New to this site

  • I'll tell you a little about myself.

    Name: SHelley
    Location: Peru,Indiana
    Home life: happily married for ten years with a nine year old son
    Beginning weight: 261
    Current: 254
    Goal: 125

    I have a hard time keeping myself motivated. I just bought an elliptical machine and am looking forward to using it. I have to buy batteries for the monitor. I'm not following any particular plan. I am using moderation and exercise as my guidelines. I really am ready to lose this weight. My biggest problem is with pop. I love my pop. I am having a hard time letting it go. I don't like diet pop at all. I have tried it. I am going to concentrate really hard on losing this weight.


    I too was addicted to soda. That was ALL I drank. Coke day in and day out. Never water. Sometimes I would drink a 6 pack a day and I'm sure even more. When I decided to start my new way of eating a couple of months ago I totally cut it out. I despise diet soda as well and so now ALL I drink is water. It can be done and now I dont miss it at all or any of the other sugary foods I used to eat. I cut out refined sugar totally and I am the happier and healthier for it. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! Congrats on getting started and welcome. As I mentioned, Im fairly new here too but everyone is super friendly and nice. If you ever need support feel free to private message me.


  • Hi Shellie:

    I too had a problem with pop but its not so bad now. I also HATED diet pop until I tried Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, it is AWESOME. So I drink it when I want pop, also I found that Lite Lemonaide is great too! It only have 5 calories and tastes great.

    I follow weight watchers and love it. I've lost almost 35 lbs. so far and still have a ways to go. I have been struggling lately but need to get back on track. If you'd like a buddy to email please feel free to email me. Take care.

    Anna in Ohio