Thanks Everyone!

  • I just wanted to thank everyone who participates on this forum. I know that I tend to lurk more than I post but your posts really helped me out today. I feel like I have been slacking lately in both eating (still doing good just not my best) and exercising. Today I finished half of my scheduled exercise and started making excuses not to finish the other half. I sat down at the computer and started reading the current posts. It didn't take me long to get my motivation back and I just finished the other half of my exercise!

    Thanks again for indirectly keeping me focused

  • I feel the same way. Its nice to come here and be able to talk and relate and to motivate one another, Keep up the good work
  • Nillawafer, what a wonderful virtual hug to all us Chicks! Thankyou for posting I send a BEARHUG back 2 U..! Good 4 U that you finished your exercise!
    Whenever I feel schlubby or want to eat crap, my DH says, go VISIT your FAT club...what would the chix say?? This site keeps me from going overboard for sure!
  • I agree!