Weigh in at Home 7/18-7/24

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  • Good morning Girls! Well, I weighed in yesterday and I was down but today is another story (is it possible to weigh in 2.5 lbs more from the day before just from some cookies? LOL ?) Oh well, I must say that Cece made me journal my binge from last night after reading her post from Friday. I made myself accountable and used almost all my flex points for the week. We ate out all weekend and when I eat something sweet...it sets me off. Last night it was the sugar free apple pie and ice cream (but I DID count it all and the total is more than I would like LOL) I did five more mins today with my walk and it is my birthday so REBIRTH TODAY....I will stick with my program and go on. It is Monday AND a NEW DAY.............and I have come TOO FAR TO GIVEUP NOW. I have a goal of 8.5 lbs by the 13th of Aug so I better get my butt in gear NOW. I met my goal by my birthday (actually it was to be 210.5 but I am weighing in at 2.5 lower!!!!! ) I love you guys.....you are helping my so much....the support is GREAT! And you help me to be accountable for my actions. I am off to drink some water and I think I hear the baby stirring....talk to you later and hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • I gained as well I am up to 186 from 184.
  • Tina Marie - sorry for the gain but don't let it get you down.

    KellyJo - Congratulations on the loss and your attitude is great about putting it behind you and moving forward! I think I have to count yesterday too (more later).

    Carla - Congratulations girlfriend on making that exercise a priority!!! Are you doing the whole Making the Connection with not eating 2 hours before bedtime too? I actually considered trying that when Oprah first had the show, but decided it was just too much with my schedule (way to go, Jude on making excuses). Maybe I should consider it?? So tell me, I know it's 30 minutes cardio 6 times a week, and then some added strength on other days, right? Anyway, big congrats!!!! I think things will work out well with Ana. They do have the sort of combined 1st and 2nd grade classes that she can move into, right? I know you've been struggling with this but I really do think she will do fine. {{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

    Phew, I haven't been here in a number of days - where to start? I did go and weigh in on Saturday and was up 0.4 - not bad considering the week I had. It's been a great few days with my friend here. We went into the city both Saturday and yesterday and while I didn't count points, I didn't do too badly. Of course, Saturday night we went out for Chinese so my sneak peek yesterday was horrible. Oh, and yesterday we were in the city (in Central Park) and it was just brutally humid - we were just dripping with sweat. We wanted to get into some air conditioning and have something cool so we went into a Starbucks and had one of their new frappacinos - the green tea one. Oh my goodness it was delicious and really cooled us down as we walked to the subway. Of course, when I came home I decided to look up the points - 11 points!!! At first, I wasn't going to count yesterday's points but I've decided that I'm going to do so now. I didn't do any formal exercise over the weekend but both Saturday and especially yesterday, we walked a lot so that was good.

    Anyway, thanks to this group, I'm off to go tally the damage and see if I have any points left for the week!
    Have a great one!
  • Slow and Steady
    I am reporting another 1lb loss this week. I should probably be more excited about it, I just get discouraged that it is going so slow. I haven't had much willpower the last two weeks either, but I have managed to stay OP (although ALL of my flexpoints have been used!!). I have also not been exercising, so this loss is just from WW program. I'm sure I could kick it up if I could just get on the exercise schedule. This week the kids and hubby were sick. Once school starts I think it will be easier to fit the exercise in as well. I'm great at making excuses! But I REALLY want to get under 200lb!

    Happy birthday Kelly Jo!! You should be proud, you have been steadily losing and I think you are doing great! Tina although this was a bad week for you, you have also made wonderful progress!! Don't give up!

    You know, whenever I do a "sneak peek" it's horrible!! But I keep doing them. LOL! BUT----I only count whatever the scale says on my "official" weigh in on Monday morning. Lots of times I have lost 2lbs overnight.
    Don't ask me how or why.

    Judy---good for you for adding up those points!! Hopefully you will be able to eat the rest of the week LOL!! I love Starbucks too, I get a fat free cafe mocha with no whipped cream, and a 16oz is only 4.5 points. They are delicious!! You could get it hot or iced. I usually let myself have 1 or 2 a week. That might get harder as I get smaller and have to go down on my daily points target!

