I don't want to workout

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  • I just got home from work and I don't want to go to Yoga.

    I have to leave in 10 min to get there than "stretch" for 90 min in a room heated to 110 degrees. I really need motivation to get me butt in gear.

    I keep thinking up excuses.

    Anyone else feel this way??
  • Totally , But that happens and these are the tough times we have to struggle thru .
    I know what your feeling like. But make yourself go.. Make yourself do it.
    You will feel better afterwards.
    I did today and Im glad. Better than feeling like I let myself down again.
    Go on get out there and work it
  • I often have to force myself to get to the gym, but once I'm there and through the first 10-15 minutes I enjoy myself. I hope you made yourself go to yoga today.
  • go girl go go go go! you will feel so satisfy.
  • Sounds like Bikram Yoga. (I tried that, but I much prefer Ashtanga/Power Yoga, personally.)

    Let me ask YOU a question. Do you ENJOY your Yoga class? If not...find SOMETHING ELSE to do - there are SO many different types of activities you can do which constitute a 'workout' it's easy to find something you will enjoy - especially within the Yoga disciplines, if that's your bag.

    Also - you just brought up a big reason why I work out first thing in the morning. I do go to classes often after work, but my primary workout time is before work, just because after work I'm usually busy with other stuff or just need to chill out.
  • Come on girl! You've lost 25 lbs. you only have 16 lbs to go, you can do this! Like Mrs. Jim said you probably need a change.
  • I agree with MrsJim, if you don't like the yoga find something else. I realized I was FORCING myself to go to the gym for an hour on the elliptical every day and I HATED it, so it was hard for me to do. Now that I've started biking outdoors, I love it! Today, I'm going to go for the gym for 30 minutes for my elliptical and weight training and then off for a bike ride! Find something you enjoy doing for exercise, you'll be more likely to stick to it.
  • Well I went and I also went to the gym for cardo and weights this morning.
    I do love yoga it's just hard to get motivated to do anything after work. I always go to yoga on the Saturday and Sunday. I just have a hard time going on Tuesday bacause it starts at 7:15 and goes till 8:45 and than I get to eat dinner. It's just kinda late for me.
    I'm glad I went. Thanks for the encouragement.
    I do try to change my workouts regularly.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Thanks again to everyone!!
  • I learned that rather than try and motivate myself to go, that I would first stop demotivating myself. That was, I went directly to the gym after work. You said you just got home and have to leave in 10 minutes. So...did you have to go home? Don't. Go straight to yoga. If you have 10 or 15 minutes to kill, stay after work for that 10 or 15, or stop and pick up some things you need at the store rather than doing all the shopping at one time in the week...make little stops when you have a few extra minutes here and there. But then you won't go home, sit down and relax at the computer, and get "demotivated".
  • I ALWAYS dread going to the gym! With the heat index of over 100 degrees nearly every day here, walking outside is NOT an option (neither is biking since I have to cram my workout between jobs and don't have time to go home at all). I like going to the gym where there are other people rather than working out alone at home. I just hate sweating I am also so tired by the time I am done with job #1 for the day that I just don't feel like going. I would go to the gym in the morning, but as it is, I get up at 4:30am to get ready and be to work for 6, so that's not an option. I would love to take a class at the gym, but they only offer them in the morning (while I am at job #1) and at night (while I am at job #2). So yeah, I have to fight that battle every single day--turn toward the gym when leaving the driveway of my office instead of turning toward home. Unfortunately, it's a necessary evil
  • that's a great idea. I never thought about it that way. I'm going to try that next week. Thanks!
  • almostheaven, that's what I have to do...Go straight to the gym from work! As I was driving to the gym last night, I was thinking I don't feel like doing this, I'll just go home and take a nap and go later. But I know myself too well, I knew that if I went home I wouldn't come back over to the gym. So, I had to force myself to go then. It definitely is a good idea, when you get settled in at home it's very easy to get de-motivated!
  • I've found that working out first in the morning is the best time for me. Then I don't stress about it all day. My job sometimes just wipes me out (and I often get stuck here late) so all I want to do at 7PM is go home and relax.

    I do have a gym membership (right in an adjacent building at work, really cheap, about $3.50 a week) and try to sneak away from my office in the later PM, but sometimes I just can't...

    At home in the morning, it's quiet, my pets don't care if I've showered and my hair is in a knot on my head. The trick is to stay focused and enjoy the exercise. I'm fortunate enough to have room for a slant wt. bench, dumbbell storage, a decent elliptical and my newest fav., a re-bounder. For me it's easier to get up at 5AM and just get it done, then jump in the shower and make myself presentable. And the health benefits are an improved mood, sense of accomplishment to start my day. I'm less likely to make bad food choices.

    I've realized that not exercising is NOT an option for me. If I want to keep my weight in control I must exercise.
  • I've tried many routines for exercise. I have to constantly revise things to keep the motivation. I first tried going for a walk every morning, but when I found that I was talking myself out of the earlier wakeup call, the darkness outside, the rain, etc., I moved my walks into a gym on a treadmill. Then I discovered I'd get home and sit down to the computer and by the time I was ready to finally go try it, the gym was about to close. Soooo...it was put a gym bag in the car and go right after work. It was a gym in our apt. complex, but I didn't even park in our carport, I parked in the clubhouse lot and made sure I wasn't tempted to go home first and get demotivated.

    After awhile though, when I noticed the walks getting boring, I started changing things. I gradually worked up to a run, tried the elliptical, added in some weights, bought several exercise videos. With those, I would take them in my gym bag. There was video equipment in the gym. Anyone else using the equipment would just have to watch me prance around to my WATP tapes. Heck, even got one gal to do it with me one day. LOL I also suckered...err convinced...some gals from work to go on runs with me a few times. We had a blast. I also joined a couple 5K marathons with co-workers. Later, I purchased a speed jump rope for something different. I'm constantly changing to something new to keep myself interested in what I'm doing. And always staying vigilant about not demotivating myself by staying/going home. I force myself to get out or stay away from home until that exercise is done.
  • I have a real love/hate (or maybe it's just hate/hate) relationship with the elliptical at my gym. But my trick is this: I tell myself that 1 hour of cardio out of a 24 day is NOTHING. And by doing that one "little" hour, I get 23 hours to feel really proud of myself and enjoy what I've accomplished. So much of this weight loss thing (for me, anyway), has been about my mind-set and about learning how to cheer myself on.

    Good luck, Colsnanny, and just think HOW GOOD you'll feel AFTER you work out!!!

    (P.S.: I'm a newbie, and I think everyone on 3FC is great! It's refreshing to find such a positive and supportive group of people "out there." Keep up the great work, everyone!)