Doing ATKINS a week... newbie.

  • I have been doing ATKINS for 7 days now. I stay under 20 carbs pretty much everyday. I have done the tredmill 5 of the 7 days, walked a very brisk mile (sweating profusely) which is the most intense exercise I have ever done.

    My body says I am in ketosis (I think) the strips read 80 and I do them after dinner before I exercise.

    ANd I have lost 2 pounds. I know maybe I should be thrilled to pieces because I have not been able to drop a pound in years, but.. geeze! I feel like I should have lost ten or at least 5.

    By the way I am thrilled that I feel so much better and impressed as **** with what I have been doing on the treadmill.
  • Hi Kathy,

    Glad to see your happy with your results and your feeling good, thats the most important thing.

    Are you truly counting carbs, like using fitday or something like that. If your going over (especially by things we are not even aware of like splenda or coffee, cream, cheeses, etc) the weight loss will come off slower.

    For me it took several weeks before I REALLY got the 20 grams of carbs down well, meaning knowing exactly what I was eating. Are you measuring things? Also.... I was one who has to watch my calories as well while following atkins. If I ate over 1600 I would not lose weight. So I learned by keeping my carbs at a true 20 grams and eating 1500 or less, the weight came off fast !!!

    You said you don't exercise.... well here's another thing that could have happened. You might have lost weight but added some muscle by all the walking?? could happen.

    Bottom line..... give it some more time


    Good luck.
  • Insert HUge Screa here
    Well did I ever wake up to the shock of my life. I decided to weigh myself this morning and I was delighted to see I had finnally reached that 5 pound mark. I figured well for a week that was really good!

    But as I looked at the scale (to see my next goal weight to visualize) I realized something unbeleivable. I was reading the scale wrong all week. This scale (a sunbeam) has marks on every two pounds, apparently my five pound loss was a

    TEN POUND LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Leenie, I consider that brisk one mile walk on my tredmill to be exercise! I never sweat so much in my life!
  • Welcome Kathy!!! Sounds like you're doing everything right. Congratulations on the weight loss and..... Keep up the good work!!
  • Quote: Leenie, I consider that brisk one mile walk on my tredmill to be exercise! I never sweat so much in my life!
    BRAVO !!!!!!!!!!! on the weight loss

    I consider one mile exercise too (alot for me that is), what I meant was.... you had said you didn't do such intense exercise before this and now you are working out almost every day. Well when you go from low to intense you will build muscle, which is a GOOD thing

    Congrats again