medically approved diet plans

  • Does anyone else find the internet a terrible resource for medically approved weight loss programs? I am moving back to the States in a week, thinking about returning to Weight Watchers but also looking for other opinions. I know I have a problem with my eating, I was on ww for a year but have returned to binging. I am not sure if there are programs out there or support. Any help you can provide would be lovely.
  • worked well
    hi welcome, im 290lbs and major binger, but i have had success with merida, my doctor put me on it an d i did very well controling my binging because u dont feel hungry i was on 15 mg the higgest , i did go off it on my own due to bad headachs and dizzyness, side affects for some people i did gain the 20lbs back, i am now looking into weight watchers it seems to be the most popular and it teaches life style change, hope that helped u can also check out medifast a supervised diet where u do liquid shakes and 1 healthy meal a day..
  • I was on Merida for a while and experienced the same thing: The weight came right back after I stopped taking it.

    Weight Watchers is the most popular commercial weight-loss program in the United States. It is also among the least expensive programs, would could be the foundation for much of its success. There are studies showing that some patients lose weight more reliably with Weight Watchers than by themselves (while there are also studies that show that half of patients lose weight better by themselves than with any structured weight-loss programs -- go figure!) By the same token, there are studies that show other approaches (generally much more expensive approaches) are far more successful than Weight Watchers. A lot of it will come down to what's right for you personally, at this specific time in your life.
  • I personally don't recommend taking prescription diet pills like Meridia or Xenical, or medically supervised LIQUID diets like Medifast or Optifast. The reason Medifast and Optifast are medically supervised, is because they are EXTREMELY low calorie. You shouldn't even work out when you are on them, because they are so low calorie. Diets that low calorie cause weight loss that is really quick-quick enough to cause complications such as gallstones, hence the medical supervision.
    You can do a plan under the direction and guidance of your doctor however-but it is different and more healthful that one that has to be supervised constantly because of the extreme-ness of it. (The hospital liquid diets they actually check your vitals, etc. very regularly during them!)
    The problems with the pills or the extreme low calorie diets like those mentioned above-is that they are not "lifestyle changes".
    I would recommend a healthy plan from your doctor, or if you need support, something like Weight Watchers, which helps you learn to change your lifestyle.
  • Quote:
    The reason Medifast and Optifast are medically supervised, is because they are EXTREMELY low calorie. You shouldn't even work out when you are on them, because they are so low calorie.
    This is incorrect. Physical activity is an integral part of medically-supervised very-low calorie diets. That is an essential aspect of ensuring that such diets are substantially muscle-sparing.

    Diets that low calorie cause weight loss that is really quick-quick enough to cause complications such as gallstones, hence the medical supervision.
    That is correct. All rapid weight-loss carries with them the risk of gallstones, and medical supervision is essential for such programs.

    The problems with ... the extreme low calorie diets like those mentioned above-is that they are not "lifestyle changes".
    This is also incorrect. These programs necessarily include lifestyle support. The program I used had a 13 week curriculum teaching the basis of establishing new healthy eating and exercise behaviors, followed by as many weeks as necessary to smooth the transition.
  • Medifast is not extremely low calorie - in fact to qualify as a VLCD a diet has to be 800 kCal per day or below. Medifast 5 and 1 is about 1000 kCals per day. However I still think these must be done with the support of a physician.
  • Different experts have different thresholds for VLCD. A great many consider anything below 1200 calories to be VLCD.
  • Exactly. I personally consider extremely low calorie to be a plan that is below 1200 calories a day for an extended period of time. (More than a few days)

    I personally could not do a plan that is below 1200 calories a day because of my exercise regime. I often attend dance seminars that where I dance 4-6 hours at a time. There is no way I would make it on that little fuel.
  • Well, it's interesting, because depending on who you ask, that 1200 calories is either gross or net. My vote is for gross.
  • Medifast
    I started Medifast 28 days ago and I have never felt better. I have lost 14 lbs and this is the longest I have gone with out having a migraine. So I am sticking with it.

    After the 3-4 week you can slowly start exercising. I like the program because it isn't just shakes like I had originally thought. They have soups, bars, oatmeal, chai latte, cappaccino, in addition to the shakes. Unfortunately, I found out I was allergic to soy, so that limits me to their soy free products. You eat 5 of their supplements and 1 meal of protein and veggies. They have a message board that is great for motivation and support. Truthfully this is the longest I have been able to stay on a diet and not cheat or throw in the towel.
  • Quote: After the 3-4 week you can slowly start exercising.
    Correct. What I was stating is that I could not go on a plan like Medifast with my personal exercise regime. I lift weights pretty heavily, I recently took up jogging, and I am a professional dancer. For someone who walks for exercise or does a 30 minute exercise video you would probably be fine, but I can't go on that little fuel. It just isn't possible.
  • HMR addresses that issue pretty directly, with its "More is Better" refrain.
  • Medifast
    Well hello all I'm new here and have been perusing for the last couple of days.

    I'm so glad to hear that some people are doing Medifast. I just started the program on Wednesday and I'm going strong. I know every diet isn't for everyone - of course something like this wouldn't fit in with your exercise routine, Aphil - wow, belly dancing! I've always wanted to do that!. But, I joined Curves in March and instead of going 4 times a week and doing 3 cycles at a time, I now go twice and only do 1 cycle. It isn't much but I'm trying to ease back into it the way the program suggests.

    You have to understand.... I've tried just about everything going. I'm 34 years old, I am 5'3" tall on a good day and tipped the scales at 260. I'm now down 4 lbs. (yeah, I know - water weight but it's still motivation) and this is something I need to try before my weight starts to case me serious health problems besides my terribly sore knees and feet. (I have little feet - size 6 - to hold up such a large amount of fat!)

    The only time I was every able to lose a significant amount of weight in my life was 10 years ago. I was on a clinic-based diet that used a 5 x 7 index card with allowable foods along with similar supplements to those used on Medifast. High soy protein, low fat, low carb. I lost 90lbs in six months and never felt better. Never put a foot in the gym either.

    But anyway, here I am and I hope that I can be as supportive to you all as your posts have been to me so far.

    Whatever diet you're on, I wish you the very best of success. No one diet 'fits all' so as long as we're headed in the right direction, GREAT!

  • Hi, i am in tops and have been for life time. its good and cheaper. so maybe go that direction. is fun and they have an exchange program. but you can use ww or any plan you want. theres lots of them out there for sure. alot of good advice here to. come often. nice to meet you. LaDean