July Focus Challenge

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  • Hi!

    I weighed in this morning, but I didn't like the number, so I'm not going to write it down. So there! Actually, I had 2 polish sausage dogs yesterday and a hot dog today....so with all the salt, i think the scale number is artificially inflated.....give me till Wednesday, guzzling water, and I will gather up my courage and weigh again.

    Mud......you are really giving the pedometer a workout! six miles! you are really inspiring us!

    Joy....We are all going to get ourselves back on track this month. We know what to do! We know how to do it! And we will!

    Julie.....I am really befuddled at what to tell you about exercising, given your foot and back problems. Has the PT given you any options, other than exercises to strengthen above-mentioned achy parts? Hmmm.....maybe some kind of exercise that is not weight-bearing, but moves all the right parts? a recumbent bike? elliptical trainer? Grasping at straws here......

    Elisha.....So glad to hear the kitty is home. The vet will put everything right tomorrow and maybe kitty won't stray again! Our cats always put the resident dog in line with a couple swift claw smacks to the offending dog nose......that always re-aligned the chain of command!

    Got to get the laundry done for the week.......it's going to be a busy one!
  • I'm Here!
    Good Morning chickies!

    Thanks for the feedback MsRD...I'm going to go try the bike this morning. I need to get going, but my body doesn't want to!

    I went to bed at 9pm last night, so I was up early this morning! I was exhausted. We had VBS yesterday afternoon and it was hot and I was whipped with all of that and housework .... I'm just whining! Sorry! I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through this week with work all day and then VBS at the end of the day...and it's supposed to be HOT, HOT, HOT. Of course I am in charge of games...OUTSIDE!!! I'm bring a huge thing of water with me!

    Elisha...Glad the kitty is home safe and sound! I had a cat run away when I was about 10. We had gone on vacation and came home to no cat. I went out and called her one night and swore Isaw her, but she didnt' come to me. I never knew what happened to her. She was MY kitty too (with 7 kids, I didn't ever really have anything that belonged to just me) so I was very sad! No one beleived that I saw her!

    Mud...you crack me up! Great focus!!! LOLOL!!!

    Joy...Glad you are back! We need you!!!!

    Well, the good news about yesterday was that I didn't have any icecream after supper! I was just too tired and it didn't wound good!! WHAT??? Did I say that??? I didn't eat splendidly, but no icecream was a good start. I started taking a mulit vitamin...boy I had forgotten how it can turn the urine yellow!!!! I haven't noticed any change other than that, yet...but I'm hoping to get a little boost here soon!

    I did not exercise yesterday, but the workout with the kids at VBS in the heat had to count for something!

    I'm going to go try the bike...wish me luck!

  • Morning chicks!

    Ugh. I feel icky today. The congestion that was in my throat and chest yesterday is now in my head. My head feel so heavy I think I might just fall over. Good thing I've got a chair with arm rests!

    The scale is at 206.6 this morning, which kind of surprised me. I don't remember what calories came in at last night, but I know it was a little high, not because I ate a lot, just because everything I ate (well, breakfast and dinner, wasn't really hungry at lunch so I had some cauliflower with ranch) was high calorie. Today is turning out to be more of the same--leftovers for breakfast and lunch. But I'm planning to go home and mow the lawn tonight before it starts raining for the week, so there's will be exercise to balance out the overage of calories.

    Anyway, lots of work to do, but I'll be back later to finish saying what I have to say. Have a great day, chicks!
  • OK, where was I?

    The kitty's leg is still gross, but less so now that she's cleaned it up a bit. Apparently the swelling and sores are par for the course with casts (I have no experience whatsoever with casts, how was I to know?). The vet is in Cleveland for the week, but we've been instructed to keep her leg clean and use Neosporin if I felt like it and just let her heal, and if she's not better next week then we take her in. I'm just glad she's home.

    Bleh, it's not quite 11 yet and already I'm hungry. That's what I get for overloading on carbs at breakfast! I know better! I brought healthy snacks with me today though, so I should be ok.

