One Week Challenge (6/13-6/19) Focus on small changes

  • Good morning all!!!!!

    I am officially down 2 pounds this week. I was down 5, but a weekend of eating on the run did me in. I seriously need to stop weighing myself EVERYDAY! Oh well I'll take the two pounds and smile.

    This week I am really going to focus on exercise. I need to add more intentional exercise on a consistent basis. Last week I met all my goals and then some. Doing all that exercise made me feel exicted, in control and energized. I like that feeling. My goal is to do 50 crunches EVERYDAY, walk or do a dvd 5 days, and do my upper body routine with weights 3 days.

    Do you think things like gardening, hauling rock to build garden walls is intentional exercise? I didn't do it specifically for the exercise, but it's not something I do on a regular basis, I had to make myself do it. I feel I need to get outside moer and be more active, so I am putting in a flower bed, so I have to maintian it. We also put in our vegetable garden, which will need to be maintained. When Dr. Phil says "intentional" exercise I think treadmill and weights. When I think of the concept of just moving more I kind of consider that "accidental" exercise. So what's everyone's take on that? Is doing activities like gardening, heavy cleaning, yard work considered intentional exercise? Or should I be doing "intentional exercise" in addition to this "accidental exercise"?

    How much water does everyone drink? How much water should I be drinking? I usually average about 60 ounces a day. But I notice some people are drink ALOT more. Should I be aiming higher? I read some formula one time that had you drink a base amount and then for weight loss, on top of that you were supposed to drink so many ounce for so many pounds.

    Well I need to get. HAVE A SUPER WEEK EVERYONE!
  • Hmmm, Misty - small changes? OK - this week I challenge myself to Journaling every bite, and to exercising 3 times for 30 minutes each time. I went to Curves this morning, so that counts for once. I have had a clean day of eating, but I have not written anything down. I'll go catch up to myself there, and then make a grocery list for what I need for the next 3 days.

    What is everyone else doing?

    Ivanna B. Svelte
  • hello ladies...
    misty... i had heard that ounces per pound of water is 1/2 ounce per pound ...i also heard that drinking that much water may not be so good for you....i am starting this new program at work and its requirements are that you drink 8 glasses of water a day and walk a certain amount of steps per day for a week. this is supposed to get you up to walking 5 miles (or 10,000 steps) per day...if you walk 10,000 steps a day you can lose a pound a week...burning calories. so i started last week, and i have to tell you guys....i drink alot of water, but my excercise wagon is
    i am getting up an doing my walking dvd in the am....i really am going to do it...i am so sick of being fat that i want to puke...ok i feel better now that i got that off my
    well girls i have to get some sleep...
    have a great tomorrow....
  • I had heard take your weight and cut in half. Then that is how many ounces of water you should drink. But, i had also heard that you could do yourself more harm by drinking too much water, something about thinning out your blood. I think if you at least get in 64 oz. great. If you get more, then that is just bonus. There has been a couple of days i have gotten in 128 oz. and felt good, but i don't know what the limit is on water. I guess we will just have to research this!!
    I only exercised one day last week. I had an extra kid with me all week and I was trying to keep order within the house, I plan to do better this week, I will write more later, the baby is up now.
    Have a great day!
  • There has been a lot of talk about drinking too much water. At this time of the year with the heat and humidity there is probably no such thing! When you sweat you lose water and it needs to be replaced. The average person doesn't need to worry about replacing electrolytes like sodium (salt) and potassium because unless you are sweating and exercising like running a marathon you shouldn't lose enough to worry about, you'll replace it with normal eating. Also there is a concern say like if you were running a marathon and drinking too much water without replacing the electrolytes by drinking something like Gatorade or one of those sport drinks then that would be a problem. For most people drinking a lot of water isn't a problem, you'd have to be drinking a few gallons for it to affect you. As long as your kidneys are okay you'll pee out whatever you don't need.
  • Hey all! Thanks for all the tips. I'm not so much concerned about getting too much as I am makings ure I am getting enough.

    But my plan then is to stick to the 60. It's hard enough to get that in. If I get more cool, if not 60 should be enough.

    There is a condition called hyponatrimia (no clue how to spell it), also called water intoxication. It results from, as Jen said, intake of large amounts of staight water paired with extreme exercise without replacing things like sodium and potassium.

    It can also occur in young infants and children who are submerged while swimming as they ingest alot of water. From what I remember from teaching infant swim classes for the Red Cross and the YMCA....It can cause an imbalance in brain chemicals (electrolytes) resulting in damage and in some cases death. Which is why the Red Cross and YMCA no longer endorse infant/toddler submertion during swimming. We've all seen those video clips of infants swimming under water. You know the blow in thier face to make them catch thier breath and dunk them method. Thier natural instict to kick and paddle engages and such. Well in a few rare cases children died, not from drowning but from simply swallowing too much water. Thier kidney's could not handle it and thier brain chemicals were altered. What I understand and I am not an expert, is that the electrolytes were so diluted thier brains were not able to function. So just as a tid bit of information, kids shouldn't be submerged in water until they choose to do so on thier own. Swimming programs that still use this method probably aren't current in thier training.

