"No Fad Diet" Offers Hope for the Weak

  • Now HERE'S something you can sink your teeth into - from CNN.

    No-Fad Diet Offers Hope for the Weak

    I'm gonna have to check out that Heart Association book - it makes sense IMO.

    And I dig that last paragraph in the article...it's what I've been saying all along:

    "The people who lose weight slowly and gradually are more successful keeping that weight off long-term," Sandon said. "We need to look at this as a long-term lifestyle. You're losing the weight to keep it off for life."
  • That was a good article Mrs. Jim. I especially like how it emphasizes making changes to your eating habits slowly so that they will last a lifetime. The 75% approach is a good idea.

    What's with the ads for Atkins, diet patches and drugs plastered all over the page though?
  • Great article, thanks for sharing!
  • Good Article. Thanks