WW online?

  • xxxxxx
  • Hi there!! i do online and LOVE IT! and its workin ok for me!
  • I have done WW Online a couple of times, and just cancelled again last week. If you are a good self-motivator you will do great with that program. I usually do okay for a couple of months and then stop logging my food. Once you stop logging, the fall off of the wagon is not far behind. If you need encouragement, go for the meetings and supplement with WW Online. The Online points calculator and journal are a huge help. Also, it's great to be able to put in a recipe and calculate the points per serving. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • I do WW Online and find that it works great - if I stick with it. The key for me is using the journal. If I do, then I am successful. If I slack off on that, the pounds creep back on.
  • I just don't like the ww web site. I have tried repeatedly to try the two weeks free of e-tools that they offer. I have never gotten it to work. The answers to questions from their tech support was less than helpful, telling me to do things I had already done repeatedly. Therefore I go to meetings and use this web site. It is so much easier to use! I need the weighing in with someone else to stay on program. Maybe if you are very self motivated, it would work for you. Good luck!
  • worked for me
    I'm doing the WW online for my second time, I did it last spring with a lot of success but when i lost the comittement to log in my food everyday and got lazy, the pounds rolled back on. I joined April 1 again and found the motivation to do it. Logging in all the food you eat and drinking water are the key to success. I have several friends that are on it as well. We don't have time for the meetings and can log on and just a few quick clicks and on our way. You have to be committed to yourself to make it work but it's a good price if you take advantage of all that it offers. Good luck.
  • I have found that if I don't go to the meetings I don't lose weight! For me I feel that when I go in and weigh in i'm accountable for my weight. Also, The people at my meetings give lots of ideas, things that work well for them!! Well, it can't hurt to try it, if it doesn't work for you, try going to the meetings, and weighing in, in person. You know it works for you because you did it before.. GOOD LUCK in your journey!!!
  • I just started back on the online WW. I'm too busy to get to a meeting. Between me and my fiance we have 5 kids and at least 3 are home all the time, so picking everyone up after work is the thing that keeps me from meetings, etc. I agree with everyone that's already said, it only works if you log your food every day. It's not hard though, and then you can pop over to this site and post! My sister is doing it online too, so between her and the people on this site, it can be your support network in place of the meetings. You can do it!!!
  • Alchina,
    I understand what you mean about accountability, but on the online program, you still do a weekly weigh-in so you're still accountable for yourself. I have several friends that are on it and we are a support group and the site has forums and chat rooms so including these websites, there is a lot of support to be found as well as ideas and tricks.
    Best of luck regardless of the program that you choose, WW is great.