Fast Food chicken salads

  • Can I get a Fast Food chicken salad with light or fat-free dressing on Phase 1?
  • From which fast food place? They vary with what they put in them. Some tuna salads have sugar and chicken salads could be the same! You are best to stick with a salad with a grilled chicken breast on top and skip the croutons and bacon bits. Phase I is your detox time and little slips can really screw you up.
  • Fast Food chicken salads
    I know KFC and McDonalds make grilled chicken ones. I could check their websites to see the ingredients. What am I looking for that I can't have?

  • Breadings and sugar and saturated and trans fats are what to avoid. Definitely check the websites.
    I would try to avoid all fast food places on Phase I though. Most chicks try to bring their lunch from home.
  • Fast Food chicken salads
    I had a bagged salad here at work but when I opened it, it was nasty! I have tunafish in my drawer so I was going to just get a side salad and add that. But side salads are always so small. And I've been starving for about an hour already! This is really tough.
  • Srin! Don't sweat it today but do plan better for tomorrow. You should also have a planned mid-morning snack so you are not so hungry. Remember that good carbs like beans are allowed on this plan as is dairy. Maybe you can get a glass of skim milk or some almonds. There is no reason to be hungry on this plan but it does take thinking ahead.
  • I had a hard time finding the Fast Food Guide that I had buried within another post so I have created a separate thread for it. Here it is
  • Fast Food chicken salads
    I had 2 veggie quiches (didn't like so much) and a chai with 3/4 cup milk and decaff green tea and sweet 'n low for breakfast. For snack I had a low fat mozzarella cheesestick and a glass of water. One minute I want to quit and go to the machine, the next I'm telling myself I HAVE to stick to it!

    Thanks for the link!!