
  • Ughh. About 5 spoonfuls into my morning yogurt mixed with a dash of unsweetened cocoa powder, I realized I was eating REDUCED fat with 25 Grams of sugar! Arghhhh......can I beat myself now?!?!?!
  • Don't worry about it and just pick up some plain nonfat yogurt for the future. Dannon makes a good plain non fat. For phase 2, Blue Bunny Lite 85 is a great one. You can search the forum for several threads we've had lately about yogurt.

    Personally, while I absolutely love yogurt, I can't eat it for breakfast as I find out I end up hungry. I save it for occasional snacks. I've heard that combining it with protein helps that.
  • Barb,

    That was my intention to have it with a boiled egg, I just knew it tasted too yummy to be right.....then I looked at the ever dreaded label Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, yada yada yada. Live and learn. I won't be so quick to grab something off the shelf next time. I could have sworn I bought non fat though! lol
  • Hey there Beach or Bust. Just though I would give you my two cents worth of experience with low fat items.

    If you read the lables and ingredients on most low/non fat food items you will find that most of them now have a lot more sugar, in some form, added to them. Usually in the form of corn syrup. Dairy is usually the exception to the rule as Dr A. says in his books. However I don't eat yogurt so I have never really looked at it before.

    Hang in there and keep reading lables. Good Luck!!
  • I did that at first too. I still sometimes have the dannon light and fit vanilla yogurt and it has not slowed down my weight loss any