Merry month of May chatter

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  • Gals! You're back!

    Janey, Teva shoes are from heaven! Wear your bible shoes with pride! I have bad/tender feet too (and I'm only 27... eek) I wear orthodics in my shoes when possible and even the orthodics give me blisters! Every Saturday after our 6 mile walk, my feet are in swollen blistery purgatory lol

    Speaking of 6 mile walks - hey it seems everybody's doing 'em! Go Frus!!! I don't know if I could do the 6 miles spontaneously (sp?) without psyching myself up for it all week! Veg, you may very well have walked MORE than 6 miles! Woo hoo! I'm a slow walker and I walk 6 miles in 2 hrs, so there you have it! You're a 10k walker lol

    Kylie... you're a fitness god! Going to the gym for a swim at the butt crack of dawn on a Sunday! Kudos to you kid. BTW, I'm going home for 8 days only. It's going to be a blast! could be better than going for 2 weeks because I made a schedule up, squeezed everyone in so that there's never a day with 'nothing to do' Anyway, I'll probably feel torn in the end because I will miss Hubby (we go all mushy after 3 hrs apart lol - we're still newlyweds! Don't laugh!) but will feel I haven't had enough time with everyone. but, anyway I need to come back and WORK.

    OK chicas... time to cuddle up w/ hubby, watch Cast Away for about the 4th time and workout later on...

    Be good! Love thyself!
  • It's all my sisters fault she promised me we would be out for an hour as I was slumped in front of American Idol having just got up...two and a half hours later we stumbled back (30 mins shopping on way back). My head is burnt! It was windy but sunny. Was nice walk though the dogs were very cute my Dad turned up on his bike and they ran behind him.
  • Hey Everyone
    Was offline for days and nobody missed me? a lot has happened too i've fractured my arm and hubby bought me a new computer today and you guys are the first ones that I visit SAD! still pigging out so nothing has changed I know i'm a hopeless case
  • I missed you, Cat .

    How did you fracture your arm? I hope you didn't fall off your new .

    Glad you're back,

  • poor cat!

    I am going to ring the gym next, yes I am, yes I am!
  • I just thought you just must be having a life Cathy! What did you do then to your arm? Go on tell.
  • NO, its not what you think Veggie I fell off my but it was the MOUNTAIN one (thank god) not my cute little scooter those damn boulders and rocks will get ya everytime so now i'm a lady of leisure again for a few weeks anyway i'm thinking of jumping on a plane and going home for a bit whats the weather like if its then I won't bother

    for missing me Janey
  • It's sunny ish in the north. Can't promise there won't be some rain though.
  • Hi all

    Had a busy weekend, hence the lack of posting, but some very good friends came up & stayed with us, so had a lovely time, yeah ate too much (bit of the old vino too) but we did go for a really good long walk yesterday morning in the glorious sunshine which must have made up for a bit of it. I also did a 45 minute dance workout today, so I'm not feeling too guilty.

    I too will be glued to the telly watching Big Bruv, enjoying it so far, interesting to watch it all develop.

    Poor Cat, hope your arm is better soon, is it in a sling? You'll have to take it easy for a bit now.

    So when are you going back to the States Tamara? Whereabouts are you from, it's somewhere I've never been, but hope to get to one day.

    Well take care all, I'm in the middle of bathing my daughter, then will settle down in front of the telly for BB - mind you, it's not on till 10.30 tonight - way past my bedtime (thank Gawd I don't have to get up for work tomorrow, it being half-term an' all)
  • Poor cat! Give your a spank!

    Gym tomorrow.....
  • Hey Folks! What a beautiful 2 days we've had in the Preston/St Annes area! Very sunny and warm-ish. I've enjoyed it, ideal for the Bank Holiday!

    Cat, so sorry about you arm... that sucks, but you're right at least the new scooter was not involved

    Dotty, I'm originally from NY, my family lives in NJ, and I have some friends in PA from graduate school at Penn State, so I'll be visiting the tri-state area. You must go to NY if/when you visit the US... so much fun and excitement!

    Today we went to the European market in Lytham (today was the last day, but if it weren't I would've recommended it!) I've had some wonderful naughty treats! donuts (doh!) Brie (doh!) and those amazing french biscuits (doh! doh! doh!) but I didn't feel like I was 'cheating' and still don't lol I think I've finally reached that stage where I realise I AM A HUMAN making choices to live a healthier life, not a poor soul condemned to eat, leaves, carrots and berries forever. YAY! And the best bit is I came home and worked out for 70 minutes out of interest AND NOT GUILT! Yay! Yay!
  • The weather was gorgeous here too. I pottered around our village for a bit, then slep nearly all afternoon. I was so tired last week, I think I was missing out on some sleep somewhere along the line. It's going to be manic the next three days, so I am glad I have had some rest.

    I love the European markets, we have them in Ramsbottom occasionally. I didn't go to the last one, due to my diet, I can eat and eat cheese til the cows come home!!!! I'm on a diet break this week, will keep up the exercise but I am can have a few more treats than usual.
  • BG, brie is one of the lower calorie cheeses, about 200 and something cals per 100g I think so I tend to either eat that or mozzerella if I'm having a cheese feast day!
  • Frus, don't tell me that.. we've still got a chunky wedge left!!! lol Mmm.. Brie on toast? Brie and grapes? Brie and apple...
  • just measure it, count the calories and enjoy it YUMMY!

    I'm having pork and apple sausages for lunch - not low fat either! Aren't I naughty!