Thin4Life - Week of Jul 25/05

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  • Where is the summer going, ladies?? What a weekend here. We have been having blazing temperatures and no rain (unusual for Florida). We had 96 on Saturday, one degree from a new record.

    On Friday I got my hair done and went to the doc. I'm having acid reflux again--I don't have it all the time, it comes and goes. He put me on Nexium (I don't like taking prescriptions). That night we ate pizza and I made a pig of myself. I haven't had pizza in probably 4 months and I ate too many pieces. Why do I do that?

    On Saturday, DH and I went golfing with a nurse friend of his. We had fun. We almost left the course because there was some lightning in the distance, but we stuck it out and it actually turned breezy. Then we went to an Italian restaurant and again I ate too much.

    On Sunday, I had a show and it went very well. We had about 130 people there (max capacity). One lady said that she had a complaint. When I asked what that would be, she said the show was too short! I thought that was a nice compliment. One of our elderly friends collapsed in the hallway outside our show area and had to go to the hospital. It was just the heat (thank God). We were concerned because DH took care of him at the hospital when he had quintuple bypass surgery a couple years ago.

    After the show, we went to dinner with the group and I ate more sensibly--fish and veggies.

    Here it is another week and I know it will be busy at work and I have play rehearsal every night.

    So, how was every one else's week?
  • Hi everyone,

    Its lovely and sunny chez lala's parents and I'm about to head into the shower to leave here for the 12,000 map head strong convention. Oy. I will be happy when my major part is over tomorrow (running our special interest group meeting) and just have to concentrate on learning new stuff and trying to figure out the best approach to our IT and data structure development plans. Such is my life.

    My trip to the cape was great. Did some major driving after we finished early on Friday. Love it there, could see why people flock there. Some places are interesting with the level of sophistication right next to town with major minigolf and tshirt shops galore.

    Neat old 50's motels.

    Lisa -- sounds like you had quite the weekend. Glad to hear the show went well and that your friend is okay. It just sounds awful the heat and with the humidity.

    Okay, I'll be back later. I am hoping that everyone else is okay. I didn't check on the end of last week's stuff, so i'll comment later.

    On a better note, hit the gym this am. Went to trader joe's and the La Jolla farmer's market yesterday, so we're able to stock up on healthy snacks and boycott the convention center food.

  • lala, I heard that San Diego was also having humidity issues which I know is unusual. Is it still humid there? 12,000 folks at the convention--that's a lot of people. Good luck with your presentation. Your mother's surgery is in a couple days, right? I pray she will be all right.

    Good for you for buying healthy foods. That's difficult at conventions--they always have all sorts of sweets and snacks.

    I forgot to mention earlier that my TOM started over the weekend--that's my second one this month. That is for the birds!!! I wonder if that's why I posted a gain last week? Yuck. I can't wait till it's gone forever.
  • Okay, ladies, I need to get serious. I really need to lose 5 pounds by September. This play I'm in has me in somewhat skimpy attire and, oh boy, everything shows! Anyone want to take a challenge?
  • Good morning.

    I had a glorious week at the beach with my sisters. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The only glitch was that the jellyfish were out in full force - a bit early this year I think but the ocean is very warm so that's probably the reason. Our weather is certainly changing.

    Enjoyed the time with my family. My Mom and Dad are both well, and I'm thankful for that. Dad's short-term memory is gone of course, but he still recognizes everyone and continues to joke and laugh. Mom look tired, no doubt from the continuous repetition. I think she enjoyed the break in routine.

    Eating was over the top, as was to be expected. I'm slowly getting myself back to the routine I'd established before I left. It will be short-lived though; DH and I are leaving on the weekend for a two-week road trip. I will try to stay sensible, but it's always more difficult on vacation, particuarly when we stay with family and are at the mercy of their food habits.

    We pick up our Echo today. I'm quite excited - didn't think I'd ever drive a new car again.
  • Hi everyone!

    The weather continues to be hazy, hot, humid here but there is relief in sight beginning on Wednesday. Chicago was hot, hot, hot and luckily we were out of there before the major heat hit on Sunday.

