Back in the Gang!

  • Hey Everyone


    I'm back from looking after my mum and am raring to go. I have to admit I didnt stick to my guns back at home - something about sunday dinners and roast potatoes but its all fine. Although physically she has a long way to go, mentalyl she is much much happier and I feel that I can put my mind at rest now.

    Sadly I was back in time to see my great city scarred in the first suicide bombings. The last week has been the most traumatic and terrible time, with friends losing family or friends. My heart and compassion goes out to anyone effected by this evil. I have also been touched by the sense of community now and the kindness of strangers, I am proud of my city and am proud how it has stood defiant!

    On a lighter note! I have discovered that my gym membership allows me free sauna, spa and steam sessions whenever I like .... wooo! my skin has never been so clear. The future is bright and I am feeling more determined than ever.

    So what have I missed?
    Love to you all Cat xxx
  • Welcome back Cat.
  • Yay!!!! My fairy goth-sista returns!!!!! I'm glad you were unhurt in the blasts, but I am sorry for your friends' lost. It is all too sad.

    You've missed YP1 deciding to train for the Olympic marathon (well, perhaps some exaggeration) but she has been doing really well.

    Frus moving house, and graduating with a first!!!

    Veggie losing loads of weight at fat club!!!

    Me plateuing and getting fed up, but staying on the wagon anyway.

    Lots of newbies joining.

    Cat going to UK and coming back again.

    BritnNJ going to a wedding and looking fabulous in her lovely dress.

    I am sure I have missed loads but that gives you an idea!!!
  • I have not lost loads of weight more like putting loads on.
  • I do like the idea of us being a gang
  • helloooooooooo!
    Thanks for the hello's and updates...

    Kykaree: It is indeed fab to be reunited with my fairy-goth-sister *jumps around* You should be so proud of staying on the wagon - when I'm fed up I'm just reaching for those chocolate hobnobs [they are healthy! they have oats in them!!!!!!]

    YP1 - wow! thats exciting. i still secretly want to be an olympic gymnast - but i have to make do with skipping to work in a very over-the-top way. NHS policy dictates that I cant wear my neon-pink leotard though

    Frus: CONGRATULATIONS!!! bet your so chuffed!!! I hope the move ent smoothly, just bask in the glory and glide your way through it!

    BritnNJ: that new dress I look fab feeling is very hard to beat! I hope you revelled in your fantasticness and reaped the compliments of your hard work

    Cat: Came and gone already? Hope you had a lovely time!

    Veggie: Don't argue with my sister! Congratualtions on the loss

    If we are going to be in a gang.. can we have secret handshakes? passwords? Ooooooh we'd have to think up a name? Suggestions on a post card please.....

    Mwah! Its so good to be back!!!! Welcome to all the newbies - I hope you find this place as welcoming and as funny as I do. May your journey be fun and filled with discovery!!!
    Cat xxx
  • Excuse me Ms Veggie, 2.5 lbs at fit club last week, if that isn't heaps I don't know what is!!! More than my nothing anyway!!!

    We're definitely a gang (it's not really politically correct to sing, do ya wanna be in my gang is it?)

    It's so nice to have everyone back to together again!!! This weight loss thing is driving me crazy!!!!!!!
  • Ooh, secret handshakes. Sound like a plan

    Olympic training going well, I ran 10k this morning. That spot is mine for the taking
  • 2.5 is nowt to me thin person next to me at fat club is losing 4 pounds a week
  • A loss is a loss. That's why I don't do fat clubs, I kill myself by comparing myself to other people and bemoaning my loss. However fat you are, 1 to 2 pounds a week is the safest way to lose weight, so those 4 pound over achievers can go eat my cadburys! And yours too!! Pffft!!!