Binge foods

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  • Okay, here's a poll, I s'pose. What are some of your worst foods, the ones that make you do bad things? hehe...but just so we aren't triggering anyone, (i'd hate to cause someone to fall off the wagon!)- be sure and include a good reason for NOT eating them!!

    Me personally, I can recall countless times that a bag of doritos has been downed single-handedly by none other than moi! Talk about portion distortion. And sheet cakes really do me in. Cookie dough, cheese dip...these are probably my worst. But I'm motivated to do SB because I want to lose these cravings and I want to be healthy without the horrifying self-hatred I experience after bingeing on "bad-for-me" foods. I don't want to feel guilty!
  • I'm nutty for nuts... I still don't trust myself to add them back into my diet. I could literally eat a pound or two in a sitting... I don't eat them because they are a big reason why I gained all my weight back.
  • Cereal! Not even the bad sugary stuff which I was never allowed to have as a child but shredded wheat and granola (yum yum) are major trigger foods for me. I can eat half a box at one time. Will definitely be staying away from those on P2...except when camping, I make the best homemade granola on our camping trips, sugar free, and if I limit myself to only camping trips then I can do OK.

    And of course, there's the problem with my major sweettooth. A whole pan of brownies will be no problem to finish off and leave me wanting ice cream and oatmeal raisin cookies. But they give me a fat @$$....a bit'o'back is sexy but there is such a thing as being overly bootylicious!!!!

  • Cheesecake and birthday cake.. I can eat and eat and eat those forever
  • My absolute down fall is raspberry filled white sheet cakes with butter cream frosting. Once I have one piece I can eat the whole cake myself. And it is awful because I know I am full but I can't seem to stop eating it.

    I have just recently found that the sf/ff chocolate pudding is a bad thing for me too. I can't stop eating it. So I guess there will be no more of either of them for me.

    I have found that eating out is bad for me also again right now. I was raised with "If it is on your plate you eat it because there are kids starving in Africa". With the extra large portions that everyone serves now I am having a hard time saying no. I try to order half orders when I can get them or share something with my hubby when we are craving the same thing. But for the most part I think we aren't going to be eating out much until I can get this (emotional eating thing) under control again.
  • Donuts are my undoing. I could eat an entire Krispy Kreme glazed dozen in one day by myself, especially if the "Hot, Fresh, Now" light is on. I also love cheesecake, birthday cake, and anything you can buy in the bakery.

    I wish my cravings would hurry up and subside, but no luck yet
  • My trigger is jellybeans,and chocolate.....and gooey baked goods. If I am near them then I eat them..... I have been out of control lately and it is because I have trigger foods in the house. Maybe I need to take a picture of my booty and paste it in the kitchen.
  • ICE CREAM!!!! I can down a half gallon and not think twice about it. I've found that I can't even have the sf fudge sicles for that reason...too much like ice cream...I eat one and find myself wanting more.

    Of course there's chips, candy, cake, just about everything that's not allowed I can binge on. I've noticed since I started phase I that even if it's on the allowed foods list that I still have to be careful...i binged on sugar free jello the first day!

    The reason I want to leave these things behind? The feeling of guilt afterwards is unbelievable. As I'm sitting here writing this I can recall MINDLESS eating sprees...literally shoving food in my mouth like a starved woman - not because I was hungry...only because it offered some false sense of comfort as I chewed it. It's not healthy physically, emotionally or otherwise. The comfort that I've sought out in food has never actually comforted's only left me even more in need of comfort...what a vicious cycle.

    wow...that was deep

    been OP all day...feels so good.
  • My trigger foods are anything white flour or pure sugar!!!! Leaves me wide open huh??? Just a little dab of cake or donuts or chips and I am done for the whole rest of the day...I am doing much better now than I used too though, I am craving ww bread now and it doesnt throw me into a binge at all
  • Well, this is probably to general, but bad carbs. Bread of any kind, bagels, pop-tarts, cereal...take away ice cream, take away candy, I'm fine....but I have a hard time going without my breadsticks at Olive Garden or a peanut butter sandwich on big, thick sliced wheat bread for lunch. Why not to eat these? Because they so easily pile on pounds that are so hard to get off, plain and simple!
  • PEANUT BUTTER... I ate half a jar one night after having a few beers... woke up the next morning with it still stuck to the roof of my mouth...
  • For me, salty stuff, Doritos, Cheetos, popcorn, I can eat entire bags in one sitting. I can't even allow myself the SBD snack foods because after I eat 1 pack I want more. Why I shouldn't eat this stuff? Well not only does it give me narly breath and an upset tummy, but it adds more fat to my tummy.
  • Chocolate - especially dark chocolate. I can eat a square of Special Dark Hershey's bar and I kept coming back and sneaking more. Same thing with semisweet chocolate chips. I just munch on them. I've even tried keeping them frozen and it doesn't slow me down. So I just rarely keep them in the house. Too many of the months when I didn't lose were because of chocolate.
  • Doritos and Bridge Mixture.
    Right now it's A Touch of Lime Tostitos. They're wicked.
    And fresh bread with butter.
  • An awful, awful night
    Wow, I'm pretty ashamed to say this, but I had an awful night last night. I made those chocolate peanut butter cookies (the sbd kind) and had a couple before I went out to the movies. I was doing alright, resisting the popcorn and candy, but let me tell you- charlie and the chocolate factory is not a phase 1 friendly movie!!! I was dreaming of buying and consuming an entire box of chocolates! Then I came home and I ate more of the peanut butter chocolate cookes, WAY more than I was supposed to have. Then I ate more peanut butter! I felt so awful when I was done. At least I didn't have any sugar or anything forbidden, besides going way over my nut allowance (and probably sweets, too), but I feel awful today.
    For me, instead of satisfying the craving, it made me nuts for more. Literally. I don't think I'll be making those cookies again, just because I don't trust myself. Meanwhile, I'm just going to tough it out this week with no sweets and try and get RID OF THESE FREAKIN CRAVINGS!