how often to weigh myself?

  • I usually step on the scale every morning I'm in the gym (so 4-7 times/week). Sometimes I'm thinking that I'm overdoing it?
    The fact that the scale is right by my locker doesn't help with avoiding it, but even if it wasn't, I'd have to pass by it every day anyway.

    I've been working on losing weight for the past 3.5 weeks, with little success... it stopped at 144 and won't budge!!! Somehow the thought of a daily weigh-in showing 144 is less depressing than the thought of stepping on the scale every 5 or 7 days and having it display the same number yet again...
  • If the scale affects your mood, then I wouldn't recommend weighing daily or almost daily. Instead, I'd opt for once every week or two, always at the same time of the day. I weigh myself daily at home (or pretty much daily anyway) but I don't have any big investment in the number - up or down, whatever. It doesn't affect me or my day or my mood. It's just a number (most of the time, anyway). I think it just depends on how you feel about it. Most nutritionists are going to say not to weigh any more than once a week.
  • One of my dietitians recommended once a month but I can't do that. But once a week~every Sunday morning I do. I am past letting the numbers rule my life though. This has been a lifelong process getting in to this condition. It will probably take a lifetime to reverse it. Actually with my diabetic diagnosis in 04 I am in the best shape fitnesswise of my life. And the weight is coming off too. You need to find a program that you can follow forever. Something that you can life with. And as much as I used to think of exercise as a dirty word it really is the KEY! Cindi
  • I agree with everyone else. I used to weigh myself everyday (sometimes 3-4 times a day) and I even invested on a fancy scale so that I could keep up with the numbers all the time.
    However, I started to do things just so that the scale would move... like not drinking water when I work out and I realized that I was being too obsessive.
    Now I weigh once a week (except when I'm PMSing -- that water weight just adds insult to my monthly aggravation).
  • Once a week seems the best, you have a long enough range to tell your progress and you arent getting depressed over little daily fluctuations. I'm a scale junkie too, but slowwwly cutting back to once a week.
  • I weigh in everyday but look at it as normal fluctuations and only count losses that show up a couple days in a row (same thing for gains). I always weigh at the same time etc so don't worry about what I had to eat beforehand and such. But I know that it can be a problem for a lot of people so try once a week and see if you can stick with it.
  • Well, if I don't go to the gym, then I don't weigh myself for weeks or months at a time. If I do go to the gym, I'll step on the scale whenever I'm there. (so I guess that's one way how gym/exercise is bad for me ).

    I'd like to weigh just once a week. But I feel terrible when a week later it turns out I haven't lost anything or even gained - and I'm scared of that. Makes me feel depressed, discouraged, wanting to give up.