Gettin' Together -- July 2005

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  • Here I am!!!! I've been around just flying in and out when I get the chance. My poor eyes have been really sore, not sure if it's hayfever, reaction to chlorine at the pool or an infection, the first available doctors appointment is a fortnight away!!!

    Sorry to hear about Howies grandma. I miss mine sooooooooo much, she's been gone 14 years, but it still hurts like mad. I was very lucky, as she was my best friend, and we very very close, and I know that she knew how I felt about her when she died. Her sister is still alive, the last of the family, she is 89 now, and just about to sell her home, where she has lived for over 60 years, and move to a rest home.

    We're in for a nice quiet weekend, some shopping, and lots of walking and hopefully not too much eating. Colin has started getting Saturday AND Sunday off, so we have the whole weekend together, which is fantastic, but the temptation to over eat, and drink, is stronger than ever, so the moral of the story is.........keep busy!!!!!
  • I'm here! I'm here!!

    So darn busy in the summer... I'm taking 20 mins out of packing right now just to catch up with you all! We leave for camping right after Sam gets home, the 'fun' part is I get to go pick up her little sister (13 yo) who is coming with us! Needless to say I'm a little bit scared, being that I'm an only child, I have only ever had fur-babies, and we are going to MY great aunts farm, whom have never met Gina before... Yikes.

    Kimberly - so sorry to hear about Howie's Grandma. And to go during such a busy weekend! (just kidding - ha ha) I have one remaining Great-Grandma, she's 103 yo, she's been out of it for several years though, the last time I saw her, she thought I was my dad's older sister home from college... ok, that was so 30 years ago!!! I can only hope that I am gone before I lose my mind.

    Jill - Holy Cow!! I can only dream of that many numbers on my paycheck! What a great deal for you! I'm very impressed and a little jealous!

    Kykaree - have a fabulous weekend, and I'll be keeping up with you, drink-to-drink! CHEERS!

    Aimee - So glad you found a suit you like! I finally look good in the one I bought in March, several sizes smaller than what I was wearing at the time!

    I'm out for the weekend ladies! Have a superb holiday weekend! ( in the US anyway, sorry Canada and England!)
  • Hey! We have a long weekend too! It's Canada Day today! July 1st For me it means I get paid time and a half for 8 hours, plus I have a shorter day. Also today is my last day at work before my vacation, AND I'm working with my FAV employee It'll be a fun day!

    Nice to see you all made it back for a reply!

    Kimberley - I'm sorry to hear about Howie's Grandma

    Alrighty, thats all the time I've got! Have a great one gals

  • Hey allll MIA for over a week...hope all is going good...been soooo busy, have had very little time for anything ...Still OP gonna weigh and measure this weekend...I started walking in the mornings b4 curves, but the last few days, whew, way toooooo hot for that really...tomorrow morning will give it another go...Not much else going on...Went out for lunch at a fave Ice-cream place the other day, and was finally able to enjoy a great meal, when this 5 year old kid takes a hand-ful of rocks and whips them at my Dh and me ...All over the table and food...His mother was about 50 yards away from us, at another table, and she acted like it was no big deal ... nice, eh? Now, if he was sitting with his mother like he sould have been.....GRRRR!!!
    On a sadder note. Heather's dad had a Heart-attack yesterday, I have no idea what is happeneing with her and him, but, when I know I will let you all know...HAG1...Diana
  • Hey ladies!

    Kimberley - congrats on that weigh in!

    Diana - send that warm weather my way please.. I'm starting my vacation tomorrow, and it's cloudy and cold out! So sorry to hear about Heather's dad, hope he's alright, I'm sure I speak for all of us, let her know we are thinking of her and keeping her father (and her of course) in our thoughts.

    As for me! I had a crazy day at work, I'm SO tired, and just have a little more packing to do and I'm ALLL ready to go! I will try and get on here in my spare time while I'm away, take care, stay on plan and I'll talk to you soon!

  • is to hopeing you have wonderful weather on your vacations, trips, etc...Heather's dad is home, he had to have a stint put in yesterday, and is home today...So, all is looking up there...HAG weekend all!!!
  • Hi everyone. I went shopping yesterday, bought some sandals, a juicy tubes lip gloss, a dvd (Kath & Kim, Australian comedy series), a pull buoy for swimming, and some goggles (my eyes have been very sore, wondering if I picked up an infection at the pool) And then we went to see Batman begins at the cinema, which was very good, despite me not wanting overly to see it. I am celebrating being 100 kilos, the lowest I have been in 10 years!!!!!

