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  • lol" Petra had to laff when i saw your post... i live in st mary's county in MD u know this is "crab heaven" think i have been pickin crabs since i was like 5 ... theres a secret to it!

    when u slide that top shell off and then have just the white undershell snap it into 2 halves and using a sharp small knife cut the 2 sides in half horizontally then u can take ur knife and just slide the meat out of the small sections..

    for the claws take your knife and cut thru the spot where the two pinchers actualy meet.. the claw meat should come out in one nice big chunk

    dont know if that makes sense.. its hard to explain in words..

    crab cakes yummmmmmmm u know my mom uses tuna and makes it using the crab cake receipe on the old bay box

    went to take my mom home from work last nite and my car was dead! i am hoping its the battery

    and sure thanked the "big guy" for not lettin it die on the beltway yesterday morning!!

    for u guys that arent familiar with the "beltway" its a big circle around washington dc that goes thru maryland and va.. its @ 6 lanes and mostly a big parking lot lol moves at a snails pace!!

    when i was sitin in traffic.. i thought how do pepole do this everyday????

    OMG OMG just back from my daily (addicted) jump on the scale.......... happy dance 248
  • Hi Everyone,
    Qucik moringin check. I got up a little early today so I can be online a bit....
    I went to a piltates class at my gym which to me isn't really pilates more just a body sculpting and toneing class. It very hard but I just don't see any of the pilates components I'm used to. It one of those feels so good to hurt so bad kind of classes I bet I'll be sore today. After, I went to my sisters for a cook out dinner and I did really well, I had one chicken sausage, with out the bun, 2 ears of corn grilled, and tomato salad. When I got home and added up my points I still had some left over. Yeah, the old me would have had like 3 hot dogs or something.

    L2L- I ussually eat either a yogurt or an apple about 15-30 minutes before I excersise then after I ussually wait a little because I have to shower ect... then have the rest of my meal so if its lunch, I'll eat a salad or what ever and if its breakfast, I ussually eat either go lean crunch which is a soyprotein cereal or a luna bar or something. I try and get at least some protein because I feel the carbs get burned up really fast after a work out. But that is just what I found to work, I'm not sure if its apropriate.

    Curly, I lived in Baltimore for 5 years and never got the hang of eating crabs. Ussually I just opted for the crab cakes, less work.

    Petra, have fun at the concert.

    TEB, WW lets you have just about anything its just you get to choose, like tons of fruit, or one bite of ice cream so it kind of trains you to make better choices but nothing is off limits totally. You might want to look into it if you are scared of the threat of tabo foods.

    Mom, I always hated when my son had to get shots, I hope he doesn't need them this time, he is goingn to be 5 hmmm... I better call and schedule that apnt.

    Turtle, I miss you hope you come back girl.

    Have a good one eveybody,
  • Howdy Everyone!!!
    Our weather is changing and fall is in the air. THey are saying we could get snow in the mountains this weekend!!! Temps not over 60 tomorrow. Eat your heart out. LOL

    I took M for her 5 year old shots on Monday. I didn't think I was behind. I never got a schedule from the doctor because her bio mom started the shots. She ended up getting 4 of them. Nurse was amazed she didn't even flinch when they gave them to her. My little girl is so brave. We had kindergarten registration yesterday. My baby is going to kindergarten a week from Monday. WHere is my baby??? I am happy for her but sad at the same time. Dave was laughing at me because I carefully read the handbook twice. Didn't want any surprises. LOL No tank tops in kindergarten. LOL

    I bought the WATP, 1 mile Power Walk and did it last night. It is ok but I like my Richard videos better. They are more challenging and the music is way better. Probably won't buy another one but I am looking on ebay and amazon for some more Richard. M and I rode our bikes to the closest park last night and we played on the equipment. We had a good time. She wanted to skip swim lessons. I am going to sign her up next month but on Saturday. We can't do 2 days a week with school. She will have homework even in kindergarten and they are learning Latin too. WHo is going to help me do her homework. LOL

    Weigh in is tomorrow morning. I am ify about it. I am hoping I lost but not 100% sure. SInce last weeks gain, which was well deserved, I have had a hard time getting my exercise in. I am hoping to lose what I gained and wished it was some more but I doubt it. I vow next week to exercise more!! I have no problem with getting my foods in or drinking the water. I have noticed when I don't drink as much water in a day my body craves it and I can feel it. I have cut out all pop in my diet and can't remember when I had one. I drink a 1/2 cup of coffee some morning but mostly only drink water.