    Lisa: I don't know where the summer has seems like it just started! Congrats on a successful show! I run into the same thing with eating too much of a good thing--this week has been more of a challenge since TOM is due shortly. I'm in with you on buckling down and getting rid of 5# by September. I'm on vacation this week so I'll buckle down beginning August 1st. I shouldn't have too much trouble while I'm out of town because I won't be snacking as much. Last night DS #1 and split on an order of fries at the bowling alley--man did they taste good! I haven't had them from there in a long time!

    Lala: Good luck with your part of the convention--I'd be shaking in my shoes! DH and I went looking at washers yesterday and saw a Fisher Paykel (?) and it seems really nice. The store had it marked down $60 because of a dent but DH would like to get them down lower--we'll see. I was checking online reviews and everyone raves about them--do you have one? I'd be curious on the repair history.

    Susan: Sounds like you had a great time with your family. You'll be fine on your road trip--just take it one day at a time--that's what I'm going to do. We're leaving early tomorrow morning for Michigan. I'm looking forward to getting away.

    Pam: Hi! Hope everything is going well with you!

    Well I'm off to do some more laundry and get some initial packing done. I'm working at WW this evening so it'll give me a little shot in the arm to stay on the straight and narrow
  • Hi all,

    Welcome back Susan. Sounds like you had a great trip. I would say no to jellies. Congrats on the new car. Is that a canadian model? I have never heard of it. Have fun on your road trip. Eating is a hard thing, however, the best thing I can say, is make the rule of not eating in your car and you'll be in better shape and imagine how clean your car will be. I have instituted that rule in the new volvo. You can drink, but not eat. Its pretty clean now, but then again, we haven't been home much to get in any trouble.

    Lisa -- I'm with you, not for the skimp factor (yikes), but for the skirt factor.

    Melissa -- I don't have the fisher paykel, but my friends that have it are very happy. I have two friends that installed the dishwashers with the drawers and rave about them. I would buy one, but our friends gave us a newish set, so we didn't have to buy any.

    Hi Pam!

    Okay, so I'm in San Diego and I can tell you the skimp factor is big here. I went to nordy's today to look around after my meeting and jeeze is everything totally froofy and totally not work attire appropriate anymore? Do you all think camisoles are work appropriate attire (even with a blazer)?

    My meeting is going well. Working to figure out my own software implementation for my new group, working on a business plan for my whole organization and dealing with new data types! fun, fun, fun. My group meeting went well. We had 70 attendees. Biggest turn out ever and no beer in sight.

    Mom's knee replacement is tomorrow, so if you can spare some vibes, I would appreciate it.

    talk to you all later!

  • Hi there, rehearsals are going well; the director said he may give us Thursday night off! I need it to learn lines. I've been doing well on the food front this week and I keep exercising--ran almost 1 1/2 miles today.

    lala, good vibes for Mom! Just make sure she follows the therapist's advice. It is SOOO important. DH's mother said the physical therapy hurt too much and she had a timid therapist, so she ended up with scar tissue and a bent knee. I hope your no food in the car holds up! That's a good rule. I also never heard of the Fisher Paykel.
    Never heard of Susan's car model either. Do I lead a sheltered life?

    About your comment froofy and camisoles at work--we talk about this all the time. I don't think camisoles are ever appropriate at work. Many of them look like negligees. At my work HR actually had to put out a notice of what was appropriate attire at work. Some of the women were wearing belly-baring midriff tops.

    Susan, have a good vacation.

    Hi, Pam.

    Melissa, maybe I missed it in one of the threads, but where are you headed? You said you were packing.
  • Well, sent mom off to the hospital with the doctors (dad and bro). I'll be there tonight to make sure she is okay. She's seems in pretty good spirits. Lisa-- she's going into a rehab center to make sure she does her PT at the right time. I first thought it was a bad idea, but they really keep you to a schedule.

    I keep on thinking those tops are like the baby doll pajamas.

    You must see more of that in Florida than we see in the grey and cool NW.

    Okay, must hop in shower and get ready to schloep to convention center.

    Hi everyone!

