
  • On a daily basis I know for sure that I will end up chewing an entire pack of gum, its just something I enjoy. So should i couldnt 2 points out of my daily points allowance for the gum chewing I will be doing? Or will all the work my jaw does, cancel the calories out anyways? Plus, like most of you out there i dont swallow my gum...hehe, so wouldnt some of the calories be used to make the part of the gum i spit out? Just wondering
  • personally I don't count it and don't know many who do. Most sticks are 3-5 calories per and even the large one would probably only be 1 point if you choose to count it. While some of the calories come from the sugar most of the calories come from the gum base itself and like you said you are not swallowing it.
  • I read a factoid in an article about non-exercise activity last week. Apparently they found that gum chewing burned 11 calories an hour. I think they said you had to chew several pieces at once, though. (The gist of the whole study was that lean people did more general moving around of all types than overweight people--fidgeting, standing while talking on the phone, etc.)