My brooding hens, how are things going?

  • My morning sickness is starting to ease up. I've taken a few short walks, and they don't totally make me ill, so I'm hopeful I'll get to start exercising again soon. Gotta take advantage of the month-and-a-half or so of pregnancy when I don't feel like roadkill. I am still looking for a midwife. People in Hawaii don't like answering their phones, apparently. *sigh* Have called the same place about three times, and no one ever answers the phones. But it's the same practice for almost all the midwives on my insurance list, and I am just sick to death of OBs.
  • I hope you're able to find a midwife soon. I hate when people don't return calls. That's just rude.

    I'm doing pretty good. As for morning sickness, the worst I've had so far is a little queasiness, especially on an empty stomach. I have been really fatigued and I sleep a lot more than I did before. I think if I start walking again, that would probably help give me more energy. I had another OB visit last Friday and we saw a heartbeat! My OB said I'm measuring on target and the heart looks good so far. We've only told our parents and grandparents. We're waiting until May to tell the rest of the family. I'll be into the 2nd trimester by then.
  • just wanted to say your tickers are so sweet! I'm happy pregnancy is over for me ... but it is great to hear how things are going for you ladies! Keep posting.

  • Ugh I'm feeling pregnant now We finally bought the paint today and other stuff to get the nursery ready. Also we finished week 2 of 5 last night of prepared childbirth. I don't think I wanna have the baby They are giving me a baby shower at work next Friday so that daddy-to-be can come before he leaves for basic training I'm starting to get so excited except I have my gestational diabetes test Tuesday
  • Hey Kimberlie! I can't believe you are 27 weeks already.. I am at 20.. HOW THE TIME FLIES! We painted the nursery but since I don't know what it is yet, we were planning on a neutral theme... We have the crib changing dresser and some other items but I haven't "decorated" yet. This is fun.. well at leas that part of being pregnant is... Ive been so tired and just getting bigger it seems, by the day!

    It's good to hear from all of you...

    My ultrasound isn't scheduled yet.... UGH Well, my 3-d ultrasound is but the one from my dr. office isn't yet. It should be soon, I am hoping within the next 2-3 weeks anyway.. The suspense is killing me! I know I have either a little kickboxer or dancer in there.. MAN do I get kicked alot! It's a great feeling, except when he/she is line up with my bladder and insists on using it as a punching bag... youch, I don't like that feeling at all!! I had to have emergency dental surgery last week.. A wisdom tooth decided to rear its ugly head.. I'm 28.. That should be OVER by now! I was in SO much pain. I went to my regular dentist, and he tried to pull it but the novicane did not work, I could feel it the entire time. He sent me to an oral surgeon, and with some novicane and a little determination, after 45 minutes of agony (for me anyway) It was out. I started hyper-ventilating so they had to give me some O2. I had a death grip on the chair arms, when I released my hands they actually hurt and when I got UP off the chair, it was saturated with sweat... Gross I know, I'm just trying to give a visual here! Anyway, I'm glad thats overwith. They sent me home with some antibiotics, Tylenol with Codine and some mouth wash, all cleared by my MD. I only took the Tylenol for 2 days because I noticed a slow down in the babys movements, and with me with medical background (LPN) knew that the codine was making the baby lethargic. So I suffered through it. Wow- listen to me go on here! Sorry for all the boring details.

    Oh and I also have the pregnancy gingivits thing going on.. LOVELY! But I got that all treated and am good as new.

    Pregnancy, what a rollercoaster!!!

    Hope you all are doing well. Sorry I haven't been around much lately, I've been busy looking for stuff to wear! ha. I finally bought some clothes. If any of you have a Burlington Coat Factory, go there. Awesome Materinity clothes and really really reasonable!

    Sorry for all the babble. I just have so much to say!!
  • Hey guys! Guess what?? I'M PREGNANT!! Can I join the club??

    Okay, I'm lying - just wanted to drop by and say hi to those who've been MIA from the 100lb. club. We miss you!

    Glad to see everyone's progressing nicely on the babyfront (with the exception of morning sickness, scary prepared childbirth classes and nasty dental emergencies )

    Hey, Dana, 30lbs. down, good for you! You go girl!
  • Jill.. you are a little devil!!
    how was your trip?
  • I'm doing great. With my 8th and 9th I was basically stuck in my recliner at this point because of pain. With my last one I had some pain but I was more bothered by exaustion. Now I'm still exercising. I'm 30 weeks and the pg is going so fast.

    Donna, its amazing how tired you can get from such a small baby growing! I was always tired and sleeping more for the first while. You'll wake up soon lol.

    Sabra, I hope you find a midwife you like. Hope you never need to call her

    Dana, how is the nursing going? You've got a neat ticker too. Did you get settled on a food plan? I upped my cals to 1700. I think I'm finally maintaining. I bought a new scale so now I have 2 to drive me nuts. At least no more wondering at 3 lbs losses or gains.

    Welcome to the 3rd trimester Kimberlie! Funny I've weighed more than this by far but when the weights all out front its hard to not notice. I'm not used to feeling this good at this size but its still hard to get around. Good luck with the GD test. I did mine a bit late and haven't heard yet. Last time I thought it was good news not getting a call but it turns out they forgot. I was boarderline but passed the next test fine. I'm a bit worried since its more common as you get older.

    Gretchen sorry to hear about the tooth. Ouch! Weird about the u/s. Here they don't do one till 19 weeks. Cool on the 3D one. I hope you get lots of neat pics! Glad you found some clothes. I'm still wearing my overalls. They are getting looser in some spots and tighter in others lol

    Welcome home Jill! I'm having fun reading about your trip. I'm not much of a poster usually and I feel kind of odd since I'm not trying to lose even but I love the 100lbs board.

    Dh says its exercise time. I'm lucky to have an exercise buddy. He isn't overweight so no diet buddy but he likes the idea of getting in better shape. He's a great motivator. I can't believe I'm exercising at 30 weeks pg!

    Catherine EDD#11 June 24th
    mabear's homepage
  • This is a great thread. It's so nice to see how everyone is doing.

    Kimberlie - GL with the glucose test. I've gone through it twice in the last 2 weeks. The nurse at the OB office couldn't find a vein in time (The blood has to be taken 1 hour after I finish the drink.) So DH and I went to the hospital lab this weekend and I had no complications that time. I don't know when I'll get the results. The OB is testing me early because of my weight and family history of diabetes.

    Gretchen - Sorry you had to go through all that pain. Hopefully you will get your u/s soon. They are so fun to watch. (Mine didn't even look like a baby yet, and but was still cool to see the heartbeat. You'll be able to see much more, since you're farther along.)

    Jill - welcome back! when are you due? jk!

    Catherine - That's great that you are exercising. That's great motivation for me. If you can exercise at 30 weeks with a house full of children, what's my excuse!? That's it - I'm getting on my treadmill tonight for at least 20 mins.