  • Hi ladies,

    We're getting a terrific thunderstorm right now. I'm holed up here in my office waiting for it to pass by so I can make a run to my car and go home!
    What a day..very busy trying hard to get everything done since tomorrow will be my Friday. Sooooo glad to have these long weekends!
    Yesterday was one of the luckiest days of my life!!! Someone offered me his tickets to the Rolling Stones concert in Hartford next month. I am a huge fan and have never been able to make it to any of their concerts, so ladies this is BIG for me!! I also read in the newspaper yesterday that it was Mick Jagger's 62nd birthday!! Unbelievable...

    Lala I hope all goes well today for your Mom. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

    Susan nice to see you back. I've seen the Echo's. Nice car I hope you enjoy it! Have a nice road trip!

    Melissa Hope a nice time in Michigan. Hope you get some nice cool walking weather!

    Lisa I don't understand why someone would wear a camisole to work either, but we've had people do it to and we have a pretty strict dress code. To each his own I guess??

    Well ladies it looks like the storm has subsided so I better make a run for it. See you all tomorrow.
  • Mornin all. I'm here with a coffee, in my jammies, trying to pry my eyes open. I have a long list of to-dos today before I hit the road again tomorrow.

    lala: The Echo is a Toyota product. We bought the 5-door (hatchback). It looks like a toy, it's so small, but has an amazing amount of space inside. DH is 6'2, and fits comfortably with room to spare. It will be an about-town car, leaving the Acura for the highway. How did Mom's surgery go?

    Pam: We have tickets to the Stones concert in Moncton, NB for Sept. 3rd. It's a small city, but has an excellent outdoor venue for big events. 75,000 tickets sold and everyone is hyped. I still can't believe they're coming to Atlantic Canada. We can compare notes following the concerts.

    Melissa: Have a great trip. I like your new photo!

    Lisa: WTG on the running. I was out last night for hill training. Ugh! We did 3 repeats and will slowly work our way to 9. I know it does wonders for me, but I still dislike it intensely.

    Don't know when I'll get a chance to check in again. Have a great couple of weeks, and I'll talk to you as soon as I get a chance.
  • Isn't that interesting that Pam and Susan are both going to see the Stones? I can't say that I've been a big fan of theirs, but I do like some of their songs. I couldn't believe it when I heard that Mick is 62!

    Today is the big day!!! DH and I are paying off our mortgage; we're so excited. Now we will save up to do some remodeling that our house really needs. Pay a little extra on the mortgage each month does make a difference.
  • Hi there.

    Mom is doing great. They did a partial and so recovery should be much faster. Lisa -- they have her knee on some sort of mechanical gizmo that has it constantly flexing while she's recovering. Its amazing what they have come up with. She's still loopy and groggy, but sounded better this morning.

    Congrats on the mortgage paying off. Have some champagne will ya?

    Pam -- Congrats on the stones tickets. I'm happy you got some. They have a great stage presence and you'll be wowed. I saw them in 1980.

    Susan -- funny that you are going also. I think its great that they are playing in NB also. What a fun road trip.

    The car sounds great. I will have to check it out on the internet.

    Well, DP's session is today. I have about 900 technical questions I need to clarify while I'm here and need to figure out what software I need to buy. I haven't really networked like I should be, so I need to do a bit of that too. Yesterday, I went to some great stuff followed by bad stuff, so instead of torturing myself inside, I sat outside and read a book and paperwork. I have a nice tan from sitting outside at the convention center. All they need is a pool boy and chaise lounges and I'm set.

    Hi Melissa!

    Talk to you all later!

  • Hi ladies,

    A glorious summer day here with comfortable temps (70's) for a change. I could live with this weather year round!

    Susan I can't believe your going to see them on Sept 3rd, I'm seeing them on August 26th. They must be heading up to NB after they finish in Hartford. Cool..I can't wait to compare notes. Will you be taking the new Echo or the Acura on your roadtrip? Safe travels.

    Lisa congrats on being mortgage free! That's and DH should go out and celebrate!

    Lala glad your Mom is doing well. I laughed when I read your comment about seeing the Stones in 1980. I remember several times trying to see them in the '80's and something always came up. I remember DH getting tickets in 1983 but I couldn't go because I was 9 months pregnant at the time.

    Well ladies and emergency came up and I gotta run. Talk to you soon.
  • Ahem - please note progress of ostrich. Whoohoo!!

    Have a great couple of weeks everyone. I'll check in when I can.