Weigh in at Home 6/27-7/3

  • Ok Ladies, I thought I would start this one today....Today is a weigh in day yes (and being one of the newbies)? Well, I am starting this week out at 213.5 I am not sure how much that is from last week (two or three lbs) making that a total of 27 lbs so far. I have upped my exercise by a half an hour a day and am dropping weight (I am almost afraid I am dropping it too fast-ha...who would've thought I WOULD EVER say that!) and have no idea what we are having for dinner. I need to go work out (Leslie and I have a standing date LOL) SO.... HERES TO YA GIRLS....Hoping for lots of LOSSES this week!
  • good going!!!

    well i lost the two pounds i gained during the last two weeks..finallY!!!! ugh... total 9lbs in 8 weeks..first week i lost 4.5 weeks..pretty good new that couldnt keep up..but im glad ive kept this off even though its now averaging 1 lb a week. better than nothing!! WOOHOO!!!
  • kellyjoiii - congratulations on your loss. We weigh in on different days, for example I weigh in on Sat and Carla weighs in on Wed. Have a great workout!

    chocolatecatz - congratulations on the loss. There's no way any of us can keep up the often big losses right at the beginning but a pound a week is great!

    We just finished planting in the garden and I'm going to tackle some more cleanup inside before I decide what workout I'm going to do. I might try a little rebounder and see how my knee feels, followed by a little yoga to stretch my back. I did OK yesterday - I went light on the snacking although I'll admit to having some food while watching TV (and not in the den!)

    Have a great one!
  • Happy Birthday to Me!!
    Yes it's my bday and I am happy to report another 2lbs gone forever!!
    I got a gym membership for my birthday (it's what I asked for) too!
    So the total now is 8lbs gone in 4 weeks.
    I am very happy about that!
    Also happy for all of you ladies losing too---so far all the posts are losses.
    Keep up the good work!!!
    Survived the baby showe yesterday and the cookout. Tonight it's out to birthday dinner with friends, so I'll have to be SOOOOO good the rest of the week. I'm not going anywhere near that scale until next Monday!

    Congrats everyone!!
    Rachel in FL
  • Good job girls! I am so glad that everyone is posting losses. Keep up the good work and HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!!!!! How fun, a birthday dinner...where ya going? Mmmmm Let me live vicariously through you.

    Judy, Thanks for clearing that up for me (about the weigh ins) and hope your workout went well too. Mine was VERY invigorating and I look forward to doing it again tomorrow.

    I am going to the local farmers market (This I cant wait for) to get some new veggies....any ideas? I just got my info in the mail (this from my mom 1999)123 success..............and it says other than corn and potatoes....all veggies are 0 points. IS THIS TRUE!!!!?????

    Chocolatecatz, better lossed than gained I always say!! Keep it up!!
  • Kelly--- I am going to Kobe Japanese Steakhouse --one of those Hibachi places where the chef cooks right in front of you. It's so much fun and tastes sooo good! And of course I will get some sushi too. YUM!! (I only do the cooked kind, though)
    I'll be paying for it at the gym tomorrow though!!! LOL!! Thanks for the b-day wish!!
  • Everybody's doing great! I'm down a pound from last week, which is fine with me. I wasn't as careful last week as the week before but am back on the horse and counting everything today.
  • Running in to say "hi" to everyone and promising to be back later.

  • Rachel in FL - Happy (Belated) Birthday. Enjoy the gym membership - what a great present!

    Kelly - yup, except for starchy veggies like corn, potatoes and peas, veggies are 0 points. One of my favorites is sugar snap peas - crunchy and sweet!

    Mindy - congratulations on your loss!

    Carla - sounds like you are busy this week. How are you doing?

    I'm doing OK. I had a good exercise day yesterday. I decided to try one of my new FIRM workouts which I had purchased but hadn't had a chance to try because of my knee. I was careful, modifying moves when I thought I needed to and my knee seemed OK today. I tried another one today and iced my knees afterwards. Hopefully my knees will not object because it felt really good to work up a good sweat. I started off fine yesterday, going to the table to have a snack. Of course, then my gyn called with test results of my FSH test. To make a long story short, because the FSH level indicates menopause, he wants to do an endometrial biopsy next week. It's an office procedure, which is more convenient but I'm sure it's going to be pretty unpleasant and I'm not looking forward to it. I decided after the call that I was going to snack while watching the ballgame - even though I knew it went against my just-stated goal. I decided to have popcorn though - while I would have liked to have reacted to the stress/emotion without eating, at least I didn't go ahead and graze the cabinets. So, good for me!

