Wednesday menu, May 25, 2005

  • I already know -- so here it is!

    Breakfast: Maltomeal, milk, banana, WW carrot cake

    Lunch: Sandwich with white bread (crusts cut off), FF bologna, FF cheese, FF miracle whip -- the whole thing is only 2 pts; bag of sun chips

    Dinner: 1 slice of lean ham, BBQ sauce, corn on the cob, and milk

    Snacks if needed: Light string cheese, graham crackers
  • Kathy, I like how you list your snacks last, and put, if needed. It makes sense, because I never know whether I'm going to need a snack, and what I'm going to want. I think I'll do it that way too.

    b: puffed wheat, strawberries, milk
    s: graham cracker
    l: LO spaghetti, three bean salad, milk
    d: cornmeal-breaded pan-fried fish, corn, cottage cheese (full fat!), milk

    s: if needed, strawberries

    exercise: 35 minute walk (pushing a 70 pound stroller), about 1.6 miles

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal made with skim and 1/2 cup homemade applesauce

    Lunch: LO Chicken Chili

    Snack: FF Cottage cheese and pineapple chunks

    Dinner: Spring Mix salad with FF honey dijon dressing, Broiled pork chop, new baby red potatoes roasted with olive oil and garlic, fresh green beans

    Snack: SF/FF pudding
  • B - shredded wheat and berries/milk
    L - soup and salad and fruit
    D - oven fries/avocado and spinach sandwich (pts)

    -yogurt cheese and fruit
    - popcorn
  • B - pnut butter toast (3pts.)
    coffee (1pt.)

    S - rice krispie treat (2pts)

    L - brocc/caulif cheese soup (1pt)
    5 saltines (2pts)

    Total pts. so far (9)

    S - string cheese (2pt)
    coffee (1pt)

    D - hot dog w/roll (7pts)
    roasted red potatoes (3pts)

    Looks like I'm done........................27 pts. tomorrow ! !
    Wait! Don't I get an extra point for my exercise??? Maybe a 1 pt. snack later.

    Doing the Wendie plan this week - todays goal 22 pts.
    Exercise - WATP 2 mile tape with weights; already done this a.m.

  • B: LO Zucchini-potato pancakes with ff sour cream
    S: Banana
    L: 1 huge slice spinach ricotta pizza (10 pts), salad with ff dressing
    S: ff plain yogurt with strawberries and splenda
    D: French farmhouse garlic chicken, spicy zucchini in tomato sauce

    X: 30 min combination run/walk, 20 minutes Core routine
  • Breakfast: Cream of wheat, Splenda, buttery spray, milk

    Lunch: Chicken salad on bed of lettuce & tomato; apples,strawberries,& grapes with "dressing" (yogurt,DaVinci's vanilla & sour cream)

    Dinner: Leftover turkey chili maybe

    Snack: roasted chickpeas,
  • Breakfast - Slice of ice cream cake
    Lunch - turkey, carrots
    Dinner- pork chop, carrots, skim milk
    Snack: half banana
    Cantaloupe when hungry between meals.

    Exercise: 10mi bike
  • B: ff yogurt shake w/mango, banana, OJ, vanilla extract (2pt)
    S: ff Cottage Cheese w/grapes, peaches, blueberries
    L: turkey chili, soy cheese, lettuce, tomato
    D: Pork w/zuccini, summer squash
    S: ?

    E: 30 walk to WW meeting
  • b--oatmeal, splenda, ff milk
    l--pinto beans, ff cheese, chopped onions
    s--chocolate muffin tops with sf strawberry jam on top (1 pt each. i'm planning on 2)
    d--3 pt pizza
  • B- Protein Shake and 3 strawberries
    S- Protein Shake and 1 bar of granola
    L- Jack Daniels Grilled Chicken at TGI Fridays with a little bit of Fries.
    S- Protein Shake and 1 bar of granola
    D- 1 small chicken breast. Raw Spinich, Little bit of Corn

    E- 45 Mins on Bike (12 Miles)