    Eating out is the worst for the program and something we all enjoy, not to mention sometimes we are just not home and we need to be able to grab a meal somewhere. I went to California Pizza Kitchen yesterday (we were out school shopping) and ordered a cup of soup and a half size salad with the fat free vinagrette dressing. I figured I could add up the points from Dotti's site later, but guess what??? NO POINTS AVAILABLE for CPK!! I can't find nutrition info on them anywhere. So I used Panera's menu and guesstimated the best I could. I probably over estimated but wanted to be sure. It's frustrating!
    I have to tell you too, that the WW bread and WW english muffins, and 2% cheese have been saving my life and keeping me on program, as well as NO Pudge ice cream and 1 point tortillas. The new Tostitos light are really good too, and only 2 points a serving! And if you haven't tried the All Bran Ceral Bars for snacks (2pt) you have to get some! They are almost as good as a cookie!

    Okay I must go now. I have my Aunt coming to visit this week, so pray for me!! Tomorrow we are going to Busch Gardens, and I have no idea what I will eat there. I'm in for 2 challenging days as we are going to be staying in a hotel. At least we'll be doing a LOT of walking!!

    Take care everyone!! Add up those points!
  • Hi all.

    Kelly - Happy Birthday! Congrats on your loss. No, it's not possible to be up 2.5 pounds just from eating some cookies. :-) I'm glad to hear my post helped you to journal. What was it about Friday? I had a binge too, and a late-night one at that.

    Tina - Sorry to hear about your gain. Don't let it get to you. Just keep plugging away.

    Judy - Why thank you. I'm am trying to follow the whole thing, with varying degrees of success. He suggests that you don't really need to follow a formal diet while you're doing this, just follow his 5 eating rules: 1)eat a nutritious breakfast 2)no emotional eating/eat consciously 3)6-8 glasses of water a day 4)have an eating cut-off 5)no alcohol. 1 and 3 are no problems for me; the others - I have good days and bad. He does agree that some, especially those with a lot to lose, may want to follow an eating plan. He's evaluated a bunch of them and says WW fits in best with what he's doing. I tried just following his rules, but I need the discipline of points. It is cardio 6 days a week, stretching 6 days a week and, for beginners, weights 3 days a week. Beginners start at 15 minutes a day and build up two minutes at a time. One day out of the six, you double your time. We have miserable heat and humidity too. It's supposed to cool down tomorrow. Those frappachinos are great for a hot day. The light ones are really good and very point friendly.

    Rachel FL - Congrats on your loss. I know that slow seems frustrating, but it's also the best way to keep off the weight. I so wish CPK had their nutritional info listed somewhere. Their smoked bacon and gorgonzola salad is my absolute favorite. I always get it 1/2 size without the onion rings on top and with the ff balsamic vinegarette. Good luck at Busch gardens. As you say, you'll be doing a lot of walking, so that will help counteract the eating. Just do the best you can.

    Friday night's binge aside, my weekend was pretty good. I'm not sure what set me off on Friday, but off I went. Sunday we had a picnic to go to and then we went to my mom's. I was able to handle the picnic well and my mom just had sandwiches and salad, so all was well there. Sunday my sister and her boys will be arriving for a nine-day stay at my mom's - that's going to be tough. Ah well, I'm just going to keep plugging along with my eating and exercising.

    Have a great day.

  • KellyJo - I just re-read you post and I'm so sorry I missed it the first time - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And congratulations for making your birthday goal.

    Rachel in FL - That's great news about losing a pound. Hey, it didn't come on all at once and it isn't going to come off all at once. I'll trade you my 0.4 pounds up for your 1 pound down ;-) I'm known on this board for pushiing people to exercise. Now, I'll admit that I don't mind exercise, as a matter of fact, I really like it. Nevertheless, I've read studies where not only does it help for losing weight, but the people who keep the weight off long-term all exercise so it's a good habit to get into. Now, I agree that when your hubby and kids are sick, there's not much you can do, but I don't think you should wait until September because then there will be other excuses. (I told you I can be pushy about this). How about planning to start some activity before September. How about starting by parking a little farther away than you do now at work? How about getting up during commercials when you are watching TV and walking in place or walking around the house. How about getting a couple of light weights and lifting them during commercials? OK, I'll stop now but I really think the time for getting some more activity in is NOW. As far as the California Kitchen, I think you did great - by guesstimating from the info from another restaurant you're probably doing better than just trying to add up all the ingredients - 'cause you never know what they might put in (like butter). If you read this before you leave for the hotel, try to see if the hotel has a fitness center. Also, you'll probably be doing a lot of walking so don't stress it and do the best you can! Oh, and have fun!