    Grad school started again - so things got busier quickly. Hopefully I'll be able to schedule things during the July semester so I can have weekends free. August will be another story though....

    Have a great one!
  • Hi all. Congrats to everyone on their losses!

    I have had a very bad week. it's probably not as bad as the scale reflected this morning, but enough to put me in a mood all the same. We bought a house this week (YAY!) and are moving this weekend (BOO!). All that said, the stress has gotten to me and I fell into a trap the last couple of days of eating out (and not anything even remotely close to good for me). It's that time of the month and I had chinese food. That's right ladies, I've got "the bloat". Ugh. I won't tell you how much I gained, but I will tell you it was enough to put me back into the 24 points range. I'm going to try to be as good as possible, but it is going to be tough stuff considering the lack of groceries at my house and you can only eat Subway for so long before you want to vomit! Exercise has been nill, but I'm sure moving this weekend will work up quite the sweat. I'm just going to eat in moderation, whatever is around and plan to get back on the wagon after all is moved into the new house.
  • Judy, thanks for the points info.....as for the workout GREAT FOR YOU! I hope your knees hang in there.....I know what a good workout is...I did Leslie Sansone Walk and Jog today...and was gonna do it again but I have to take Nathan (my four yr old) to the dr at 2...(I think he may have strep yuck) so looks like .5 hour(where my heartrate was up to target for a while..) is better than nothing..(it is raining here so I didnt get my morning walk in too)

    Rachel, cONGRATS ON THE HOUSE! You should get a great workout this weekend with the moving. As for the gain/eating bad...it happens right? Hop back up here with us in the wagon.....and we will try our best to not let you fall again. (I may need to strap myself to a couple others too for this is my PMS week and I fear it also....an being up .5lb today can be depressing too)

    Hang in there girls.....and keep up the great work!
  • Hi all.

    Kelly Jo - Welcome and congrats on your great weight loss!

    Chocolatecatz - Congrats on losing those 2 pounds! A one pound a week average loss is great. Slow and steady stays off.

    Rachel FL - Belated Happy Birthday wishes. I hope you had a good one. Congrats on a great loss!

    Mindy - Congrats on your great loss too!

    Rachel in Alaska - Congrats on your new house. Moving is very high on the list of life's stressors. It's so hard to eat right when you're in the process of packing up one place and moving into the other. Just do the best you can and don't let it stress you out even more.

    Judy - Yuck on the biopsy. I'll be thinking of you. Between Ana's swim team practice and camp and my working, it's been busy. Ana's camp ends this week and I don't work, at least regular hours, during July, so it will be a bit easier to get here. I'm afraid I haven't been doing really well with not eating while doing other things as well. I'm finding the not eating in front of the TV hard too. I think I'm going to really focus on not eating in front of the computer or when I'm reading. I'm going to try not to eat in front of the TV as well. Even if I eat at the dining room table, if the TV is on, I can at least hear it. So, I think you're eating in the den is ok. Maybe if you just focus on not eating while you're watching TV in the bedroom.... And good for you for not grazing your way through the cabinet the other night!

    My trip to the scale yesterday was disappointing as it showed a gain of a couple of pounds. However, my ring is as tight as it can be and I am in the middle of my period, so I'm going to assume it's water. I sure am sick of seeing this up and down, though. I'm sure my dr. is going to have something to say about the weight I've put on since my last appointment too. I was hoping to hold off going to him (for my pap, etc.) until I'd lost some of it, but his office busted me last week. My script for one of my BP meds expired, so the pharmacy had to call for a renewal. That resulted in a call to me - no more refills after that one until I made an appointment. So I'm going the first week in August, which does give me some time to undo the damage.... We're still in the midst of our heat wave. It's supposed to cool off tomorrow. I cannot wait.

    Have a great day.

  • I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only person who starts eating after a bad day/night! My last week was a bust as I got veryl little sleep on Sunday night due to a barking dog! It meant that I ate the whole week to try and make up for the lack of sleep. Have hopefully moved on now and can start the week anew! Will be getting back on my bike tonight and going for the 45min/10km whichever comes first. Did not manage to lose any weight, but only picked up half a lb, although my pants feel much looser this am - go figure.
  • Meg - Lack of sleep is always tough for me in terms of eating. Good for you for getting back on track. Come join us in the new thread for this week.