    I'm just plain exhausted, and I know it's from being sick. I don't know what's up with me--I hardly ever get sick, and now it's like just when I'm getting better some new illness pops up. This is not fun. I need to go buy some new vitamins. I ran out a few weeks ago and haven't replaced them. I need to look at my DietPower reports to see if I'm low on intake of any other vitamins/minerals. I think I've been low on iron, because I've been getting really dizzy lately. That's not uncommon for me (I have vertigo), but recently it's been the grab-onto-something-before-I-fall-over, I-can't-see-because-my-head-is-buzzing kind of dizzy, and that is never a good sign. More red meat. Or something. I'll check it out when I get home, and I'm sending myself an email so I don't forget.

    On a more positive note, Steve is putting in a deposit on our house tonight. I wasn't really excited about this house, but the more I think about it and the closer it gets to being ours, the more excited I am. I still have no idea what I want to do with the bedrooms, but I'll figure it out. I've got time.

    And now.... comments!!!

    Julie... Glad to see you here, chickie. I don't know what to tell you about the foot/back exercise issues. I would suggest water aerobics if it's a possibility--great workout, and time in a pool. If nothing else, hop in Kaleigh's pool and do some leg swings or something. Something is better than nothing, right? And Woohoo! on the no ice cream! I had the same reaction to guacamole yesterday (and you know how I *love* guacamole!)--I made some with lunch, took about 2 bites and I just did not want it al all. But I guess that's a good thing.

    MsRD... You know we don't care about numbers unless they're negative! You don't have to write anything down, you know how you're doing. Drink up and flush out the system and those salt pounds will be gone in no time.

    Mud... I think that's something we ALL need to focus on. I know I certainly do. Way to go with the pedometer miles! *sigh* I remember those high-mile days... no more! I've got a desk job now! But at least one of us is getting in the steps!

    Jessica... Keep up the good work with all the exercise! It's hard when we're just trying to get to work to make ends meet, but just think, the extra effort now makes things easier in the future, right? Right. That's what I keep telling myself.

    Joy... Good to see you chick! Posting always helps keep me on track (or get me back on track, whatever the case may be), so stick around!

    Did I miss anyone? I don't think so, but if I did, sorry! Ugh, my head hurts from all that thinking! Haha, I'd better get back to work now.

    Oy, I'm a little loopy today. Have a good Monday, chicks.
  • Hey!

    Blah, this weekend has went by WAY to fast... Saturday I went in to work 2 1/2 hours early to get some overtime.. so I pretty much worked all day. Jesse and one of his friends worked on our house.. they got most of the framing done so the electric can be done hopefully one day this week. So I need to work on cleaning up where some of the old drywall got torn out.. Yippee (not) Sunday, I slept will 11, then went back to sleep til 1.. Went to the mall and about 2 new pairs of size 16 pants! There was so much clothes I wanted to buy, cause they were XL's and 16's.. but I controlled myself and said NO, so I just bought the 2 pairs of pants, cause I REALLY need them. The pair of Jeans that I'm wearing in the pics on my Journal, literally fell off of me the other day, while running through the parking lot at work, thankfully no one was around.. and if they were, they didn't laugh tooo loud!

    I did get in 2.62 miles yesterday.. I actually had more than that, but I lost my pedometer when I got home from the mall (it catchs my seatbelt and falls off) Jesse took me miniture golfing last night, It was fun! We've been saying we want to go since last spring.. There isn't much to do around here besides eating, shopping, movies or going to bars, so it was different.

    I bought some SpecialK the other day.. It doesn't have to much taste, but I can tolerate it... I'm going to try it. I need to get back on track, I've been eating a lot of cheese fries and ice cream lately.

    I need to make a few little goals for the week -
    - No Cheese fries!
    - No Ice Cream
    - get in 10,000 steps a day
    - Do not snack on candy at desk (take a little bag of specialK)
    - get in 40 hours at work
    - Put in some Job applications
    - Do weight training 3 days
    - Ablounge, W&JATP's and 15 mins Yourself!Fitness everyday!

  • Oh yea! I almost forgot.. I weighed in on Friday. I'm down 1 more pound! YAY!
  • Hello!

