Beach Chat - Monday, May 23

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  • Morning Ladies!!! Glad to see most of you had a good weekend. Mine was okay, not very eventful. Never did get the bathrooms cleaned. After Friday's fiasco (5 beany brownies) I went 3.5 miles around the lake at the park with the stroller, following the "very hilly trail" for one of those miles. Felt really good afterward, maybe atoned for the brownies. However, I'm assuming a grilled stuffed burrito, some nachos bell grande, and a chocolate shake are not quite OP? Well, it's my first real off plan cheat, and I'm back on track this morning with a good attitude! Just had a kid in my room.....gotta love 'em. The conversation went a little like this:

    "okay, so I mocked a teacher. Why am I in trouble? why do I have to come to YOUR room"
    "because it's your plan and the principal said you should'
    "but why. she's not my principal. she's not in control of me. why do i have to go?
    "I already answered that question"
    "This is not fair, all you hate me! why do I have to come to YOUR room?"
    "This is your plan we made with with your dad and reviewed when you were there. This is what the principal said."
    "What is this, a punishment? All I did was mock the teacher"
    "We will discuss this when the other principal gets out of her meeting, until then you stay with me"
    "can I put my clothes in my locker"
    "But why. I don't want to carry this around"
    "I've already answered your questions. You will stay with me until we talk with the other principal"
    "Can I go to math in 10 minutes"
    "But why"
    no response
    "why, you don't have a reason?"
    no response
    "I'm not upset!...I'm not out of control....... Why can't I go to my locker....... I need to go to math class........You're taking away from my education....etc. etc. etc.
    No response

    I can laugh because I only have TWO--count 'em--TWO--more days of this!!!

    Have a wonderful, OP, and problem free day!!
  • Good Morning everyone!! I'm off today (what a way to start the week huh?!) I worked the weekend and I'm sore from moving fixtures all day Sunday!! I'm going to take it easy today...some scrapbooking & a trip to Trader Joes. I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • Ruth, even the best of us are sometimes waylaid by the darling Hyper Pypers of this world. I hope you enjoyed it...just do a bit of Phase 1 if you need to and jump back on the wagon. You know you can do it! I share your frustration...I spent most of the weekend either doing homework or playing computer games to avoid doing homework (at least I was sitting at the computer, right? ) so I didn't get any gardening done either. I missed it. Let's hope the weather perks up soon and you can go get some dirt therapy!

    Aileen, I actually grew to like the V-8, but when I visited the nutritionist, she told me that it really doesn't do much for you. You do get some nutrients, and the lycopene in the tomato juice is good, but you get much more if you eat the veggies than you do if you drink them. Sort of like what Dr. A said about drinking OJ vs eating an orange. She told me to stop drinking it and instead put some veggies in my cottage cheese. So, if you really don't like it, think about how you can get more actual veggies into your breakfast. I think Dr. A put the V-8/tomato juice in there for people who insist on juice in the morning. Don't stress about the flag. We all know what's in your heart.

    Speaking about overworking, Bamie... Sounds like you and your knee had a hard morning! Are you trying to take it easy? I thought of you when I saw the bright tunnies in my yard this week.

    Ellis, hope you have a nice day planned (i.e. no one is home! ). Once, I tried putting metamucil (the powder) in my V-8. I brought it with me to work and when I opened the container, it was a gelatinous mass. It really became a brick of jell-o jigglers consistency. We all had a good laugh here at work, but that was pretty much the end of my using both V-8 and metamucil powdered.

    Jenn, good for you on the 198! And I like the way you think about not waiting. I wish you tons of luck and have a blast at the beach...don't stress about that swimsuit. In the eyes of your girl, you'll look amazing, and that's all that counts! (that's what allowed me to wear a bikini at 240 on my honeymoon! )

    Congratulations, Chelsea!

    Good work on your weight, too, Sassy! I hear you about little bulls...our Lady (what's with the royal dogs? ) is a tough little girl...she can pull me down the block!

    Christy, I haven't check the pet thread yet, but I hope your kitty heals's so hard when your furkids are sick! Have fun seeing Star Wars with DD and stay away from that popcorn!

    Amy, why do you put water in to melt the chocolate? I would think it would make it separate and get kind of soupy. I just heat it in the microwave for 30 secs at a time, stirring in between until it melts. Works great!

