Sunday Menu & Points

  • Hey guys...I just took the liberty of starting this thread for today. ...But maybe this is supposed to be somewhere else? I didn't see where anybody listed their points for today (Sunday). Let me know if I need to take it elsewhere!

    --Oops...overslept + sat on my couch reading all day...I was engrossed in this new Harry Potter book, guys, lol. Food was no longer an issue.

    --1 Boca chicken patty: 3 pts.
    + 1 slice FF Amer. cheese: 1 pt.
    + 1 tbsp. light mayo: 1 pt.
    + 2 slices light bread: 1 pt.
    --100 cal. Cheese Nips: 2 pts.

    --Smart Ones ravioli: 4 pts.
    + 2 tsp. parm. cheese: 1 pt.

    Grand Total: 13 pts.

    Er...yeah. I have 13 points left today. But I missed breakfast and didn't have any snacks as I was sprawled out on the couch, engrossed in this book. It's 652 pages long, right? I finished it. That's what happens when you don't leave your couch for snacks, haha!

    Have a great evening ladies!
  • It was a very high points day for me.

    ~2 eggs (4)
    ~2 slices lite whole wheat toast (2)
    ~fat-free butter spray (0)
    ~low fat shredded cheese (2)
    ~one bottle iced Frappicino coffee (3? guessing this as same value as soda until I can get a bottle and do the calculations for sure)

    ~one Wendy's jr smoky cheeseburger (8)
    ~one can Mountain Dew (3)

    A cookout at my parents' house for my mom's birthday. I felt like I did pretty well, considering the options, but still I am a little surprised at how high my points were for this meal. . I skipped the butter, sour cream, and salad dressing, thinking I was doing pretty well, but, still, it was a very high points meal.
    ~one serving sirloin steak (9??)
    ~one dry baked potato (4)
    ~green salad with no dressing (but it had feta cheese crumbles in it-- my serving might have had a teaspoon of feta, so I'm guessing it to be a half a point, since 1/4 cup feta cheese=3pts ) (.5)
    ~one small square birthday cake (7)
    ~one small scoop frozen yogurt or ice cream-- I'm not sure what it was! (4?)
    ~2 glasses of ice water to drink
    ==24.5 just for supper

    I knew I'd be eating cake today, but, Wendy's for lunch was an unplanned stop.

    I ate nearly twice my allotted points for the day (24)-- with a whopping total of 46!! I can't believe it.

    Tommorow is another day...
  • I had a high, high point day Saturday. I used all my flex points plus five more, but as long as I am totally back on track tomorrow, I'll be fine.

    I hate to even list this, but I promised to be accountable, so here goes: <<taking big deep breath>

    Grilled ham and cheese sandwich on rye with BACON!
    2 rye -- 4
    Ham -- 6
    Cheese -- 5
    Bacon -- 5
    Butter -- 4

    Buffalo shrimp -- 10
    Ginger ale -- 6
    Butter fries -- 14
    Nachoes -- 16

    ARGH! A 70-point day!

    2 egg omelet with ff cheese and peppers -- 6
    2 cups ff milk -- 4
    turkey bacon -- 3
    Canadian bacon -- 2
    Soy sausages -- 2
    Small orange -- 1
    Pineapple -- 2

    2 slices pizza -- 10
    diet soda -- 0

    yogurt -- 2

    Total: 32

    Wow, waaaay too much sodium! But these days are history. Time to move on.
  • After not pigging out on Saturday I allowed myself to use some of my flex points today. I am one of those use every last point people.

    Made Blueberry pancakes for the kids as I have blueberries out the wazoo. But I didn't eat ANY!

    Turkey Bacon-2
    Meal Total=8

    Meal Total=6
    Daily Total=14

    Late afternoon
    100 cal chips ahoy-2
    ff coolwhip-0
    Meal Total=4
    Daily Total=18

    Extremely late dinner @ 10 PM
    4 slices of a medium mushroom pizza (no pepperoni, thin crust)-20...I actually took out the tape measure to be sure I was calculating the points correctly f.or the size of the pizza. It was 14 inches LOL
    ff cool whip-1
    100 cal oreos-2
    Meal Total=25
    Daily Total= 43
    So I used 26 of my flex
  • Here's mine. I'm really going to try and stick to the Wendie plan this week. So today will be a low day... which wont be to hard since we still need to go shopping, and I have horrible cramps, and don't feel like eating anyway. That of course, will change tomorrow when I get all my stupid cravings.

    So yesterday was a SHD, and I went over by .5 pt.

    Sunday July 17, 2005

    Breakfast –
    2 pieces of toast – 2 pts
    1 tbl spoon of butter – 1.5 pt (its not real butter, but its easier to call it that )
    1 tbl spoon of jam – 1 pt
    3 cookies – 5 pts
    Total – 10.5 pts

    2 sandwiches – 6 pts
    3 cookies – 5 pts
    Total – 11 pts

    4 slices of bread – 4 pts
    3 hot dogs – 15 pts
    Total – 19 pts

    3 cookies – 5 pts

    Total Points = 45.5