Menstrual changes?

  • Not to get too personal...but has anyone experienced changes in their cycle after being on South Beach? Just curious if it's common or if I'm just the lucky one!
  • YES! like not getting it!!!! what is going on???
  • Angel, not getting it is should check with your OB/GYN, okay? Usually not getting it (if you're not pregnant ) can be a sign of stress or of lack of nutrition (or being too thin). Do get it checked out, okay?

    Amy, changes in your TOM (Time Of the Month) is somewhat common on SBD, around here at least. Mine changed start days and became heavier, even though I was on the pill. I also had less cramps. Still, it doesn't hurt to check it out with your OB/GYN to be sure. What I was told when I called was that it was unlikely that SBD affected it, but that my weightloss was doing it. Something about estrogen and fat--as you lose it affects your estrogen levels.
  • Not getting it and sometimes getting it early can be caused from drastic change in diet and activity level, being too thin, or drastic stress. Check with your doctor before proceeding.
  • Oh my! I haven't had it since 1994. Should I worry?
    ~~~~~~~~~~~runs out of the coop and down the Beach~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Sorry....a little bit!
  • I took a PT test and it said i am not...but that was before I was due..should I take one again? I am very frustrated I Know I am not too thin but i did lose a bit of weight in a week that could be a factor...
  • Angel, if you think you seriously could be pregnant (you're bring out the mom in me girl...use protection! ) then you should probably take another test to be sure. You might be able to get a more accurate (and free!) test at your college health center to be sure. Otherwise, I'd see an OB/GYN just to be safe. You can probably even call and explain...that's all I had to do.
  • Actually, it surprised me today by showing up two weeks early. I'm so used to knowing exactly what day I'll get it after being on the pill for years, it was just unexpected! I'm assuming that the change in diet is the cause, but just wanted to check and see if anyone had experienced the same thing. Thanks for all the responses!
  • I'll tell ya'll what. I was on the pill forever for obvious reasons, but also and most importantly I never had a regular period. I would go like 6 months and then have one for like 30 days.

    I was fed up with how the pill made me feel, so I went off of them in October. Guess what??? I have had a super duper regular period since. I am so happy and thank God every time Aunt Flo comes to visit!

    I think I must have went through some kind of hormonal change or something...SBD has not effected my timing, although I have less cramping and headache.
  • Angel: There are pregnancy tests that can be used before you are due to start your cycle BUT they are far less accurate than if you wait until you're a few days past your cycle start date. Urine tests are very unlikely to give a false positive, but fairly likely to give a false negative. You can increase the accuracy of the test if you use your first morning urine, because it's the most concentrated. However the urine tests are looking for a hormone ( hCG) that isn't produced immediately after fertilization - your body needs about 6 days to start cranking out the hCG hormone.

    Net Result: If you think you may be pregnant check again in a few days.

    About Cycle Changes: I'm not a doctor so take my advice with a shaker of salt...but cycle changes happen for many different reasons: weight fluctuations, age, illness, stress, diet. Any big changes in your life will often show up in your cycle. It's probably nothing, but it's still worth getting checked out by your physician.
  • Because of the relapse of mono and the fact that I didn't realize I had it again until the blood results came back in and I continued to press on hard against life, I got mine 2 weeks early a few weeks back. The next day I found out I had mono again. Ahhh....what stress can really do to a body....

    Ruth - at this point, I think you should keep on running from the coop.
  • everything is undercontrol......body is just adjusting...all here and no baby......

    want babies but have to graduate from college first!

    thanks for all the support and advice!