Maintainers - First Week Of Summer! (5/30-6/5)

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  • Good morning and Happy Memorial Day to those of us in the US! To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure WHO or WHAT we’re supposed to be remembering today? Memorial Day just always seems like the day that kicks off to summer (though with our chilly weather in Pennsylvania this year, it feels more like the kick-off to spring ).

    I’m home from my wanderings around the country, which means Back To Reality Time. Despite today being a holiday, I have clients at the gym and enough laundry to keep me busy for a long, long time. We need groceries and fortunately I think everything’s open today, despite the holiday.

    I got on the scales and faced the music this morning. I’m up a total of 2.5 pounds from my cross-country jaunt, which is about what I’d expect. But add that onto the five pounds I've gained in the three months since I started working at the gym and I’m in trouble. It is time to get very serious here! As we talked about in Thin For Life, this is the line in the sand that I will not cross and so it’s back to basics. I’m going to post a ten pound ticker under my name and get this fat off ASAP. Unfortunately, I know too well how s-l-o-w-l-y it comes off now (in contrast to how amazingly fast it piles back on!) But regardless of whether it takes me all summer, I WILL lose ten pounds!

    The good news is that I know what works. It’s not like I’m clueless about why I’ve gained weight and have no idea what to do about it or anything like that. Nope, I’ve gained weight simply because I ate too many calories (in retrospect, none of it was worth a weight gain, but isn’t that always the truth?). My plan is to do what I know works: plan my meals in advance, count calories, take food to the gym so I’m not starving (and make bad choices), cook in advance, write down everything that I eat, and not cheat. Exercise was kind of sporadic while I was away from home but I think it’s generally where it should be. Though I may need to step up the cardio to an hour/day – we’ll see …

    I was thinking about weight and maintenance when I was flying home yesterday and came to the conclusion that maintenance is probably always going to be this way – a dynamic process of gaining a few, losing a few, then perhaps gaining ten pounds and losing them, over and over again … I don’t think – for me at least – that my weight is ever going to be static. When I let go a bit – like on vacation – the weight gain is inevitable and very predictable. So I’m convinced that my weight is going to bounce around in a ten pound range for the rest of my life (I just absolutely refuse to let it become more than a ten pound range).

    But weight fluctuations go along with the idea that goal is not a destination; it’s only another point on the journey. Losing weight and keeping it off is a battle that we’re going to fight every day for the rest of our lives. It doesn’t matter how well I did yesterday – I’ve got to get up this morning and do it all over again if I want to keep the weight off for life. No resting on our laurels, as they say.

    As I learned once again on my trip, my body doesn’t take vacation days from weight management. It’s 24/7, 365 days a year. But hey! I’m OK with that. What I need to do to keep the weight off is a very small price to pay for all the incredible benefits of weight loss. So you aren’t going to hear any complaining from me.

    So here’s to the beginning of a wonderful summer for all of us. If there’s anyone else who finds themselves up a few pounds and wants to join me, I’d love the company. Let’s make Summer 2005 the best summer of our lives!
  • ''Misery loves company'' Meg ?? Ya, I'm in!! I'm soooo bloated from eating in this Italian restaurant yesterday that it makes me wonder if they dropped the salt shaker in the food, Holy Cow I can't believe it...
    I've had a difficult time with food in the last week too, and at least Meg, you were on vacation, I have no excuse whatsoever! I came to that conclusion too that maintenance is going to be an up and down thing for the rest of my life... Will we ever get used to it though ?? I dunno, but I'm willing to work at it because there is NOOOOO way I'm going back EVER!!

    OK, having said that I'm going down to weigh in right now... BRB... Oh it's not pretty ....

    I can't stay on here too long this morning I want to get some walls washed to prep them for paint, so TTFN, ...
  • Well, it's not even 6:30 a.m. and it looks like I'm off to day 2 of terrible eating. I couldn't get enough cereal this morning. Is it being pregnant, or am I just using it as an excuse to allow a complete lack of control? There are elements of both here. On the one hand, I am pregnant and that does make nutritional and caloric demands, but on the other hand, I'm tired, uncomfortable, and stressed and using food to make myself feel better could be something I'm doing. I have to figure this out. Unfortunately I can't use Meg's strategy above--even though it has worked well in the past for me, my line in the sand is gone because of the pregnancy and I find myself without landmarks. Maybe it's time to find another strategy. Anybody have any success with other techniques for weight maintenance?

    It's been a tough week. After a long business trip last week, I ended up in the emergency room Saturday, needing IV fluids and antibiotics for a nice little bladder infection I picked up. I am fine now, but that wasn't the best time of my life. I've also started the process of getting the room ready for the baby, putting stroller together, etc. Today I have to go buy the crib and DH will then assemble it. A lot of work, and very stressful. So I'm tired and cranky and stressed and half sick.

    Some good news this week. I got my tests back this week and my baby is healthy! I'm grateful for that. And she is a girl!

    I think I'm going to go take a nap now. I have a lot to do today.

    Ilene and Meg, hang in there with your eating. I know you can do it! Good morning and happy Memorial Day to everyone.