    BB, enjoy the concert! Isn't it amazing how bad we feel when we don't eat enough veggies and too many carbs? I'm always shocked when I think about how I used to eat and feel and that it took me so long to do something about it! Hope the nor'easter blows over...I'm ready for spring too!

    Sunnybunny... "and snot!" I can SO relate. It's like the curse of the white're destined to spill something on it as soon as you get to work. Good for you on the veggies! Try putting sweet potatos in a soup sometime...they have tons of great nutrients (yams actually have even more than sweet potatoes do)!

    Barb, sounds like you're getting creative with the pasta salads! There's a couple (four, I think) in the new Cooking Light for June. They sound good...we're having one with Durum Semolina bowties this week. I had a tiny bit of phyllo yesterday too. I agree...once a month, as long as it's small, shouldn't hurt. The pot pie sounds delicious, but how can you eat hot food like that when it's in the 90's? You are amazing! Hope you feel better soon. No more exercising outside when it's a bad ozone day, okay?

    Well, DH and I are going to get a grill and a patio table!!! I have no clue where the money is coming from for these (DH is our financial manager), but DH is a total "tightwad" usually, so we must be able to afford it. Or he's trying to spend my salary before I stop getting a pay check next month! We found a great table with four armchairs and two rocking chairs, a wrought-iron looking lazy susan, a rectangular umbrella and wrought-iron looking umbrella stand. We have more than enough room for it on the deck as long as we cut a couple of branches off the drippy evergreen (which may mean less cleanup for us, too!). We found a nice, medium-size grill (what's with these monsters that can cook 80 hamburgers at once??? ) in stainless steel with a side burner that has a griddle attachment. I can't wait to start cooking on the many great recipes, so little time!

    I went down to 211.5 yesterday and up to 212 today. Still, it's much better than last week. At this rate, I just might make my monthly goal! I'm starting to think that it really, really is my calorie intake. I'm just eating too much. So I'm going to start putting everything into Fitday, as annoying as that is. It just has to happen. I don't know if it'll happen this week with all my homework (finally got my assignments this morning! ), but in the meantime, I'll be cutting my portions down and resisting the urge to keep eating. I'm also going to try to eat veggies with less fat...i.e. steamed broccoli with lemon rather than broccoli with cheese sauce.

    Hope everyone has a great day on the beach!
  • Wow...I took a long time with my post...there are a bunch of you I missed!

    FM, congrats on the pound!!! Don't feel like you have to drink the V-8. You'll get much more in terms of fiber and a full feeling from eating actual vegetables than from drinking them anyway.

    Gryff, don't forget your veggies, okay? Maybe some broccoli/cauli/celery/tomatoes with dip after your pie (or before)? You do better, IMHO, to take several vitamins separately than to take a multivitamin. That way you get just what you need and none of what you don't. The FDA amounts of most vitamins can be very low for people, and most multivitamins just cover the FDA amount. Buying vits separately can be expensive (though warehouse stores like Costco and Sam's usually have them), but worthwhile in the end. Plus, they are less likely to look like horsepills. Check with your doctor to see what you should take.

    Mamaeli, you probably should do Phase 1 for a couple days after that'll really make you feel better. After dealing with kids like that all day, I think I would have eaten more! I totally get you...that kid sounds like the one I had in my 4th grade class who had Turrett's and ADHD.

    Soon, your day sounds dreamy! Have a blast!!!
  • Good morning Beach Babes! Had to work all weekend and it was totally crazy. Stayed OP except for a little wine to calm my nerves! Quick weigh in this a m and lost 3lbss:! Hope u all have a great beachin day! Special hi 2u Rockstar!! GOFISHIN!!!
  • Yes, well, I weighted 238 the day school started.....that's 24 lbs in 10 months. Only 14 (really 15.5 if you count this morning) to go to be where I was in August. Hopefully I'll be there well before August! One more reason I'm going into real estate--teaching is hazardous for my health!
  • Does drinking V8 in the morning count as a morning vegetable? I do need to add veggies in the morning, I have trouble with that. I am great with veggies throughout the day I need to buckle down and eat some in the mornings!
  • good morning (almost afternoon) everyone,

    day one on the beach is going OK so far. my tummy is kind of rumbly, but i don't feel hungry. i ate my first cheese stick snack probably earlier than i should have -- around 9 a.m. after breakfast at 7:30 a.m.

    so i broke down and had my 30 pistachio snack at 10:30 a.m.

    are snacks unlimited? i was under the impression you should just eat when you get hungry.

    i need to get lots of veggies in at lunch today.

    one more question for you all. i'm doing the metamucil thing suggested in the book. does anyone else do that on a regular basis?
  • Hey guys...a quickie post from rainy Ohio!