    The next big shopping trip will be in early September, I really want to be a size 18 UK (which is 14 in US) by then, I am hovering between a 22 and a 20 at the moment, so not impossible, and my dress that I want is at Monsoon, which is generous in their sizing, so fingers crossed!!! I have a friends wedding to attend, and will be doing a reading.

    Well good people, I am off to try out the new goggles!
  • Diana--Thanks for posting over in the June thread. I didn't know we'd made a July one! I only link to this through my User CP as a subscribed thread, so I didn't know anyone had started July! So, thanks to my blonde moment, here's an abbreviation of what I just posted in the June thread (I deleted some of it since it no longer applies ):

    Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!

    Well, Tuesday morning (though it feels like Monday) brings me good news--my scale read 294.5 this morning, so those 4 pounds I gained at last week's TOPS meeting are gone (for now). I think part of it may be because it's been much less humid here this weekend, so I'm probably getting rid of some of that water retention (yay!). I know I shouldn't weigh during the week and it could change again by Thursday, but it was still pretty encouraging, and it keeps me motivated to eat well and drink all my water in order to keep that water weight from coming back!

    I'm already starting this week off better than last week--I went grocery shopping on Saturday, so I actually have food in my house Which means I was able to pack all of my food for the day instead of having lunch from the cafeteria downstairs (salad and soup) and dinner at Ruby's (Asian steamed dumplings and peanut sauce). Rather, I have some baked ham and fruit (canned pineapple, sliced apple, sliced fresh peaches, sliced kiwi, and grapes) for lunch, boneless skinless chicken for dinner, and some egg salad for in between (made with ff mayo, mustard, onion powder, and paprika). Now I just need to keep packing my food for the rest of the week!

    Well, off to do some actual work. Hope everyone is doing well--have a healthy week!
  • Heather, thinking of your family and praying for your dad!

    I'm just catching up after what was indeed a long weekend. This girl's not had such a busy four days in years...I'm pooped. LOL

    After we got back from the funeral Saturday afternoon, we headed over to our friends' house for the big camp out. They'd already pitched their tent, and we put ours up next to it. The kids had a blast with with snaps, smoke bombs and little cardboard guns that shoot off clumps of paper streamers. Saturday night, we had grilled chicken, corn on the cob, fruit, bread and s'mores. Yeah, treat night...Though the whole weekend ended up being a treat weekend. We didn't stuff ourselves, but we were not OP, either. We're back OP now and I plan to eat less calories daily this week to make up for the weekend.

    Sunday we went swimming at the YMCA's outdoor pool and then went to the OSU-Newark campus for a concert and fireworks display. We do that every year with our friends, and it's such a good time. We spent the night again, and just loitered a bit on Monday before going home.

    I have to tell you, I love their kids. But I also have to tell you, I am so glad we don't have kids.

    This is the funny story of the weekend...Amy held out some of the snaps and asked me what I thought they looked like. At first, I didn't want to be too ribald, so I said, "Hershy's Kisses?". She said that wasn't what SHE thought. I said, "Oh, well, they do look like sperm....Hey, wait! They're Howie's ghost sperm!" We cracked up and couldn't wait for him to come back outside so we could tease him. He just shook his head and grinned. Poor guy, never gets a break.

    But take a gander...Don't you think they look like ghost sperm? :ROTF: The other pictures are of our friend and her daughter (hates having her poofs done, LOL) and our friend's nephew.

  • Hey All!! I found a spare minute to get online, and I tell yah, this is the life! I am in bed, sitting in the sun, with a breeze on me... it's so sunny and hot, I'm thinking it's time to hit the beach! The drive here was uneventful, which is a good thing, lots of visiting, some napping in the car... on our first full day here we hiked up to Pulpit rock which is a 1.3km hike up a mountain to view the entire town of Nelson, which is where I am.. where I spent ages 14-21. Well, it SAYS it's an easy hike, but wowsers, it was scarily hard! We had to come down backwards it was so steep, good workout though! I like this vacation stuff, lots of time to do nothing but hang out

    Jill - congrats on that weigh in! I knew you'd recover!

    Kimberley - kids ARe completely exhausting, I'm not too sure I'm up for that task either.

    kykaree- you are doing So well, keep up that good work It's fun seeing you say pullbuoy, I spent quite a few years in the pool.. I miss it... I wish it was more convenient for me to get there.

    Well, I should get back to the rest of my group (my brother, his gf and my bf). We are trying to decide what to do with our day.. I hope to get some time in that sun! Take care gals and I'll talk to you soon!

