Flexers chat and support May 2005

  • Good morning everyone!

    Just thought I would start a new thread for the week. Hope everyone had a good weekend

    I gained 2 lbs over the weekend but it was well worth it. DH and I went out for a wonderful Italian dinner and splurged on everything from wine to dessert... but it was our wedding anniversary so what the heck!

    I did get my front garden planted on Sunday so that was about 3 hours of exercise there and my yard looks great. Now I just have to prune the crabapple tree and I am done Then I move on to painting the front door and trim.
  • Hi All! Well, let me tell you what happened on our "second honeymoon" (10 year wedding anniversary) to Pigeon Forge. Our fitst night there was actually the day of our anniversary, so we got dressed up and went to a really nice restaurant in Gatlinburg called the "Greenbrier". Well, I had not been feeling "right" most of the day, but figured it was more due to the 6 hour car drive then anything else...plus I had not eaten very much throughout the day cause I wanted to be able to enjoy my evening out. ANYWAY....we have like a 25 minute wait at the restaurant, so by the time we get to our table I feel half ill cause I THINK I am so hungry. We order our food and the waitress brings us our bread and salads, and I start eating, but I just feel funny...and my husband looks over at me and he says "Are you okay?" and I'm like, ..."ummm....no." So he suggests I go to the bathroom, and I get up and walk out....and get half way across the lobby......AND I THROW UP!!!!!
    I RUN into the bathroom get half way into a stall and THROW UP AGAIN!! And then just to complete the evenings theme I do it AGAIN!! It was sooo horrible!! All over my dress pants....all over a new shirt I had just bought......

    Luckily these two wonderful women came in and helped me and went and got my husband, but needless to say, I spent my anniversary night with a bottle of Pepto-bismol (not the bottle of wine like I imagined.) Hubby was a dream though...kept me comfy and was eventually able to help me see the humor in the situation

    Feeling better now though.....an am glad to be home!

    WI tommorrow!

    Needless to say Mauvaisroux----you had a much better anniversary dinner then me!
  • Hey girls...I think Ill join in here.

    My anniversary is on June 4th. I have no idea what the hubby has planned but Im pretty sure the menu wont include weight watchers items.

    I have the WW dining out guide but none of the restaurants over here have the same foods or ingredients. We have chilis here but Im not sure I want that on our anniversary

    Anyway, Ill post later...

  • A big hello to everyone!!

    Had a great weekend - went to a state park and hiked my butt off, lol.

    The admins here have given the ok to mention the restaurant guide with WW points at dwlz.com. It's updated often, and seems highly accurate. I printed out the pages I knew I'd use, and keep a copy with my journal, so I can plan ahead, but also keep a copy in the car, just in case.

    I've got a meeting in a little while, and then plan to weed the flower garden. Oh how boring, lol!!

    What's on your agenda for the day?
  • Had my WI today, lost 1 pound.
    Don't suggest getting sick on your anniversary as a good way of doing it though .
  • Sherry - sorry to hear about your anniversary dinner - hope the rest of the weekend was better.

    I have weigh in tonight and I think I gained about 2lbs on the weekend
  • Well I didn't do quite as badly as I thought I only gained 1 lb so that's not so bad and I am back OP today.

    I think my biggest challenges are the weekends. I do well during the week because of the daily routine of work but then everything seems to go to pieces on the weekend.

    Anyone else have this problem or anything things they do to stay OP on the weekend?
  • I have the same problem with weekends, the problem I face is I don't know where I will be at lunch or dinner time, so I am unable to plan my day ahead like I do during the week. Plus we always end up going out to dinner, which is hard. Having willpower is much more difficult when you are faced with so many wonderful choices. I try to steer us towards Applebees, then I only look at the WW menu.

    I had a rough night last night though...I snacked on wine, cheese and freakin' goldfish crackers!!
  • Which are you favortie dishes at Applebees? I went for the first time and tried the sizzlin' chicken skillet. I really enjoyed it. I love fajitas but everywhere around here uses so much grease and things so I can't really get them unless I am splurging with my flex points.
  • I almost always get the chicken skillet also, I love mexican food! I have also tried the quesidella (no idea how to spell it...), which is actually listed as an appetizer, and it was pretty good. i have heard the cheesecake is good too, but have not tried it for myself.

    Anyone have any ideas for Ruby Tuesdays? We have a gift certificate that is burning a hole in our pockets.....
  • The thing I like about Ruby Tuesday's is that they have nutrional facts listed on their menu so if you have your slider or calculator handy then you can decide what is best for you. But I always wanna know what to eat before hand. You may already know www.dwlz.com has the listing for Ruby Tuesday's and well their menu is also online with all the nutrional facts.
  • Good morning all! Well, last night was my daughter's preschool graduation. It was one of situations where you want to laugh and cry at the same time. There are 10 kids "graduating" to kindergarten...and they put on this little program. Very sweet. Afterwards they had a big cake (which I passed on!) but those kids were super-hyper afterwards!!
  • Gee, in my day we only had junior high grad and then high school grad
    Sounds like it was fun sherry and way to go on the cake

    I have to be careful not to overindulge this weekend...tonight we are eating out and then going to see the Star Wars movie and then we have to go to a BBQ on Sunday.