh.

    See ya'll soon! Happy OP day!-Dora
  • Dora - Congratulations on retiring!!! Decorating the bear was a great idea! How creative! So far Joy is loving Pre-K. She got off of the bus today, came inside, and asked if she could go to bed so she could wake up and go back to school. LOL She has some speech issues, so she can't tell me a lot of what she did or how she feels about it, but I talked to her wonderful teacher Monday and she is going to send home little notes with Joy starting next week, telling me how Joy did. I felt MUCH better about everything after I talked her.

    ~ Marylyn
  • I'm still excited
    Hello all! Glad we made it through another week! Well, I lost another 1.8 this week. Brings me to 17.8 pounds. I am trying really hard to lose 2.2 this week to get to an even 20 at the next weigh in. If I don't make it, no big deal, I will. But it's such a nice round I'm still going to Curves every day. I'm going bike riding tomorrow as well. My rear is going to be sore. Anyway, gotta go. Congrats to all!
  • Hi everyone,

    Ok, I have been driving my new Honda Accord since Tuesday. I can't seem to wipe that silly grin off my face yet. Why did I wait so long to get a new car? Must be the same reason I waited so long to start loosing weight too.

    I actually did most of the car purchase by myself. I researched the cars, went to local dealers, test drove the cars and negotiated the deal.

    On the way to sign the papers my husband told me how proud he was of me. He has always told me I need to have more confidence in myself. I don't think I would have done this by myself 58 lbs ago.

    Before I started Weight Watchers I felt like I was in a hole and could not get out of it. But I have picked up the shovel now, and am slowly digging myself out. Anyone else ever feel like that?

    Loosing some weight has changed so many parts of my life. I can't wait to see what I will be like when I get to goal.

    I hope you are all doing well,

    Dora, enjoying your free time?

    Take good care everyone,

  • PS, atta girl SPECIALK!
  • Hi Caroline! Yeahhhh on the new Honda!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you! Your post gave me goose bumps! Yes, I can speak for myself, I have been in that hole before! I have been in and out of it with my ups and downs of weight loss! Several years ago (1998) I lost 101# BUT right before I decided to lose that weight I was in a real depression! My mother had passed away at age 58 -(1992) I was only 28 - My father (who, let me mention, I wasn't close to, not even a smidgen) but, nontheless, my father, had also passed away (1993) and my sister was in an accident and died at 24 (1982), I was 16 for that one! Well my point being is that I ATE AND ATE AND ATE all those years trying to feel something that I also dug myself into a very deep hole. Until that year - 1998 - I don't know what came over me ..... but....... I woke up one morning and said...........I'm still here and I have children - and the next thing I knew, I was on my 1st BIG weight loss journey, losing that 101# (I believe before all the crisis's in my life I weighed about 180#, then after all the crisis's I got to about 302# - I have kept about 60+ of that off over the years, but I have gained the other 40# that I am trying to lose now. Wooooosh.............I don't know where that all came from or if it even makes sense, but hey, thanks ..............
    I'm sorry for rambling!

    On a better note: Good job everyone on this weeks accomplishments! You guys are awesome! Did you all notice my weight tracker - I updated it prematurally on Thursday (my official WI isn't until tom. morning) but I couldn't wait!