I have to go to MIAMI!! ahhhh....

  • Hi Girls,
    so I have to go to Miami in July. I am so worried. I have always wanted to go but not as the fat girl. In college I lived in a house full of boys from Miami and they would invite me to visit but I just couldn't do it. Now one of them got married and I havn't seen them in a while so I want to go but I'm really worried.

    Have any of you ever been there? Is everyone really super skinny and in bathing suits all day.

    I'm trying to lose some more weight before I go but I'm sure I won't be swim suit ready by then. He I don't mind being at the pool in a suit because its not that stressful, there are tons of big girls in bikins. But I just feel like I am going to be so out of place.

    ahhh,,,I don't want to miss out on this but....
  • Hi jennie,

    I've never been to Miami, but I can't believe that there are no overweight people there! I'm originally from Los Angeles, and while there are a lot of really thin girls there, there are plenty of heavy ones too! My guess is that people aren't in their bathing suits when they're not right near the beach. Is the wedding going to involve swimming? If not, you won't even need to bring a swimsuit.

    I'm sure your friend would be sad if you missed out on his wedding because of your weight. Also, even if other people around are wearing bikinis, you don't have to! When my grandmother came out to visit us in LA a few years back, we took her to the beach. She sat on a chair with an umbrella over her, fully clothed and with a blanket on! Nobody even looked twice.
  • Hi, Jennie. Don't miss out on the wedding because you're concerned about your weight! Although South Beach does have it's fair share of absolutely stunning people (models) that wear next-to-nothing, all of Miami is not like that, and I'm sure you won't have to worry about that at a wedding. Miami definitely does have a lot of beautiful, fit people, but there are average people there, too. It's not a requirement that you have to be fit, weigh a certain amount and wear little clothing to even visit. Please go and enjoy yourself!
  • Hey, Jennie. I have never been to Miami exactly, but I've been all over California (I used to live there), and I have NEVER come across a beach where there was not a big girl or two, and no one ever gave them a second thought. There is no "skinny requirement" to go on a beach in Florida, and there is certainly no "skinny requirement" to go there for a wedding-- you don't have to go out in a bikini if you're uncomfortable with the way you look! My boyfriend's sister makes her living as a model, and she's super-skinny, and she won't be seen in a bikini because she isn't comfortable with the way it makes her look.

    The important thing to remember is that people don't care how you look. Your friend invited you to his wedding because he loves you as a person, not because of the way you look in a bathing suit, and even the people who don't know you don't really care, they're all too concerned with whether or not they look fat in their own bathing suits to notice anyone else. Only wear a swimsuit if you feel that your embarrassment won't interfere with how much you enjoy the trip-- otherwise, don't wear one, and just enjoy the wedding. If you do opt to wear a swimsuit, buy one that is flattering and that you like, and leave it at that: don't obsess over the way you look, don't even think about it. If YOU think you look good, you will communicate this in the way you move and talk, and people will think that you look good, too.

    Just please, please promise us that if you don't go, it won't be because of your weight!! I have missed WAY too many opportunities in my life because of embarrassment about my weight, and I regret it more than anything.
  • Hi Girls,
    thansk for the advice. I know I shouldn't worry but you know how it is. I love the beach and I never carried to much how I looked. but now that I am losing I am much more conscience of how I look.
    My problem area is my thighs, I am pretty comfortable with my upper body so I bought one of the suits with the skirt bottom. at least I feel a little bit covered up with it on. Luckily, they are making cute ones so I don't have to feel like I'm wearing a granny suit when everyone else is in some hotty bikini.
    thanks girls I'l sure it will be fun as long as I don't let my self worry.