What are good lunch ideas?

  • I am looking for any suggestions about good lunch ideas. I bring my lunch to work everyday and I do have access to a microwave, toaster, etc. I am looking for something high protein that will fill me up.

    Any suggestions?
  • Hi...as far as lunch ideas....I have become very fond of tortilla wraps lately....depending on the size of the wrap and the calories you want you can have 2 small ones on the Jorge Cruise plan.What I like a lot is this...spread whole wheat tortilla with low-fat philly cream cheese with chives,put on a slice of low-fat lacy swiss(or 2 depending on cal requirements or taste)add some green leaf lettuce and sliced tomato and then some low-fat turkey breast....yummy yummy!sometimes i also add roasted red peppers....oh boy...mouths watering...!
  • you could cook chicken breast the night before and heat it up in the microwave the next day along with some veggies of some kind or a salad. don't know how good fish is reheated, but if its alright, you could cook some salmon or tuna the night before and heat it up the next day, again with some veggies and maybe some brown rice?

    Becca's idea sounds DELICIOUS
  • Are you on a specific plan such as Weight Watchers or South Beach, or are you just counting calories? I have some suggestions, but what I suggest depends really on your diet goals.
  • I like to reheat left overs from dinner,
    Tuna Sandwiches either in a wheat pita or whole wheat bread with either some pretzles or some fruit of some sort.
    Lean Cusine meal when im in a hurry and had no time to prepare
    some times I will have ceral with a small fruit bowl.
    You could buy a sub from subway
    I like Quiznos subs
    and any wraps listed as either low cal or lat fat
    I am on the move alot at work , I do a lot of walking and lifting and need the protein and the fuel to keep my body working so my meals might differ from what you need.
    alot of it depends on if you have the time to prepare your meals
    and if you have the time to get your lunch ready for the next day.
    Also what way your changing your eating habits, such as low cal, low fat, etc....
    Good Luck and I hope you find what you need.
  • I love soup. Not so much during summer, but I still eat a fair bit of it. It has to be proper, fresh soup made from real vegetables though - I buy cartons of it at the supermarket, or there's a lovely shop near where I work where I can get it - too expensive there though! Obviously, it depends what's in it how healthy it is, but a good veggie/tomato soup can be really filling but not overly filled with calories or fat. A bit of chicken or some beans added in will give you some protein.
  • For major protein, and this helps me get by when it's going to be awhile before I can really eat again, I mix 1/2 cup cottage cheese and a serving of that canned chicken breast together. Sometimes I put Italian seasoning in there, or chopped celery,or chopped bellpepper, or even walnuts. I put my mixture in a tupperware. I eat this alone sometimes, but often I put it on: salads, Wasa crackers, lowfat Triscuit ot Wheat Thins, bread, celery sticks. You get the picture, it's a good all around protein mix that's versatile enough to keep me from getting bored with it.
  • I also bring my lunch to work. I will usually have a salad, or cottage cheese w/tomatoes, cucumber in it, or leftovers from supper the night before. It is really easy to package your leftovers for lunch as you are putting them away.

    Becca9202000, I love the wrap idea with low-fat cream cheese, sounds yummy. Another member got me hooked on them using Humus and spinach leaves and whatever else you feel like throwing in!
  • Assuming you're not on low-carb, I'd say sandwiches. Turkey with lettuce and tomato on a roll is pretty darn yummy! If you want more protein and don't care so much about the calorie count (or fat), add cheese. I usually eat Lean Cuisine because it is so convenient and easy to count calories for, but if I wasn't eating it, I'd be eating either sandwiches or leftovers from the previous night's dinner!
  • Thank you so much for the suggestions! A lot of tasty ideas I’ll have to try out.

    Aphil – I am not on any sort of plan. Just counting calories and watching my carb/protein/fat intake.

    I have got the exercise down, I’m at the gym 6 days a week however I have lost a total of 4lbs in one month. A little discouraging but I know that my eating habits can still improve. Lunch and dinners are what kill me… I’m really trying to plan out my meals more consistently and add some new meals in.