    Carla - thanks for the info - yeah, 1 and 3 aren't hard for me either. I've been trying to work on conscious/no emotional eating as well as having a cut-off. Those are definitely tougher. I will try to follow those guidelines, including getting the cardio, strength and stretching in. What are some of the light frappachinos? Any favorites of yours? I was also thinking of asking for the Green Tea frappachino using skim milk instead of the cream they blend in and asking them to lose the whipped cream. That has to cut down on the points alot, right (she asks whistfully)? Sorry to hear that your sister and her boys arriving at your mom's will be challenging. Is it a bar-b-que extravaganza or does your mom cook all the (not point friendly) favorites?
    So far, so good today. Tony made Natural Ovens pancakes this morning so I just had a salad for lunch. Dinner was quick homemade (TOny) sauce and whole wheat pasta with some beans thrown in for protein. So far I still feel full so I'm trying to tell myself that even though I was going to make myself a WW Smoothie and maybe have some watermelon, I shouldn't have it now. I did do a good (mostly) cardio workout for 45 minutes this afternoon so that's day #1 out of 6. I have school tomorrow but I'm going to try to get in a 1/2 hour cardio before getting up early - we'll see if I follow through. If not, I'll do it sometime tomorrow.
  • Hi All...

    Thought I'd drop in. I won't have a hope of being able to keep up with the board until the end of September, but I try to log on every once in a while.

    Vacation is done for now; we spent 10 days up at our property and did some woodcutting etc, so got a bit of exercise in. Eating wasn't the best...our fridge in the trailer crapped out the day we arrived, so we were eating out of a cooler for almost a week until our new $1500 (ouch) fridge arrived and got installed. Costs more for a wee little trailer fridge than a full sized one! Anyway...between that and a lack of discipline, I managed to gain 5 lbs while we were away.

    Happy Birthday, KellyJo. Hope you've had a great day.

    TinaMarie, sorry about your little gain. They happen every once in a while...don't get discouraged.

    Judy - good for you for facing the music and weighing in. That's brave. The frappuccino lights are very good; they come in most of the coffee-related flavors, but I don't know if you can get them in tea. Hope all's been going well for you, I've missed you.

    Rachel - you sound like me - addicted to sneek peaks , love Starbucks, and a nurse.

    Carla - how great that you're working out! That's terrific and I'm proud of you. I'm sure you've made the right choice for Ana - she's lucky to have such wonderfully caring parents. Sorry to hear about the Friday binge...but you're right to just keep on keeping on. I've missed you.

    Anyway...I'll check in when I can, but can't promise better than that for now.

  • I just wanted to pop in and say THANKS for all the Birthday Wishes!! It was a good day (not doing anything around the house although I did exercise yesterday) and DH brought me the new Harry Potter book for my bday - from the boys (I also got some new workout clothes a couple weeks ago) and I did pretty well OP - I had a couple more points than normal(I am down to 9 flex left for the week) but they were good choices....NOT fudge stuffed cookies and such. I baked some apples 2.75pts each and they ARE (were) awesome!! I weighed again today (as I said before- I am a compulsive weigher but oh well, we all have demons right?) and I am back to 206. So I guess you were right Carla, not possible huh? I was running slow this am....was gonna just do Leslie BUT in the back of my head I heard DH saying -and I quote- "Uh huh- starting to slack already- making excuses huh?" --his verison of support ......which OBVIOUSLY DOES WORK FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO I got up 45 mins late BUT did walk for 30! I have been sitting here on my big fat butt in front of the computer for a while now....and I should get up and empty the dishwasher but it can wait huh? I have a question.......anyone have a great kitchen scale they can't live without? I am looking for one and would love some input on brands and such.....my aunt has a WW one but I couldn't get her to part with it.....LOL I am using some getto generic one but it is working for right now....for NOW. Any suggestions would be helpful. Ok, I am off to empty the dishwasher...Ill check in later! Have an OP day girlies!
  • KellyJo - I have a "Thinner" kitchen scale. It doesn't have a container or anything that sits on top to hold stuff but it is very consistent and gives you a digital readout by 10ths of an ounce. The new Harry Potter arrived on my doorstep on the 16th. I've read the first few chapters but I'm trying to read another book first because I want to save it for when we go to the beach for vacation the last week in August. It's hard not to read it though!