    When my sister used to travel for work she went up into New England and wanted to try crabs. She called me from the resturant. She had her adult daughter with her and they were laughing so hard I couldn't understand a word. People were staring at them. My sister was placing crabs all over the table while my niece went to get the camera. They were having the crabs talk and gave them names etc. While they never could get the hang of it they surely entertained everyone around them. My crab cake story...dh and I went to Steamboat Springs, CO when we were dating to spend a weekend. We were walking downtown and decided on a snack. Dh wanted crap cakes. WE order what we thought was crab cakes.....you would figure for $12.00 there would be more than 1. LOL but it was a CAKE on a huge plate with green stuff and one little ole cake. Tasted great but not $12.00 worth. Anytime we see them on a menu we always laugh about how tiny it was. LOL We are so easily amused.

    I have been Iming Turtle on AOL the last few morning but she hasn't responded. She has her settings on away and I am not on much during the day. I will keep trying. Sometimes we all just need a break and hopefully she will be back soon.

    Petra: I love Zoeygirl. They are great. Have fun!!!

    Jennie: M and Dave bought me an exercise ball for my bday. I haven't really seriously tried it out yet but I am working on it. I also got 2 sets of hand weights. I did use them last night for WATP.

    Curly: it is great to be in love. LOL I still love Dave as much as I did when we met. Psst..don't tell him that though. LOL

    Mom: hormones suck. LOL Best thing to do when you feel that way is to exercise. Not that I have TOM but I still think it is in me because I can get weepy and such every month too. Go to the doc and see if you can get hormones or something to help.

    TEB: I always think this weight loss is more mental than physical. We have to be in the right mind set or we sabatoge ourselves. I forgot are you doing WW? If you are read back through your books. I am on week 14 and had to do that this week to get my butt back in gear. Although it is a life style change I think we all want to go back to our old habits at times. I always go to this site called www.wwfamilyforum.com I think that is the link, it has sucess stories of people who lost over 100lbs on WW. It is so motivating. My motto is IF they can do it..so can I.

    Well, I need to get my butt in gear and to work. I am now running late this morning. LOL

  • Good to see people posting again. I got a nice surprise on the scale this morning too/ 2 more lbs. YEAH! I also got to the gym this morning. Those doggies don't let me sleep in, LOL
  • GMorning Ladies and TGIF !!

    Tried to post last night but the site was down for maintenance Glad to see that you are all doing well and congrats to those that have posted losses over the last few days !!

    This weekend is definately going to be "ME" time. I need to get myself back on track and stop feeling down on myself. Lisa, I so agree with you that weight loss is a mental effort, now I just need to re-find my focus.

    Curly, so happy that your date went well. Hopefully you get to see one another again soon.

    Thanks to you all , you always provide me with so much to think about.

    Have a great Friday and talk to you over the weekend.

  • Howdy All,
    I talked to Turtle last night on instant message. She sends her love but just isn't feeling it right now. I told her to take her tiime but come back soon!! Curly and TEB please send me a private message with your email address. I can't figure out how to do the private message thing. LOL

    M and I went on a nice bike ride last night but I don't think a bike ride is enough exercise. M is getting better about riding faster and really doing well on her new bike. Our weather turned cold this weekend. Not going to be above 60 today so biking is out. I did buy on amazon yesterday 5 new to me Richard exercise videos. I will need them this winter.

    Well I have WI this moring..not looking forward to it. Not sure if I loss or not..it will be a toss up.

  • Morning PICs

    Lisa - thanks for the update on Turtle, I am glad that she is doing okay. I have sent you a PM.

    Good luck with the WI

    Not much planned for today, although I may go to the mall to see what kind of sales are on. Could use a few new pairs of pants for work, although I hate shopping.

    Other than that just a quiet day at home. All of my school stuff arrived yesterday, so that was a wake up call that it all starts again soon and I better relax while I have the time.