    I had a good time off (even though my daughter had surgery on Wednesday...) bu..I am going back to work today (argh!)

    My DH,DM,DF and myself painted my entire deck, redwood furniture, put up new lattice work..etc etc...this weekend...soooo much done!!! I feel great about it..but, haven't had a chance to enjoy it yet because of the rain!!

    I am having a good morning...I have a tooth issue and I am sticking to FF cottage cheese and V8 for nurishment...I get my protein, veggies etc..and don't bother my tooth I need to get fixed on Thursday. I have the Elite Event with my husband's company on Wednesday and I am babying the tooth until then...he can't take me to the event if I am missing a tooth, could he??? hahahah!!!

    Well, Sammi is doing much better, I get to take the dressing off of her incisions today...I had to give her a little of her pain medication because of will be painful..but, it has to be done, we are 5 days post-op. She is also complaining of her "body hurting" -- probably soreness from healing...she is only 2...doesn't know 'sore' yet...haha~

    Okay, will check back later ladies...
  • gryffgirl - You can count your V8 for your 1/2 cup of morning vegetables but as Laurie has suggested, it is actually better to eat vegetables if you could since the fiber is better for you.

    skyesque - I do Metamucil with breakfast every day. I think I did it two or three times a day when I was in phase 1 but once a day is good enough for phase 2.
  • I am SO glad to see that I am not the only one who struggles with the V-8! but adding hot sauce? oh heck no! i don't do spicy/hot anything... bleh bleh yucky pooey bleh... and bleh..

    My daddy used to drink it all the time.. little cans of it... i bought a big jug of it... i need more veggies in the morning, and i'm not really a breakfast person.. although i had a big breakfast today...

    now keep in mind i was up at 1 a.m. making double fudge brownies for my co-workers to celebrate my son getting field captain (and nope, i have not touched them!).... so they were in the kitchen cutting brownies, and i had 2 microwave scrambled eggs with some ff shredded mozzarela cheese, about 4 grape tomatoes, 1/4 ff cottage cheese, and about 1 1/2 T of garlic hummus. I drank the V8 at home before I left for work...

    for lunch i'm having a huge cucumber with garlic hummus, a can of tuna, some ff jello, some cottage cheese... and later today i have a low fat string cheese to munch on...

    for dinner i'm having grilled italian chicken breast on a huge salad...

    is that too much? or do you see where i can change anything? of course i'm drinking so much water i'm practically bouyant!

    back to work for me!
  • Just wanted to jump in here and say good morning to everyone. I plan on being a regular here and the 100 pound board as I have a long way to go, but I am here and that is all that matters. I look forward to getting to know all of you and sharing in victories and trials together. Have a great day...until next time!
  • Wow y'all are a chatty bunch today! Finally! lol I have to say I love V-8! I can drink it everyday!
    Laurie...I have tried it with my metamucil and it starts gettin thick right then I could not imagine waitin for a long time! Yuck! I bet it was funny! I don't recommend tryin it in your V-8 water is much better.

    I'm off to make something...maybe the taco bake...DH was not thrilled with my big ol list of foods but he obviously got over it cause he bought it all! I am goin to make the pie as well only I'm usin strawberry j-ello instead of lemon. I best get to diggin in the kitchen! Keep up the chatter chickies!
  • What a noisy bunch of chickies! I would like you to try to keep the noise down while this old hen has a nap. My house is clean as a whistle and mys sister invited us over to the Farm for pot roast tonight. It's too miserable to work outside so I am going for a nap. I really need to catch up on rest after the past few days.

    z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
  • Ssssh, Ruth is sleeping....

    Does anyone know this song... "Way up in the sky, the little birds fly, way down in the nest, the little bird rests..."