  • Hi, everybody,

    Meg - nice to read that we are not alone, even pros have ups and downs and we really have to nail it in the butt in order to keep our weight where it should be! I am sure weight will come off but very slowly (don't we all know it? I am still loosing my 2 pounds from last summer bike event and I already registered for this year's and 2 pounds are still on me)

    Ilene - I figured that eating out is hard for my stomack. i actually only buy salads when eating out. Nice picture of you and DD - mine is 15 and could not find job yet! Congrats!

    Anne - I laughed at you assembling crib now! With my fist one I did not have money to buy crib, so we only got it when baby was about 3 month... With my second one we did not assemble it because we were moving soon... The funniest thing was with third one - we were Soooo busy, and she arrived on due date (my first two kids were overdue) - so were totally not ready. Plus I wanted to go to special sale to buy stuff for baby which happened to be on my due date. So I delivered a baby, and checked out of the hospital and arrived to the garage sale... with 4 hours old baby... to the full shock of all people there... and got tons of stuff for free. We assembled her crib about 3 weeks after she was born, as we did not have time at all with all of them around. i guess we disassembled the crib when she was about 6 month old as we figured out that we did not use it even once a week (as she slept with us all the time simce I was so sick and could not stand up at night...) Good luck with crib - it is a good "father" evercise

    End of last week was grueling. My kids and I took 4.3km run with glowsticks and slowing T-shirts on Friday - my son did fine - he is 6, and my little daughter was even better and did it all by herself... Almost at the end my son tripped on the curb and scratched his knee, so at least I borrowed stroller for good cause as he just rode in it the last stretch of the run. We all had fun, and those T-shirts definitely glow at night.

    On Sat we went for a hike - about 400m elevation, about 2 hour long hike one way, almost climbing at the end... My son did it all by himself, little DD got a blister and we had to carry her. On Sunday I could not walk - my quads were killing me. I even did not bike to work today - I basically can not bend my legs !

    Also, we purchased mechanical push mover - like the one you push and than gather trimmed grass off the lawn. If you are like me and enjoy gardening and exercise - get one for yourselves. It is so much fun - first I could not even push it, you also have to bend a lot to get stucked grass pieces of it, and well - that is one biceps workout! So today I feel my quads and biceps and pronounce push mower a "friend in maintanence"...

    I am currently reading book in Volumetrics - very interesting read!

    Have a ood week everyone.
  • MEG!! How'd you do food wise yesterday ?? I did very well I must say, but it's only day ONE The only thing I did was have a handfull of cashews thank god I was able to stop there....

    Today I am biking it's a gorgeous day out I'll bike to the gym do LEGS then go out for a good bike ride!

    TTFN ...
  • It is so nice reading your notes. It is so much the same stuff I have been dealing with. Thanks again for letting me join your group.

    I did very well yesterday until I went to pack up the food to go home. I made the mistake of eating a browning, which lead to two more. Then I went home and cleaned my garage to work it off. It might of worked but my DH had to go into work and the children were in bed, so I decided I was starving and needed a double brownie icecream sunday! At least the icecream was sugar free, Healthy Choice! This morning I could shoot myself. Why do I do that?

    I too, have the "line in the sand". That is why I continue to go to the WW meetings even though I am a lifetime member and don't need to.

    Anne - Congratulations on your baby girl! Is this your first? How far along are you? When I was pregnant I craved specific foods. DS- HOT, HOT Mexican, DD - Jelly beans. Funny thing is my DS is a sweetheart and my DD is the spicy one. So much for you are what you eat!

  • Sue -- Welcome ... I agree Sue, why do we sabotage our healthy lifestyle? I'm not sure I'll ever know the answer, but the one good thing that I have changed when I do have those days, is that I don't let it be a relapse... Like is mentionned in the book TFL. I dust myself off and get back on the wagon and it remains only a lapse, and in the grand scheme of things it's only a drop in the bucket... So make today a better day than yesterday!

    When I read Sue's post about Anne's baby girl I had to go back and re-read Anne's post, which I obviously had read too quickly.... so you're gonna have a GIRL ... How absolutely wonderful !! Do you have names yet ?? I'm so happy for you ...

    So far I have had a great leg workout and a very exhausting bike ride, I need a good shower now... TTFN...
  • Anne,

    Even though I read first time that you are going to have a GIRL, I nevertheless got carried away with crib story!

    First of all - girls are great, there will be one more of us (girls) when you bring her to the world, they are easier to understand for us Moms, they cost more (which means on the other side more shopping - I am optimist) and they just make more sense in life that boys - I have 2 girls and one boy and still wonder how could I bring boy to the world - I totally don't get it

  • Quote: MEG!! How'd you do food wise yesterday ?? I did very well I must say, but it's only day ONE The only thing I did was have a handfull of cashews thank god I was able to stop there....
    I've been doing great with food over the past few days - thanks for asking!

    About it only being Day One - let me tell you a little secret, sweetie ... you only have to do this for one day. Just for today. Don't worry about tomorrow or next week or next month. Let tomorrow take care of itself - all you have to do is to get through one lousy day and we all can do that, right? Every day is Day One and one day at a time is how we're going to get there!
  • Hey everyone!

