Marvelous, Miraculous, Milkshake Monday!

  • The milkshake part is because I'm still on a soft diet after dental surgery...... we'll make it low-fat yogurt.

    Great weather, and anything will beat last week's back sprain, tooth fracture and TOM, right?

    be back later, hope all is well for everyone!
  • well good morning gang!

    I love any post that starts out with the words "marvelous. miraculous & milkshake" - wow!

    what's everybody doing today?

    I'm suppose to be working so I guess I will get to it.

  • Hi Gals
    I liked mmmm too....since I drank my choc smoothie after my walk this beautiful Spring Day!

    This is a drive by hello.heading to work HONK HONK
  • HI

    Helping at school this morning with the artist in residence.......should be fun. Booked all morning.......then hanging out with dd7 for a bit while she does her painting.

    Tomorrow.......Nursing Union meeting all day.

    I do a couple nights later this week too~

    Hubby and girls did all the laundry yesterday while I was at work and tidied up the kitchen and even tidied the cupboards and fridge! Awesome way to start the week

    Hubby and I had a long talk last night when I got home......he works in mental health and he is convinced that I am not clinically depressed.....though he is encouraging me to follow up with my doctor.

    He reminded me that difficult things happen to everyone and it is all in how we decide to deal with it.....coping, letting go etc.......a little word called we agreed we are both going to get up and make a choice to see things more positively. I guess I was telling him that I feel my best times are over.......the 20's, babies,post secondary etc........and at 41 that is a bit of a hopeless way to look at things.........anyhow enough about that.....just sharing where I am at.........that being said it will be baby steps and it will be my journey.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Hi Marble(skinny 1, Hi Cathy (skinny 2).........and all to come
  • The best days are still to's a different type of "good".....
  • Hi, everyone,

    I haven't kept up with everyone over the last couple of days. I hope everyone is doing o.k.

    Liz, it sounds like you have a good plan. I think we do have more control over things than we (I ) sometimes think. Good luck with your positive attitude plan. I think it is awesome.

    Sue, I especially wanted to thank you for the encouragement last week about the job search and computer class. I am impressed with your degree---but even more impressed with how you became more positive about life. I am heading up the to local community college today to work on my resume and computer skills---they have an awesome job resource center.

    I lost another 1.5 pounds! I am starting to believe I am really on my way now. I have lost a total of 10.5 pounds on WW the last several weeks. If I can do it, trust me, anyone can. Have a blessed day, everyone.
  • Hi Gals
    Home for heading back to work.

    Liz.......sounds good to me! You sound like you have a very special husband too!

    Later taters

    Bravo Kathy! WE can win at losing!
  • Hello Ladies
    We had a pretty quiet weekend . We couldn't really afford to go out someplace special, but my husband gave me some nice roses; and a special dessert: TIRAMISU! I'd never had it before, and I'd mentioned to him a long time ago (before I started OA), that I'd like to try it. So he was at Publix, and he just happened to find it (they don't always have it). I'll forgive him ; but the Publix Bakery is EVIL !

    Cathy, April, Kathy, Marble, CIN; and all those who are succeeding in their weight loss:

    Leenie: Yes, I did have plenty of cake! (see above)

    Liz: What a nice surprise! Coming home to a clean house is such a blessing . Your DH sounds very supportive.

    Marble: I hope your mouth will be feeling better soon.

    Have a Marvelous (low-fat) Milkshake Monday!
  • Joanne happy belated birthday!

    Sorry I missed it.......and I like you sooooooo much........

    Glad you had a good time!
