
  • Is anyone else here following the Volumetrics diet? I've been doing it for a week and love it. I lost four pounds last week. I just wanted to know if I'm the only one on here doing it.
  • I have the book and I'm thinking of incorporating some of the principles. I like the idea of eating more with fewer calories. I do believe that I've been eating too much cheese, even if it's low fat.
  • I like it alot. It's basically common sense and what I was doing. I feel like I'm accomplishing something now.
  • Just read about Volumetrics this morning by reading the short description here on 3FC. I am trying to figure out the calorie/gram formula and was wondering if the Easy Step description on the website might be incorrect. If you have a chance...could you look at it...it's one of the feature diets this week...and let me know if it is correct. It says that if a food has MORE calories than grams that you can eat the food "until satisfied"...???? Thanks in advance for your help....and good luck!!!
  • Way to go, Shelley!
    Congratulations on a great start to Volumetrics, Shelley! I was fortunate enough to be one of Barbara Rolls' study guinney pigs at Penn State University - she wrote the book. I can attest that the diet works - I lost 27 pounds in the year I was with the study. I could've lost alot more if I had gotten off my fat butt and exercised like I was supposed to! Anyway,... I unfortunately have gained back all but 3 lbs since then ( 18 mos. ago) and got motivated again after seeing the Volumetrics cookbook at the library. I started the diet today and pray that I can stick with it. There are so many recipes I want to try that I'm just going to go buy the cookbook. Have you tried any of the recipes yet? A great breakfast that's good enough to eat as a dessert is a packet of maple and brown sugar oatmeal (made with water) and topped with canned peaches (canned in juice - not syrup) and a little bit of the fat free French Vanilla coffee creamer. I'll check back to this BB occasionally to see how you're doing. Good luck!
  • Hi, Anne, welcome to 3FC I've tried a few of the recipes in the book and liked them. It's all simple food, but sometimes that is best. The breakfast you described sounds delicious. Good luck with resuming the plan and taking the weight back off

    If it helps, we've added the Energy Density value to every item (over 7,000 foods) in our nutrition database at www.3fatchicks.com/food-calorie-counts/