    It has been a stressful couple of days.....but I want to report that I did not let it dictate what went into my mouth! Don't know how I managed that......usually I am up to my elbow in the cooky jar at the mere hint of upheaval in my life! Things are back to normal now.....and I only hope I can figure out how I managed cooky control so I am ready for next time!

    Julie....Ah yes, VBS! I have taught VBS a few time in the past.....one of those experiences that you look back on and think of the fun (but don't realize it at the time!) Talk about control........no ice cream after supper?!! Good job!

    Elisha.....Take care of yourself, chickie. Keep those healthy snacks and vitamins going......and guzzle that water to help you feel better!

    StarAngel.....There is a Chickie Rule.....anytime your pants are so loose they fall down, you don't have to weigh yourself that day! You are doing a fabulous job! If the Special K is kind of bland, try adding some fresh fruit to it....mmmmmm, I had strawberries on my cereal this morning.

    Food today was great.....only 1000 calories, so maybe I will splurge on a little (healthy) treat tonight. Water hasn't been so good....maybe 40-oz so far.....but the night is still young.
  • Just a quickie before bed.... today was a good day as far as exercise and water goes.... the food is still a little out of control, but I'm hoping that if I keep up with my exercise regime (run/walk in the park after work three days a week and WATPx2 the other days) that the food will fall into place. Gotta get to bed .. up at 4am with Leslie tomorrow.

    Good going everyone (I accidentally typed "god going" before I fixed it... but I guess he's helping too. ) That would be a fruedian slip me thinks..... or devine intervention ....

    Sweet dreams everyone.

  • Morning chicks!

    I typed a longer post a few minutes ago, but our internet went down and I lost it! Grrr...

    Anyway, calories were good yesterday, because I only had cauliflower with ranch for "dinner," then I fell asleep! So the lawn did not get mown. Oh well.

    Calories today are going to be a bit high, I suspect, because I'm having leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes for lunch, and too much cereal for breakfast (there was just a little left in the box, so I had to finish it--you know how it is, not enough for another bowl). But it's healthy food today, so I'm not too torn up about it.

    There as been some weird stuff going on with my body the past few days, and I'm a little worried. I'm not going to go into details, because I'm probably just tired and stressed and wreaking havoc on my immune system, but if it turns out to be anything noteworthy I'll let you know. Heck, I'll probably let you know even if it isn't anything noteworthy. I don't feel well, the cold is still here. I have a meeting in a few minutes, and a lot of work to do today. One of the directors--the leader for the big project I'm now in charge of--is coming to our office tomorrow and I have to meet with him. I need to talk to a few other people today to figure stuff out so I can hopefully get stuff done. Ugh. I don't feel like being here today.

    OK, meeting time, have a good day, chicks.
  • Hello All!

    The puter doesn't like me tonight, as my last message was shot into cyberspace......so am going to keep this short. I PM'd Jennifer to see if she was okay after Hurricane Dennis.......this is her reply.....

    We're ok- got 2 days of horrible weather, and MIL was in a very bad car accident last Thursday. Been dealing with that, and then the death of my Uncle the Sunday after that. Been just nutso, with no end in sight. Tonight was the first time I got to 3FC in about 3 weeks, at least.

    Missing everyone- please send my best, and if you want to fill everyone in, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for checking on me! ((((( MsRD!!!))))
  • Okay day 2
    Gotta go watch Canadian Idol.... just wanted to check in and let you know food was good today, water was okay and I got up and did 2 miles with Leslie this morning.
  • Morning chicks!

    Joy, Way to go on the WATP!

    MsRD, thanks for passing along Jennifer's PM. We're glad to hear she's safe.

    Everyone else, get your butts in here!

    Yesterday was ok for me, but not fabulous. Calories were just a little over budget, but I don't remember exactly what. I had some in the bank though, so it's all good. No exercise. I am going to exercise tonight! Period! No one else will be home for dinner, so I don't really have to worry about cooking.

    Steve is signing the contract for our house tonight! We've finally agreed on a price, so things should be moving along now. Hopefully we'll be in at the end of August, beginning of September. We'll have to go in and fix one pipe, but that's no problem.

