Get Over The Hump Crew!! ~ Let The Pounds Go!

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View Poll Results: Are you surprised that SPILLIE admitted she was wrong about the whole Corona thing?
Yes, I almost fell give me another Corona!
No, now give me another Corona!
Voters: 5. You may not vote on this poll
  • Quote: Wow. You're smart.
    Maybe some day you'll get to see how that feels...

    ...or not!
  • Quote: Maybe some day you'll get to see how that feels...

    ...or not!
    Eh, I tried it, didn't like it. But hey, if you're okay being in touch with your inner nerd, feel free.

    So, I'm here. *sigh* Should be an interesting day. Only good thing is that I'm going to miss the snow for the evening commute, and I'm okay with that. I realized yesterday that if I go home early, most likely the cleaning people will be there, which sucks. So maybe I'll do some shopping if they're there. But I just wanna go home and go back to bed!! Oh well.

    Had WI today. Up a pound. Sorta surprised, sorta not. I was up a total of 4 pounds on Monday, but it was down to only a half pound gain yesterday. I had a hot dog before bed last night (high sodium), and I believe I'm coming up on TOM, plus my WI was 3+ hours earlier than usual, so those are my excuses! Guess we'll see next week. But for now, the tally comes to TWIDDLE 1, HOLIDAYS 1. Dammitalltohell.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday! I'll try to check in at a more reasonable hour this morning, if I'm still awake.
  • Hola Chicas,

    Well it went somewhat ok yesterday. Seems DS is in classes now that he is bored to death in. So now we have to find a way to get him the help that he needs, but at the same time not overwhelm him or bore him to death.

    TWIDDLE, hope all goes well with whatever it is that you do at your job?!?


    Off to get my coffee and start up on these checks again. UGH!

  • Good morning trouble-makers. This has been the longest week of my life...just thought I'd let ya know.

    I did very well yesterday with being OP...I'm kinda proud of myself...LOL! And I found another WW Smart Ones dessert that I'm in love with...Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sundae...yum! I don't even think I ate all of my points yesterday. Now I just have to keep this up. I have nothing else to say except...

  • Hey SPILLIE! Actually, things went so well this morning that I don't have to come in early tomorrow. Woo hoo!! Sorry to hear DS is bored - is it because it's too hard? Or too easy?
  • YO CHICKIES!!!!! (1 Smilie dude for each of you). Had to stop at the main building to make a deposit and copy stuff. Now, I normally try and get there before everyone else rolls in so I won't get sidelined. Thing is today I needed my boss to sign some stuff for me so guess what? I GOT SIDLEINED and am just now getting into my office. FRICK. Of course, I made sure I hit Wawa for coffee before getting here.

    I have an appt. at 9:30 here then at 10:30 at my other building so I'll be on/off here this morning. How dare they cut into my posting time!

    SPILLIE: is DS bored b/c things are too easy for him? If that's the case the teacher needs to come up with alternate assignments for him to do that will challenge him but not make him ovewhelmed. Tell them ROCKER said to do that! LMFAO!

    TWIDDLE: glad you don't have to come in so early tomorrow! I'd be willing to bet your 1 pound gain was from that hotdog...I have to be careful eating them too when it's close to WI! You are doing great though! WOOHOO!

    VIVA: how was your dinner last night? I FINALLY found the WW PB dessert you told me about...I think I'm in heaven! Now I'm gonna have to look for the cookie dough one.

    Gotta go but I WILL be back later to play and I EXPECT to see each and everyone of you here too! LMAO!
  • PS) evaluations are due by like the week after next. My boss has yet to do mine. He's known for many, many months now that I'm only working til noon tomorrow then not coming back til the new year, yet, this morning he asked me if I was coming in tomorrow and if I was, how long I was working til--and he was SERIOUS. He does this to me every year and it usually makes me leave later than I wanted! I still haven't figured out why he waits so long to do mine....I have to look it over, sign it then we talk about it.

    Wonder what he'll put this year.......
  • The problem with DS is not boredom from too hard. Right now it's because it's too easy. He got used to the challenge before when it was way over his head, so now that it's easier he can't stand it. So now we have to find a happy medium. Which I think would be some classes where he can excel in...math of course he is super good in so I think they should give him a harder class to keep him motivated. Anyway, I have to schedule an appt again to deal with this after Winter Break. Neverending Story.
  • Quote: The problem with DS is not boredom from too hard. Right now it's because it's too easy. He got used to the challenge before when it was way over his head, so now that it's easier he can't stand it. So now we have to find a happy medium. Which I think would be some classes where he can excel in...math of course he is super good in so I think they should give him a harder class to keep him motivated. Anyway, I have to schedule an appt again to deal with this after Winter Break. Neverending Story.
    SPILLIE: his teachers need to come up with more challenging stuff for him to do--it's their responsibility. Any good teacher should be able to recognize when I student is bored from things being to easy, thus, creating things for said student to do! (no charge for my professional opinion...LMAO!) Seriously though that's what they need to do for him.
  • My 9:30 hasn't shown up yet, nor has he called and I even confirmed our appt. yesterday before I left! He's got 20 min. til I have to leave to go to my other building for an appt. Dick. I hope he sows up as I'm leaving cause don't you think I won't tell him about it too! HAH!
  • Chickie killed the thread.

    OOPS, sorry wrong thread.
  • Quote: Chickie killed the thread.

    OOPS, sorry wrong thread.

    Who says you can't go home?

    That's just for you, ROCKER. It's playing on the radio right now. And I can go home in about an hour - woo hoo!!
  • BTW, since so much has been happening in my know like my DH being deported, my son having trouble in school and me just not being able to function without them...can we postponed life till I can join you all again. I don't know when that will be, but I'm self absorb with my family that I cannot think of you gals at this most tragic time in MY LIFE!
  • Quote: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Who says you can't go home?

    That's just for you, ROCKER. It's playing on the radio right now. And I can go home in about an hour - woo hoo!!
    Thanks TWIDDLE...I needed that! ...right now b/c of what you ask? WORK.

    SPILLIE: you're a smart azz!

  • Quote: BTW, since so much has been happening in my know like my DH being deported, my son having trouble in school and me just not being able to function without them...can we postponed life till I can join you all again. I don't know when that will be, but I'm self absorb with my family that I cannot think of you gals at this most tragic time in MY LIFE!

    NO, not until you ask everyone in your office followed by your neighbors and everyone you know if it would be ok with them if you did that. THEN, it would be ok if everyone was in agreement. 'Nuff said.