    Okay gals, have a great day and I will TTYS

  • Well the baby did not have to have shots after all she was totally current! No more shots until she is 5. I weighed at curves and I am done 1 pound. I think it would have been more but TOM decided to visit me early this month. I bought a Bobli ww pizza crust yesterday and I am going to make me and dd a pizza for lunch (south beach legal of course). Very exciting. I finally got my fridge fixed. That's a relief. No more carting stuff from the garage to the kitchen.

    Lisa - I am glad you got to talk to Turtle. I have been thinking about her everyday. She is not responding to pm's so I am glad you got her on im. I hope you have a great weigh day.

    Tea - Did you say you hating shopping? What?? I think I need professional help. Although I always buy for everyone else never myself. I can't believe it is already time for you to go back to school. Was'nt it yesterday that you got out for the summer?

    Petra - 2 more pounds!!! Yeah!!

    Jennie - Your son is going to need shots for school. I think it is probably harder on us then it is on them.

    Curly - You did it!!! You broke 250!!!! I know you really wanted that. Excellent job. I am glad you had such a great date.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. TTYL
  • thanks so much momx3.. i guess now ill have to make my next goal 225... I am so super charged now.. I know i can do this! And everything else is comming along very well also..

    i was down soooo low (emotionally) before this year that i thought i would never be happy again... and thats all i am gonna say before i jinx myself !
  • Howdy All,
    Got a few minutes before I start cleaning my house. If you see a flare..it is me in M's room!!!!

    I went to WI and I was shocked!!!! I loss 4.2lbs which tells me last weeks gain was fluke. I didn't do that bad OP but I did't exercise like I was. I will start exercising again more this week. My goal is still ahead to be in onederland by Halloween!! I KNOW I can do it!!

    Well..back to cleaning or a nap actually sounds better. LOL
  • wow way to go!
  • heres a little picker upper: i bought this lil cute sun dress at the begining of the summer from old navy... and it was tight and went to wear it to a wedding yesterday (i ate plain turkey, some brocoli, and tomatoes) and ITS TOOO BIG!!! and its a 20 wooooooooo !

    OMG.. i dont know if its the slim mints with the Lcarintine or being back on BC, or the double workouts but i am at 246 today and thats with 2 big whole wheat waffles in my tummy!!!
  • Good Morning Partners

    Just poured myself a nice , the sun is shining and it is a beautiful morning.

    No big plans for me today, although I may try to get my painting projects, that I started awhile back, finished and then I am off to the folks for Sunday dinner.

    Curly ~ what a great feeling that must have been. You are doing so well... congrats !

    Lisa ~ 4.2 in a week is awesome !!

    Mom ~ yes, the time has flown by. My first class is on Sept 10th; however, the format is different this year, I just go to class on weekends (not all of them) and those are tutorials, so I have to do most of the work at home on my own.

    Well chickadees, hope you all have a wonderful day. Ciao for now !
  • Sorry I didn't get a chance to post earlier. I had company this weekend. My friend was here for the concert and stayed until today. He tends to sort of overstay his welcome a little. He's the one who cleans out the refrigerator if you remember from earlier. The concert was really good.

    Congrats to Lisa and Curly on their losses. I'm also relieved to hear that Turtle is doing okay. Hope she comes back when she is feeling better.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It is wicked hot here.
  • Hi Everyone, went to my WI and am only down .4 but its my TOM early so I can't be that mad about it.
    I am extremely emotional right now and in such a bad mood, I have to make sure I don't sabatoge my self. It seems like everything happens at once. I have to get so much stuff done for my business and am feeling totally overwhelemed, I have less than 2 weeks until my tradeshow I do and I have almost nothing done. Then, I found out my parents sold their house, my house is not finished yet, but we will all have to move in Septemeber. This is what is really sad, I knew they were selling they need to but I was born in this house, they have lived here for 35 years and its the only place I have know as home. Its a good thing they got a good price but its making me feel like I just want to cry to think some one else will have my home. Plus I'm totally stressed out about the promotion I am trying to get at my job. Ahh...everything at once. At least its not bad things, its just busy things. I'm sure things could be worse.
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. And they weren't to hot it is so hot here I can't even work out because I think I'll pass out.