    Kitty is doing much better today. She hopped up on my bed to cuddle this morning. The swelling has gone down, and she's walking tenderly on her leg a little, so that is improvement as well. Good good. I am a happy girl.

    Anyway, work today, and lots of it. The marketing director brought in donuts. I will NOT go in the kitchen.

    OK, have a good one, chicks.
  • Good Afternoon Chickies,

    Not to much to say.. I got in 9.56 miles in the past two days, so that's good. Eating has been okay, besides that small ice cream I had last night.. It was a small tho!! Weigh-in's tomorrow, TTOM is coming soon so, I'm not expecting much, if anything.

    Does anyone listen to Techno music? well, I don't.. not usually.. but It really pumps you up! I found one of my brother's Car show CD's.. the one's they use to show off their systems... It has a lot Techno on it, because of the fast pace bass in the music.. I listened to it today while I worked out. It made the time go by faster.. and made me move faster.. it is so upbeat. I would suggest to download some and listen to it next time you work out!

    Welp, I'm off to turn in some applications and head to work. Later.
  • YOOHOO.......I'M BACK!!

    Yay..what a lovely vacation we had- one of the best ones ever! We camped for almost 2 weeks. We went to Cloudland Canyon (In GA)..oh, it was so pretty..we hiked down the canyon to the most beautiful waterfall!! Then, we went on into Cosby, TN to camp, and went to Dollywood, and then went to the Lost Sea in TN (which I highly recommend...it was majorly cool!).

    I have missed you all, and I have had withdrawal without my internet and 3FC! My eating was good while I was gone, and I got a LOT of exercise, and I am going to weigh in tomorrow. I am just hoping to maintain really...I don't really know what to expect. We'll see...

    Alright! I want to Comment!!

    Jessica - Yes, I like techno music..it is GREAT to exercise to! DH makes fun of me sometimes about it..but I don't care!

    Elisha - Thank you for starting the new challenge! And, I am so glad you finally found your cat- I know you must have been so worried about her. Sounds like you found a house- how excited you must feel .

    Joy - Hi there! Still counting WW points? Can we still be "buddies" with that??

    Julie - Well, I have read over the posts, and did you once mention you would not be posting??? Nope. Not an option!! You get your butt on here an post, and that is an order (from a friend that dearly loves you!!!). How is your back and foot? I hope you are getting some relief. Please IM me if you get a chance.

    Donna- How are you doing? All recovered after surgery? I would LOVE to hear from you! I'll try to IM you too!!

    MsRD - Hope you are doing well!!! Still maintaining cookie control?? LOL! For some reason those Little Debbie cookies keep calling me- do you like those things?? Goodness..just love those raisin creme pies!!

    Well, did you girls ever get a chat going over the weekend of the 4th? I wondered about that. Are you still interested in doing that?? Can you see I am desperate for adult conversation??? LOLOL!!! Somebody PLEASE TALK TO ME!!

    Well...a MOUNTAIN (seriously!!) of laundry awaits me.....gotta go. Hope you all have a FANTASTIC kind of evening!!!!
  • Morning ladies!

    Yesterday was a good day, and today is starting out well too. Calories came in at 1886, which is a little high, but I'm not too concerned. Water was good, and I even exercised! 10 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes stairclimber (because Steve wanted to use the elliptical), 15 minutes weight machines, and about 10 minutes yoga. I'll add that to my signature when I'm done posting.

    Lisa, welcome back! We missed you! Your vacation sounds so nice! Can I come with you on the next trip?!

    Jessica, I listen to techno music for exercise too! The fast beat really helps to keep me moving. Dance mixes are good too, and house. Steve makes fun of me too, but hey, whatever works.

    The kitty is doing good, but I think she's feeling neglected. Which is ridiculous, because I spend every moment I can with her. Speaking of cats, did I tell you about that random cat that was in my house a few weeks ago? Well, he was back again this morning. He ran out as soon as I opened the door to let our other cat in, but it's just weird. And I think he scratched Camilla's nose! Stupid weird cat!

    Anyway, my mind is feeling a bit random today, so I'm going to stop blathering. Have a great day chicks!