Get Over The Hump Crew!! ~ Let The Pounds Go!

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View Poll Results: Are you surprised that SPILLIE admitted she was wrong about the whole Corona thing?
Yes, I almost fell give me another Corona!
No, now give me another Corona!
Voters: 5. You may not vote on this poll
  • Okay, I've been away filling out an application to take a civil service exam for Advanced Clerical for the Department of Public Welfare. I'm scheduled for Aug 1st. Now I'm nervous...I hate taking test. Why do I do this to myself?

    Have fun VIVA at the movies and tomorrow at AC. Good luck!!

  • Don't be nervous - you'll be fine!! Good luck! And glad I could make you laugh.

    I'm outtie. See you girls tomorrow!
  • Quote:

    ♪ Bev-er-ly Hills, that's where I want to be....livin in Bev-er-ly Hills! ♪

    Ok...something freaky just happened...I started returning calls, calls this number and asked for Jennifer (name that was left with the message). Well, Jennifer answers but has no idea who I am or why I'm calling. Turns out I dialed the wrong number...was off by 1 digit! WTF are the chances since I dialed the wrong number of this personbeing Jennifer too???? We both got a good laugh out of that one!

    Ok, back to your regular scheduled program!
  • Quote: Ok...something freaky just happened...I started returning calls, calls this number and asked for Jennifer (name that was left with the message). Well, Jennifer answers but has no idea who I am or why I'm calling. Turns out I dialed the wrong number...was off by 1 digit! WTF are the chances since I dialed the wrong number of this personbeing Jennifer too???? We both got a good laugh out of that one!
    That goes to show that you are scary freaky!!

    GOOD NIGHT TWIDDLE!! Have a nice evening!! and what's up with the small writing, trying to give BROOK another reason to gripe.
  • Bye Chickies....need to go to my other building before hitting the gym. Have a good one!

    SPILLIE: I'm gonna ignore that remark....just b/c VIVA's gone doesn't give you the right to start acting up! HAH!
  • Yeah, we know who the life of the party is.


    TGIF! Finally. I was beginning to think it would never end. I hope you all had a wonderful evening. I made it to the gym and did my and nothing more. My friend who goes to class with me had a toothache and didn't feel like doing anything more the poor . So we went home afterwards, which was okay with me, I was so by the time class was done.

    TWIDDLE, were you sick last night or were you just drinking again and made yourself sick

    CHICKIE, hows your knee doing and how are you feeling? When do you go back to the drs. again?

    VIVA, have fun today and win lots of money for all of us...


    BROOK, I hope your enjoying yourself.

  • Quote:
    TWIDDLE ... or were you just drinking again and made yourself sick
    Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!!

    Good morning girls! How you all doing?

    What a night. Got home, wrapped presents for a b-day party tomorrow, then finally took down our Christmas lights on our house. Our neighbors will be so happy!

    When DH got home, we went out to celebrate the success of his event that he had going on yesterday. The place we went to had an American Idol type of contest, so we ended up staying for that - much later than we had anticipated. Got home about 11:45 or so. But it was fun.

    Going to the Mellencamp concert tonight - hopefully it won't !!

    Alright - gotta get to work. I'll check back in a little later!
  • Morning Chickies! Not feeling too good today...big time cramps in a major way and it's taking a toll on me this month. (TMI, I know but TOO FREAKIN BAD! ). Have bags under my eyes and just plain don't feel good. I have WI at lunch time so this ought to be good. I can feel the retention as I type! BOOHOO. Maybe by some stroke of luck I won't gain and will stay the same....guess only time will tell.

    Did my full cardio workout last night and thought I'd pass out when I was done! I felt like I was gonna hurl when I walked outside b/c of the heat! So far no major pain in my keeping my fingers crossed on that one. Don't go back to the doc til Oct. unless the pain starts up again...then we'll start the shots I guess.

    Have to go...
  • Quote:
    Going to the Mellencamp concert tonight - hopefully it won't !!
    Have fun TWIDDLE...I was originally going to go too but plans fell thru and I'm actually glad they did b/c of how I feel today.
  • Sorry to hear you're not feeling well CHICKIE. Hopefully you'll be able to rest up this weekend and feel a little better for when your friends come in.

    TWIDDLE, so do you have a hangover, should I not yell then so that it doesn't hurt? And are these colors hurting your eyes?
  • Quote: TWIDDLE, so do you have a hangover, should I not yell then so that it doesn't hurt? And are these colors hurting your eyes?
    Nope, not a problem.
  • I am so hungry right now. I HATE TOM! I'm not drinking my water til after I it would make a difference today. I just looked in the mirror... is all I have to say about that. You could pack some clothes in the bags under my eyes!

    I am so hungry I'm almost ravenous....I may have to leave a little early to get to WI so I can get something to eat. I did eat breakfast too. Oh man, feel like I've been punched in the face/gut.
  • HEY! Just b/c VIVA's away doesn't mean the rest of you can't come out to play!