5 candies for 1 pt?

  • The other day i was just window shopping in the candy aisle,(haha i never buy it ne more, but its interesting to see how bad each thing is) when i came along Werthers and cream saves new sugar free candies!! I was reading the labels, and it said you could have 5 candies for just 45 calories? I was like WHOA! slow down! haha..put my cart in reverse. I didnt buy them this time, but has ne one else seen these candies? What do ya think?!
    Thanks so much.
  • I don't know about those specifically, but some sf candies have sweeteners that can cause, um, digestive problems. Meaning that not only would you get candy, you'd get a lot of exercise too.

    It doesn't happen for everyone, though. I've found I can eat a reasonable amount of sf chocolate without problems.
  • Yeah watch out for that SF candy. I try to just stick with fat free or low fat stuff. Sugar Free stuff can be kind of embarassing sometimes in the stomach dept. I have made that mistake before. I never eat Sugar free anything anymore.

  • The sugar subs/alcohols tend like stated above to give you GI problems..however for the most part 1 serving of 5 candies probably wouldn't hurt you that way...it is when you over do that usually causes the problems.