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  • Hey chicks.

    I'm a pit bull. Heh.

    I'm ok Jolly... just money and PMS and money and .. yeah.

    How did the orientation go!? I must know!

    Red - I'm hangin'! Are you?

    Tomorrow will prove to be an interesting day indeed. My first paying client for hoof trimming. It's a woman I met on my training board. She wants a good wild horse trim, and she's willing to work with me and let me learn by working on her horses. I also told her I'd be thrilled to start showing her the ground work, etc. I told her all I really wanted was enough money to cover my gas, and then if she thinks I am doing a good job with them in a couple months, a testimonial for my website. That's all I want right now. I have, potentially, four clients right now, but none of them are closer than 100 miles away!! Oh well .. hope business picks up fast. I need a new car.
  • All right, quick post here.

    Jolly -- good, that's the attitude I like to see, doberman or boxer...(docked or au naturel?) Did you get a ride in? I hope so. Weight lifting orientation, huh? Sounds good! Haven't you been doing weights though? What do you usually do at the gym?

    Raven -- glad to hear you're hanging cool. A pit bull, eh? Yes! Cool beast. Oh, God, do I ever hear you on the money woes. I sure hope your work with the horses picks up. That sounds good with you getting your first paying client. You gotta start somwhere I guess to pick up customers. I'd be careful about doing that with too many people in your area though. You want to leave the close ones for the big money. Maybe you could do the freebies on the ones far away. Well, good luck!

    Well, I'm just too busy here. Derby's tomorrow, but all the work is for the big race next week. I came home to find a check from Hong Kong when they promised to wire me money. It wasn't much but I can use anything. So, I've just launched off a few emails asking them to get to the bottom of it. Checks here are a real pain. Takes a month to get your money and that's after you find a bank. Damn, I was checking my account for this dough, that's how pathetically strapped I am...

    But, a great save. I turned down going out with the guys from working drinking tonight. They were like, come on! come on! and I said no, I had work to do. Good for me. That would always mean mega calories. The money would have been minimal cause there was some unbelievable special on tonight at this bar but still....

    Besides, I can drink for free after the race tomorrow if I really want to. Today I did good with exercise, got a ride in, and then went to work, two hours late but still...

    Ok, that's all for now.

    Others, you okay? Chachee, happy, derry, anyone I miss? Come out, come out....
  • Hi all. Huge congrats to you Raven, on your first paying customer. way to go. And to you too, Red on the save.

    I did get a ride in last night. Not a great one, as I brought my bad mood in with me, and it rubbed off on the pony. I was finally able to realize what I was doing, and we were both able to get over it though.

    No, Red, I have not been doing weights. I hate weights, even though I love the results. So, I have not been doing them. I just do cardio at the gym right now. So I am getting oriented on a different type of weights - free motion - in hopes that this will motivate me to do them again. I hope. I need to do something right. though duct taping my mouth shut would be a great start.

    Have a wonderful weekend all!
  • Ok, jolly, I see. But what are free motion weights? Never heard of this. You don't just mean free weights, do you? In any case, I hope they are something that you will enjoy and that will get you doing them! Good luck!
  • No, not free weights. Just the brand name of a different type of weight machine. More pulleys. Uses more core muscles to stabilize then seats and machine parts. We shall see how it goes.

    Did well last night at the wedding reception. They had a dessert buffet. I had some pineapple. Two chocolate dipped strawberries. And one piece of cheesecake. Came home, and was able to refrain from eating any junk food.

    Today, didn't do any exercise except riding, and walking around the horse show.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • Hey chickies,
    First holiday weekend of the summer. Yay! Life has been busy lately - too busy. I have not been in the dieting frame of mind although I really should. And I really haven't had anything much to say. That kind of mood where you type something and then it sounds stupid so you erase it a few times and by then it's late and you're tired so you just sit in the background quietly. That's how it's been for me.

    Anyway, enjoy your 3 day weekend and Red, I hope they get you the money they owe you. I'm going to see if I can find my motivation lurking the bottom of one of my still packed up boxes in the garage...
  • rainy day monday.........
    Hi people. Just wanted to say hi so I don't get too far behind. It's been raining all day, but it's OK as I had/have a lot of work to do. Rainy season getting close now. Soon, the wisteria will be blooming, then the irises. Tokyo is one flower after the other from the early plum blossoms, then the cherries, then the azaleas. It really can be a very colorful city.

    jolly, ok, I understand about the weights now. Great going on the wedding party and then not eating when you came home, no junk that is. So you were at a horse show? Cool, I must have missed that. Are there a lot of shows around you? Is everyone riding Western?

    happy -- Very good to see you back! I know how you feel about the non-dieting mood and the not wanting to type. But, you should just type anyhow. I know the tone around here is pretty serious most of the time, but I would be glad to hear anything from you... banal, silly, a bit of comic relief, anything! And, oh, yes, thanks, the money messup got sorted out. They always pay by check but I hate that, it's such a hassle so I try my best to insist on a wire transfer. So, I'm to have it soon... Hurrah. Well, hope you find that motivation. Now where could you have put it...........???
  • Ooooh Red, after being here this spring I can now imagine just how lovely your city will be. Oohing and ahhing for you. And a few ah-choos thrown in as I suppose you have the cascades of pollen that all those lovely flowers bring too. It sounds gorgeous tho.

    Today will be spent clearing out the upstairs master bedroom which has become holding area number 2 for all the stuff we didn't know what to do with yet. But the mattress for the guest bedroom (that we're in now) is coming next week so we have to make room to relocate the bedrooms again. My family is coming the end of June for a week long visit. I can't wait. Lots to do to get ready though.