    Karen!!!! It's great to hear from you however often you can post. Sorry about the 5 pound gain but it must have been tough to eat out of a cooler - not so easy keeping fresh veggies and such. Have you been exercising?? I hope so although I would assume lots of walking/hiking on vacation on your property. Is it still the renovation planning that's keeping you so busy?

    I came home from school today and did a 30 minute cardio workout + some stretching (that's 2 days this week so far) and plan on doing a strength workout a little later. I should be doing some school work right now but I just don't feel like it. I have a free day tomorrow though so it won't be awful if I don't get to it.

    Have a great one!
  • Judy, Thanks for the scale info...I am doing some research into it and watching some on ebay. As for the Potter book, I started it yesterday but it just hasnt captured my attention like the last five have. I am having no problem putting it down whereas with the last five, I havent been able too. Oh well, I will keep pressing on through it and I am sure it will get better. Great for you working out two times this week! Keep up the good work! How many days a week do you do it? And you take off Wed? Have a great day off!

    Karen, Those lbs will come back off. I know what it is like to eat out of a cooler though (being in Sunny FL- Pensacola- the hurricane BULLSEYE) and it is so hard to eat healthy that way. Stop in when you can Love hearing from ya!

    As for me...I hit 10000 steps yesterday throughout the day (that is great for me....) and I wanna try again today for it. This is from doing laundry taking care of the kids and such...so we shall see. I am only 6.5 lbs from my next goal (I would like to be in ONE-derland by my Hubby's birthday on the 13th of Aug) and that is only 3 wks away. According to fitday... I need to lose 1.9lbs a week......again, we shall see. I have used almost all of my flex points this week (I think they started on Sunday) I have 6 left to go and have been using a few a night. I need to buckle down now and stick within my range to reach my goal. I am actually proud of myself.....we went to Mcdonalds yesterday and I only ate 11points. AND didn't overeat. I get a chicken mcgrill no mayo meal and switch my fries with Nathans small happy meal fries. Yesterday I also got a side salad and only used aTB of LF balsalmic dressing. This a small victory for me! My DH Is also starting to pay more attention to foods so that is a plus too. I will be making a spinach and chicken meal for myself for lunch (the WHOLE recipe has 9.5 points so I am stoked) with some L/C Pasta- DH is going to Hooters tonight for some Navy get together. I will be having this for lunch AND dinner if I like it! I will post the recipe if it is good (if anyone wants it) Ok, I am rambling....I am off to press on and do somethings to the house. Check in later.....have a great day!
  • Hey guys!
    I got back this afternoon. The girls and I had a great time at Busch Gardens! We definitely WALKED and SWEATED, but did NOT stay on program!! It was impossible.
    They had no FF dressing in the park. I had a soft serve ice cream. We had pizza after for dinner. Panera for breakfast this morning. The sins go on and on...... BUT----I DID tally EVERYTHING just now, and I have a wee 5 flexpoints left for the week, and it's only Wed!!! The other bad news is that my aunt and cousin will be heading over here to my place on Friday morning. So I have to make it thru Sat and Sun with only a few more flexpoints. But at least we are at my place so I have all my healthy food here. And if we go out I will plan ahead.
    I will also exercise today, don't know about tomorrow (have to work a 12 hour shift and go back on Fri, so I may not make it. But the good news is the days I work, I walk about 12000 steps).
    Judy---my exercise guru :-)---my kids go back to school Aug 1, so really not that far away. I have to park about 1/2 mile from work (they treat us nurses sooo kindly)so I do get walking in there in addition to running around while I am there! Tonight I am going to do my Denise Austin tape if I can stop cleaning like crazy (company coming!).
    I will feel so much better if I make myself do it!
    Gotta get back to work! Thanks for all your help and support, you guys are awesome!!
  • Rachel, good girl tallying those points. At least you are being accountable huh? That healthy eating is SO HARD at a park like that. I had just started a program (not WW) when we went to Disney and I think I gained like 3lbs...didn't take me long to get it back off though.