    Anne, congrats on your baby girl.

    I'm in losing mode, too. I also went to CA and came back with about 4 extra lbs (I spent 3 days in CA and about 8 days of splurging before I got myself back on track!!). I'm hoping it's mostly water because I'm going back to CA in 9 days - this time with the whole family and I want to be back down in my range before we leave. My goal is to not go nuts while we're there (for 10 days!) because I'm going back AGAIN in July for my 20th high school reunion. Vacations are SO challenging for me when it comes to my food choices and portions.

    In a way, I'm a little thankful that my weight bounces around. I think if I saw the same number on the scale day after day, I'd lose interest in this whole weight management thing. Seems like I always have to lose a couple, but that keeps me ready and willing to work hard to make that happen. In other words, I'm happy that maintenance is so similar to weight loss - I never feel like my job is done. If I did, I'd gain it all back - I'm sure of it.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • Ilene - I need to get that book! I also need that mind set. Too many times I have thought "well I've already blown it for this week, why stop now!" I need to stop that or I'll be right back where I started.

    Karynlee - I think I might have to agree with you about our weight fluctuating being a good thing. I never really thought about it before but I know I eat much better (healthier) when my weight starts creeping up. I think if I could get away with eating empty calorie food and keep the weight off, I would die of malnutrition!

  • Hi Sue! Yep, one of the biggest changes that took place between the time in my life when I failed over and over at weight loss and now is that I stopped looking at Monday as the magic day - the ONLY day that I could get back on track. Before, if I messed up on Tuesday, I'd splurge for the remainder of the week and try again on Monday.

    Now, when I mess up, I can get back on track (usually... I haven't achieved perfection in this regard!!) the next meal. That's made a huge difference!
  • Quote: Hi Sue! Yep, one of the biggest changes that took place between the time in my life when I failed over and over at weight loss and now is that I stopped looking at Monday as the magic day - the ONLY day that I could get back on track. Before, if I messed up on Tuesday, I'd splurge for the remainder of the week and try again on Monday.
    I was the same too Karyn!! It was always Monday no matter if it was Tuesday, how stupid is that ... Also like you I am not perfect yet, and will I ever be , but the next meal I make it as healthy as possible...

    Sue -- TFL is really a great book I had my nose in it this morning when I was having my and it inspires me all the time. We had a great discussion on it in January, Meg our budding writer had written up some great stickies at the top of this thread of every chapter, you almost don't need the book.. But I do like having the book because I can sit comfortably and read it...

    Food has been excellent even at work, well actually I just remembered I had a piece of chocolate , but my next meal was an excellent one ....

    Today is a day gotta that ...TTFN ....
  • I Haven't Posted in Ages...Life is a Mixed Bag
    Hi Everyone--Lots of computer trouble at home and very chaotic time at work...but I'm still here!

    The weight story: lost control in April, was sick of logging all food. Took a break from writing things down and gained 7.4 lbs. in 1 month! Argh. Went regularly to WW mtgs. again and of course writing down all food.

    I had a wonderful week in Europe w/husband (no kids!)--he had a conference to be at so I cashed in all my personal days and went w/him. Paris and Brussels. I was worried about how I would eat well. Actually I found it much harder in Paris--I don't like rich, fatty food and I can't deal w/eating a croissant for breakfast. Boy, did I miss my oatmeal w/flax and blueberries! Brussels was much easier--they had whole grain bread and more ethnic food (Thai, Vietnamese) that I truly like and can be lower fat. I walked a lot, logged everythin, used hotel fitness room, brought a resistance tube for in-room use and came back 3.3 lbs. lighter! Yahoo!

    So now I am back in my official WW range (barely) and would like to lose 3-5 lbs. My son's Bar Mitzvah is one month away. I am getting thru all the details but I think using mindless snacking as a way to deal w/extra stress.

    Commitment for today: buy more fresh produce (I've had awesome cherries lately), cut up pepper strips for the fridge and use those as my first line of defense. And I will keep up the exercise--it is a true sanity saver.

    Thanks for listening, everyone! It feels good to be back on this board.
  • Hello Maintainers!

    I've been away - had a great trip to Costa Rica, the country was beautiful, the weather was a amazing and the food was, of course, outrageously delicious. Lots of fruits and salads, though, so I didn't end up gaining, which is a FIRST for me. However, I'm still at the high end of my weight range and no matter how many times I've said I'VE HAD IT this year, I haven't quite managed to get back to basics consistently. Well that is changing today. I've had a pretty good week, although went out for dinner last night with my Dad and wasn't so great. Eating out is a huge trigger for me, and I'm going to curb that for a while.

    I love all this talk about maintenance, struggles & successes. It really helps me. Now that I'm in the day to day phase of just keeping my weight and eating in check, I do struggle. And once my weight goes down I have this annoying way of telling myself I can go back to my old habits. I've really noticed the cycle lately so my goal is to STOP the cycle and stay on track.

    Here's to a great day!