    I did break down and buy some new clothes for work yesterday. Including a pair of pants that I just love but needs about 10 pounds off me before they will zip right. The fact that I love them but they didn't have a larger size was an omen that I should work hard on the diet this month. 10 pounds by the family visit? Can I do that? Sure I can Ok, get cracking girl.

    To those having a holiday today - celebrate and enjoy the day off. To poor Red across the seas, don't work too hard - I'll save a bit of fruit salad and some BBQ chicken for you
  • Hi all. Day two without a workout other than dog walking and show walking. My allergies are acting up horribly. I feel miserable.

    Yes, Red, there are a lot of shows around here. The ones I go to have a little bit of everything. One of the girls from my barn does sidesaddle on top of everything else. I got to walk a lead line rider around today. REason number 1 to have a child. He was so cute.

    Have a great day all.
  • Hi guys, sorry I pulled a dissapearing act for a few days. How is everyone?
    I have been away, and took some time with the kids exploring Boston for fun. Haven't been awfully well behaved food-wise, but not all that bad either, kind of in between, I guess.
    My dad is still not well, they have started Hospice with him, which kind of tells us all what is going on...
  • Linda, sorry to hear about your dad. Is there any way to find out what's going on or are you stuck with whatever your mom choses to (or not) tell you? Sounds like it was good though to get away with the kids for a bit. You really do need to have a stress relief valve as you do no good laying next to your dad in a hospital room of your own.

    Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Why do the weekends go by so quickly even when we get an extra day Things must be blooming in the great midwest, eh Jolly? I picked up a box of Claritan myself today -going to try that for the first time, I'm usually an Actifed person as Benedryl does nothing for me.
  • Hi Happy and everyone. Thanks for your group hug. I think I know enough that I don't even know if I want to have any conversations. Allergies around here are running wild as well. All the rain we had contributed to a huge boom of every flower, tree and plant all coming into bloom at once, it's lovely but an allergy nightmare.
    Getting away with the kids was a good thing. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe' as well as to the top of the Prudential Building yesterday and walked all around Boston. It was fun, so many "interesting" people.
    One of the things that amazes me the most about Boston is the number of coffee places that have sprung up just about everywhere. You can see that caffeine (which I love as well) is the "drug of choice" for America! Dunkin Doughnuts, Krispy Creme and Starbucks are everywhere. We went in a Starbucks and it was amazing how many people were in there with laptops on line as well. My DH tells me that Starbucks has wireless networking all set up so people can access the internet with their laptops in there, amazing.
    We walked all around Newbury Street (the posh shopping area like the Rodeo Drive of Boston, sort of) and up by Berklee College of Music (where my son wants to go) as well as drove (once it starting pouring rain and we headed for the car) all around by Boston's Fanuiel Hall Marketplace and the Waterfront. We headed over by the Statehouse and Cambridge on our way out of "town". It was a nice day and a distraction.
    Linda, the country gal who rarely gets into the city
  • Glad to hear you got a chance to relax, Derry, and hope for the best with your parents.

    I feel like I take 1 step forward, then 3 steps back. My allergy problems resulted in some pretty bad chest congestion. I was up most of the night, and am dealing with a low grade fever today = no work out this morning. Plus, unless I feel a whole lot better this afternoon, I won't be able to go ride, and with working the part time job Wed and Thurs, I won't be able to get to the barn until Friday. Sucks.

    Enough of that. I hope everyone has a good day.
  • Going to try to catch up. I ended up doing two horses on Saturday, one for my friend from the board, and one for a friend of hers. Both were overdue for trims, and took a while. The first was not only overdue, but unusually hinky about holding up her feet. ANYway... long story short, it was a pretty physically intensive day. I have the bruises to prove it.

    Then Sunday I get a semi-panic e-mail from a friend in Florida.. her farrier is in England, and her 5 horses need a trim because their hooves are all chipping badly. Sooooo, sucker that I am, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off, get things done around the house, and make a 5 hour drive to her house. Get there late, trim two horses, fall asleep. Wake up, trim three horses, and make the 5 hour drive back on Monday. No money to speak of, but possible repeat and new business. She's thinking of transitioning me into her primary farrier, and there's a breeder down the road with 14 broodmares who never wear shoes who might consider using me as her farrier. That would be awesome!

    ANYway... I did so well on food and water, and I think my exercise kind of got taken care of, considering everything. I did pilates Sunday morning down there just to stretch myself out. I didn't work out this morning, but maybe tonight I'll do pilates again, my back is tight. Not sore, just tight. Then perhaps tomorrow will be running.

    It's beginning to look like I'll be at that 10 pounds down by the end of the week that I was aiming for as my goal. I started my period yesterday, so that's throwing things off.

    Jolly - I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Drink lots! Hopefully you can beat it quickly and get back on track.

    Red - These are actually (other than the second one on Saturday) chicks I've met on another board who train using the same methods I use. We've known each other now for a couple years, gone through a lot on the boards, and they're giving me a chance to train on their horses. I appreciate that a lot. The flowers there sound absolutely beautiful. I have wisteria in my front yard, and I LOVE it.

    Happy - I was in that headspace for a long, long time, so I can really understand it. *hug* Ten pounds by the end of June? That's my goal, too. So what are you going to do to achieve your goal, chica?

    Derry - Sounds like you had a nice time, and Boston sounds like a cool place. As long as you can avoid the donuts... I'm sorry about your dad. It's hard, I know. Mine has been in an extended care home for a couple years now, and .. it's sad.

    Well, it's only taken me like 4 hours to try to get this written, so .. back to work for me! Happy Tuesday!
  • OK. I don't think I can manage 10 pounds by the end of June - I'll go with 8. Two pounds for each week. Now, off to bed, recovery, exercise, and good food. Congrats on the potential business, Raven.