    Good luck....and remember.....cleaning DOES burn some calories and if you are cleaning HARD.....more than normal right? I am proud of you and hoping that you use those 5 points well...................(I am in the same boat....I have 6 flexpoints until Mon-those weekend binges didnt fare well on my point total but THANK GOD I HAVE THEM TO TALLY)

    I also have a question for all....anyone want this recipe I made for lunch(VERY VERY EASY TO MAKE)? If you like spinach....cooked..... it is VERY good. Lots of veggies in it too. I ate half with 1/2c. muellers 1/2 carb pasta rotini......YUMMMMMMMMY I will be eating the other half tonight for dinner while my boys have leftover hotdogs or pizza.
  • KellyJo - Good for you for doing 10,000 steps! I beat ya' on the flex points - I'm in negative territory (more later). Good for you for doing so well at McD's. I would love to read the chicken & spinach recipe. I'm always looking for new things to make for dinner - we get into a food rut so easily. And yes, I love cooked spinach. I'm a big time exerciser who, in the past, would think nothing of working out 6 days a week. I've been sidelined a bit for the last few months with injuries (mostly to my good knee) which has been a drag. I don't have a particular rest day; usually rest days just happen on my busiest of days. Still, since I'm trying to do the Greene's Total Body Makeover, I am going to shoot for 6 days a week of cardio with stretches afterwards and 3 days of strength. I like to incorporate yoga regularly 'cause it keeps this 48 year old body from feeling 48 years old.

    Rachel in FL - hey, it sounds like you did the best you could and great going for counting all the points!! Well, it seems that you already get a good amount of activity when you get to work. I'm with you on the steps at work - when school (work) is in session, I make 10,000 steps without trying. Wow, the kids go back to school on Aug 1st???? Isn't that hot?? I suppose though that all the schools in FL are air conditioned. Our school is not and it is just awful in June and can be pretty miserable for the first few weeks of Sept. Did you have get to do Denise Austin?

    Hey, Carla, how are you doing? A question - why did you re-do week 1 of TBM? (if you don't mind my asking)

    I had a pretty bed day yesterday. My DH did the shopping yesterday for which I am grateful as I had school in the morning and work to do in the afternoon. BUT, he came back with 2 bags of baked Lays and Doritos. When I saw them, I immediately got them off the counter and put them in the cupboard but I was thinking about them all day and all evening. I had already used a few flex points in the evening and then the Yankee game went sour and I just figured, what the heck, I'm having some Baked Lays. Well, rather than putting aside a few portions in baggies, I just kept refilling the bowl until there was almost nothing left! So much for no emotional eating, huh Carla? Well, this morning, I counted the chips that were left and put aside one portion in case I want any and I threw the rest out. I also begged my husband to PLEASE not buy any or at least if he does, hide them immediately. There are just some things that I cannot have in the house and chips are one of them. So, I am 5 points in the hole for the week through Friday. Oh, and Friday, we are going out to dinner with my sister, BL and friends that are in from out of town. Sigh. Oh well, I can't un-eat them so I'm just doing my best to stay OP and within points. I did a pretty tough spinning video this morning as well as some yoga this evening. I'm going to try not to eat the activity points and just concentrate on getting all my good habits in (the water which isn't a problem for me, the fruits and veggies which also aren't much of a problem and the milk which I usually fall short on).

    This evening may be a little challenging. My DH and I had a spat and I have the Yankee game on. My plan though is to turn the game off if they blow it and to start a book I took out of the library - it's a WW book about the 10 big myths of losing weight. Anything for some inspiration!

    I have school in the morning - we'll see what time I get myself to bed tonight. I'd like to get up and do a little cardio before school.....I haven't done that in ages though. Well, whether I do or not, I'm going to concentrate on getting to bed early enough to get a decent night's sleep. Being rested always makes it easier to stay on track.

    Have a great one!
  • Ok, Here is that recipe.....I will post it to the poultry ww recipes too. Very easy to make and TASTY. I make a 1/2 C. Low Carb Muellers rotini pasta with it and mixed it all together.
    L/C Pasta (1.5pts)
    2 TB. Light Caesar Dressing (2pts)
    1 red pepper sliced (0pts)
    1 small red onion (0pts)
    1 clove garlic minced (0pts)
    10 oz (or one bag 9oz.) spinach (0pts)
    10 oz. Pre cooked chicken strips (like Tyson) I used two frozen boneless skinless breasts and baked them in the oven then cooled and sliced them. (7pts)

    In a nonstick skillet heat the dressing and add the garlic. Saute for about 2mins and add peppers and onion. Cook until onion is translucent and peppers crisp-soft. Add spinach and stir until it is wilted (about halfway through I added the chicken to heat through) remove from heat.
    Mix with pasta or rice YOUR CHOICE.
    This is only 9 points for the WHOLE chicken mixture and you get some veggies too.