Friday Cackle - June 24th

  • Good morning ladies

    Hope your weekend plans are FUN ones.

    Whats shakin ?
  • Amy we are a very sharing group, of course you can have some carrot cake with us LOL... WELCOME !!!
  • Good morning all

    It is a very overcast day here & cool.....DH & I met friends for coffee earlier this about 15 minutes we are meeting friends for is the 1st time DH has gone out with friends since we got home.

    DH was walking the dog yesterday & he fell....he said his left leg gave way....he had surgery for cancer of the colon 11 years ago....ever since then....sometimes his left leg will get numb....for no is a result of the surgery all those years ago.
    So I told him....I would walk with them from now on...we did walk this morning....I haven't walked for a long time & it is good for me.

    I should go for now.....we will be leaving soon.


  • cathy
  • Morning Ladies.... err rather AFTERNOON!

    I am hoping to finish my house cleaning this weekend and still have enough time to get into the backyard and mark off an area where I want to put my raised boarder garden at. I saw some really great ideas for building a raised garden bed on the DIY (Do It Yourself) channel. They even have some really good ideas for building the wall too. I gotta see how much room I have in my backyard so I can see if I haveenough space to put the wall design I saw on TV in my backyard hehehe. It's one of those walls that is maybe... a 1-2 feet off the ground then like every so often you build a taller section like a post. So I can maybe put in lights on it... it's hard to describe but I'll have pictures when I'm done with it

    Hope everyone is having a good day so far.

    Take care Sue...
  • Good afternoon everyone,
    not much going on here. Yesterday was the last day of regular classes and judo for my youngest. My oldest still has one more exam to write and then youngest has to go in for her final day on the 29th, then we are finally done for the year! I become a taxi service at this time of the year as the buses quit running to the high school and I have to get them there for exams. I don't know how the school board expects kids whose parents work to get there and back again. I worry a bit about the responsibility as my van is old and feeling its age and I worry about getting stranded.
    Did some work in my little veggie garden yesterday. My middle daughter said she would work on "grass" cutting today. We have a lovely crop of clover at the moment. Hubby is down in Washington State right now so its just us girls for the weekend, wonder what trouble we could get up to?
    Anyway hope everyone has a great weekend.
    Take care all, K