    But, like Jen, said for the majority of us here drinking too much water is probably not an issue.

    I got in my 60 ounces yesterday and I walked 60 minutes at a pace between slow and moderate but I was pushing 2 kids so it was a work out. I also did 50 crunches. Today, I hope to get a walk in as well as work out with my weights, plus do my crunches. We'll see. I have all four kids again, I only had three part of last week and yesterday.

    Well the kiddos want to go out and play, it's gonna rain so we better go now or we won't be able to. Have a great day everyone.
  • Late again this week.

    Last week, I didn't do so well. I journalled my food only for a couple days. I did get the pedometer and tried it out one day. I didn't do well with food at all. I did, however, drink a LOT of water.

    This week, I will have at least 3 days where I do my exercise and eat right on target.

    The water subject is always so controversial. I think the key is to find what works for you. I like to shoot for 128 oz every day. I never even considered the idea that too much water is a possibility. I'm gonna have to think on that now.
  • Ekka, better late than never. No worries, you'll make up for lost time. Did you like the pedometer? I haven't used mine as I have been wearing sandals and there is no place to put, as I said it doesn't work on my hip. As inaccurate as it is I kind of liked it b/c it gave me some kind of gauge as to how much I accomplished.

    Well hope your week gets better. I need to feed my son and make lunch for the older ones. Then it's NAP TIME....God Bless the woman who created that!

  • hello ...its me again...
    i drink water...that is all i drink...sometime more sometimes less.
    misty--- what i find works for me is the bottles with the spout 12 for about 4 bucks. you can refill the bottles if you want to ...i hardly ever do , but i have a friend that has filtered water and that is what she has been doing.
    as far as the pedometer...i where one right now cuz i am doing that 10,000 steps per day thing at work... i find wearing it on my hip it seems to jiggle more and add more steps...any ideas???
    glad to here you all are working so hard...i am as well...
    went to the gym did upper body and treadmill....then walked with my friend for 2.5 miles.
    i really wish the weight would just melt off in my
    well i did not get up and work out as planned...will try again in the morning...
    hope you all have a great day...oh yeah im under 200 now....actually 198.5

    talk to you all soon
  • Love the pedometer, Misty. It seems pretty accurate. The couple times that I've used it, it has been right on track. For some reason, though, I thought that it would come with a side of ambition for me. I guess I have to find that somewhere else.
  • YEA, TAMMY!!! Great job on getting to ONEderland! Sounds like you are working hard. I have th eopposite pedometer problem, nothing registers on my hip. So I wear it on my sock or shoe. My mother in law said that that's where Dr. Phil's fittness guy said to wear it anyway. But if I have on loose fiiting socks it doesn't work well.

    Ekka LOL I wish they came with ambition. I thought maybe my treadmill would but no such luck.

    I borrowed Bob Greene's first two books from the library. Maybe I will find some motivation there. I got up at 6 this morning, opting not to walk at 5. At 6:30 the parents of the kids I watch called and cancelled for the day. So I crawled back into bed. Then after about 10 seconds I realized I should walk then so I can avoid the heat later. So I dragged myself back out of bed, which woke my son, so he and I took a stroll.

    Well have a greta day everyone!
  • Great job getting out for your stroll misty, I"ll bet you felt really good about yourself. I read Bob's last book and I wasn't overwhelmed. I think the problem is at this point is that I've read so many weight loss books that I could probably write one myself if I could actually lose weight! For me it is not that I don't know what or how to do it, it is a matter of actually doing it. Sort of an all talk no action thing.
  • Jen-THAT is exactly what I think. That is why I refuse to buy the other book. I am tired of spending money on taht kind of stuff. I know how to do it, I have the resources to do it, I just need to actually do it. I was in the library just kind of browsing around and saw the books on the shelf behind me. Figured what the heck. But I know what you mean.
  • I just want to stop in to tell you what a dope I am...I had a few bad days. I ate a bunch of icing off a cake at work and went on a sugar binge. Oops. I also had to travel several times, and I've been sloppy about getting to the gym. Not good.

    Anyway, since I wasn't doing so well I stopped checking my scale and checking in here. Which was silly - other than that day I've been really good with my food choices.

    Anyway, I hopped back on the scale and I lost about a pound and a half over the last two weeks. Less than I could have if I'd been stricter, but nothing to be unhappy about either.

    Sometime I still forget that you don't have to be perfect. You just need to keep slugging away at it.

    Hope you all have been doing great.
