Food Memories

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  • It's funny how certain foods bring back memories. At least it does for me. How about you all. I had Eggs fried in butter cooked in my iron skillet today. I did this because my Grandma passed away yesterday and she always made fried eggs in her iron skillet when I spent the night. I have such good memories at her house both food and non food. I'll miss her but she lived a long life. She would have been 91 this month.
  • Howie- I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. You know what? My grandma made us EVERYTHING in a black iron skillet- fried in butter. I think about her often. She always had something cookin' in the kitchen.

    I am glad you had some fried eggs today. In memory of Grandma.

    Take care. Condolences to you and your family.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss, my grandparents were the most important people in my life, and I miss them so. I'm sure you made her very proud Howie.

    White bread soaked in milk, fried in dripping, sprinkled with celery salt was my grandfathers specialty, and something I always associate with him. He was also as thin as a beanpole, a certain case of calories in calories out, he was a farmer and always on the move. Even once he had contracted cancer and moved to the city, he stayed active, gardening for 6 - 8 hours a day.
  • Howie, I'm very sorry about your grandma.

    Eggs are kind of me and my dad's thing too. For some reason he makes the BEST eggs over-easy. Even now that I've taught myself how to do it "just like dad's," they aren't the same. He even got up to make them at 3 a.m. last year before I caught my plane to Spain.

    Now you made me cry. Good job, Howie.
  • sorry to hear about your Grandma. (((HUGS)))

    My dad used to make homemade bread. Garlic dill was his specialty. I miss him.

    My real Dad would cook up HUGE breakfasts with fried potatoes & biscuits & gravy.
  • My condolances to you as well Howie.

    My grandma could have just a sack of flour and a dozen eggs in her kitchen...but she could make anything from that! Oh how times have changed.
  • Howie,

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your grandma. I can identify with thinking of Grandma and the food memories. It was in grandma's door and straight to the cookie box. Meals and family time around the table. A whole lot of good memories and all wrapped up with foods.

    Hugs to you and your family.
  • Sorry for your loss, Howie.

    My gran died over 25 years ago, but I still remember the toasted sarnies she used to make. She had a long-handled, hinged, cast iron contraption that she stuck in her open fire to cook whatever she filled it with. I can smell it now....

    And Dad made the best chips (fries). Crispy on the outside and fluffy in the middle. And best of all, they were never greasy. I stopped eating chips after I left home because they always fell way short of what he made. Didn't stop me from getting fat though!
  • Howie, I am very sorry for your loss. Grandmas are such special people!

    My nana used to always make me poached eggs. I hadn't had one in probably 20+ years til I recently bought myself an egg poacher. Oh I missed those! Still tasted better when nana made them.
    My poppop used to put chocolate milk in a glass with a lil vanilla and freeze it. He'd stir it every half hour or so til it was just right, slushy and thick and ready to eat with a spoon. Kinda like ice milk I guess.

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma Howie. Grandparents are such special people and no matter how long they live we'll always wish they could have been with us longer.
    My Grandma Anderson always had these delicious oatmeal butterscotch chip cookies in her apple cookie jar. YUM! Her house always seemed to smell like brand new fabric (she was an excellent seamstress and made lots of my clothes before she passed away 19 years ago) and fresh baked bread.
  • Aww, Howie ... I'm glad your Grandma had a good, long life, but its hard to let go of a loved one, after all, you've never known life without her in it! (((hug)))

    One of my favourite childhood food memories is of the huge mulberries on the trees in our frontyard. I swear they just don't grow them that big now (unless its just that my hands were much smaller back then)

    Mum would do her best to collect them to make pies and jams but she didn't have much luck because she always had to chase off the neighbourhood kids who'd pick them as soon as they were ripe!

    I remember days not bothering to come in for lunch - we'd just eat handfuls of plump, juicy, sweet mulberries. Our hands would literally be stained purple by the end of the day (oh and then my little girlfriends and I discovered they could be used as lipstick - what a sight we were!) Mmmmm, mulberries....
  • Oh Howie, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. It seems like so many of my childhood memories are centered around food, after all it was the main focus of my life for years. I do the same thing with smells. Like every Saturday morning I remember waking up to the smell of coffee and clean laundry drying in the dryer. So natrually Saturdays are my laundry day as well! I guess it's just a comfort, something familiar ya know?

  • Howie,
    I'm so sorry for your loss
    I only ever had one grandma of my own and she wasn't the best...the kind of grandma who turned the TV *up* when we arrived instead of off. We didn't see to terribly much of her. You're so lucky to have had such a wonderful grandma.

    I have in the past ten years...become terribly attatched to Rudy's Grandma. She's the toughest, most wonderful woman in the world. If we ever lose her (she seems so immortal..everyone thinks she's his Mom)...I'll know what you mean...because I just can't imagine

    My heart goes out to you and Kimberley, and your family
  • Sorry to hear about your Grandma....My grandma passed away a few months ago....She was also 90 years old....People tend to live older on my mother's side!!

    To remember her, we are having a family picnic this week-end in park located in the neghiborhood where she lived all her life, and where my mother and uncles / aunts were raised.....
  • Thanks for the kind words everyone. She will be missed but she did have a long life.