  • Aww, Aimee, next time you go on a vacation, I think you need to take me with you! It sounds like you're having a great time--glad to hear from you!

    LOL--ghost sperm nuff said

    I snuck on my scale again this morning (I know, I'm catching the Aimee scale syndrome!). I was surprised. I won't tell ya'll what it said, though. I will wait until tomorrow morning for my "official" weekly weigh-in
  • We're going to weigh-in tomorrow morning and make it our treat day. It's time for our friends' third adopted child's adoption finalization hearing! This will be the third hearing we've gone to with them, and it's such a happy time witnessing the child's "official" entry into their family. We head over to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch together afterward (thus the treat day tomorrow, LOL). We're going to split an order of lasagna and get an extra salad.
  • Jill - I suspect you ARE catching my scale thing! I have no scale here to weigh myself! Can you imagine? 13 days with no weighing myself? The HORROR!! Vacation is great, it's raining today and I'm okay with that. It's so hot here that the rain is a welcome thing, I am sitting at my mom's writing table which overlooks the firestation (which is next door, and is VERY quiet!), and in the distance is a mountain, there is a slight breeze. I tell yah, if my mom ever moves out of this place I sure do want to move in! Tomorrow I'm thinking is a DEFINTE beach day, I'll throw some of my tan your way!

    Kimberley - Spaghetti Warehouse eh? I love love pasta and lasagna with all my heart!! heh Which I guess explains my round belly! I couldn't help but notice your next mini goal, your drivers license weight, I totally did that on my license too. It's definitely not the right weight. I bet most people lie on it though, guys wanting to weigh more, women wanting to be smaller..

    Today I'm trying to not eat ANY wheat, so far... it's hard! My brother and his gf have this habit of sleeping in, so Josh and I got up at 8 am and headed out for some coffee and a little stroll around town. But you can't really get anything to eat at a coffee shop without wheat.. so I came home STARVING! I've been getting into having smoothies for breakfast, so I had a strawberry banana smoothie with orange juice in it. All of that organic of course, I mean, when you are in a hippy/new agey town, everything is organic! Heck even the coffee was organic! There is a bakery here where you can get sweets with no wheat, no processed sugar, no eggs, pretty much every option you can think of. It's amazing. If it was a bit bigger I think I'd move back here, it's such an amazing place to live.

    Well I am babbling away, my group is barely awake (I've been sleeping less and feeling MORE energized, odd!). Take care gals!

  • Yeah, I think I'll be all about the lasagna tomorrow. Tummy's feeling better today, and I had a big salad with some low-fat turkey sausage on it...So far so good. Tomorrow morning's going to roll around mighty soon, but I don't want to go to bed!

    Aimee, why no wheat? Whole wheat products are really good for you, with lots of fiber. I love me some wheat! LOL
  • GOOOOOOOD morning! And after my encounter with the scale today, is certainly is a GREAT morning! Now mind you, I was up 4.5 pounds at last week's TOPS meting, so I was around 297.5-298 on my home scale. As of this morning (drumroll please)...290.5! Who knew water could weigh so much I am really excited about this, but I don't want to get too excited in case it's a fluke--we'll see what the TOPS scale says tonight and then see how it goes for next week as verification. Maybe by next week, I'll even hit the 280s

    So the weigh-in went great. Work is going great. things with Jeff are going great. OH, I do have some Jeff news. He told me last week that he had something to tell me, but he wouldn't tell me if it was good news or bad news, and he refused to say anything more about it till he saw me on Friday (he makes me wait because he KNOWS it drives me crazy!). Well, apparently, the owner of the company he works for sat him down and said that the company has had their worst 6 months ever, so they were going to have to make some changes and let some people go. Purchasing was no longer going to be a full-time position (Jeff is their purchasing agent). So of course Jeff (and ME while he was telling the story) was freaking out that he was losing his job, or that he was being cut down to part-time. Instead, the boss says, "so I'd like for you to learn how to run the shop." That's a management position! Plus he asked Jeff how much he was making per hour and then gave him a $1.25/hour raise! So last week, we both got confirmation of raises and promotions (well, at least in my case more responsibility and client contact without an official title change). It was a great week for Jeff and Jill

    Well, I'll stop patting myself on the back. I'm just soooo glad that things are all going well. I'm still tired and broke, but I have come to terms with the fact that that will probably always be the case As long as I'm happy like I am right now, the tiredness and poverty are worth it