Feisty & Sexy 50-60 year olds #47

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  • G'day all,

    Just after lunch here, overcast warm day.
    We have picked up our new computer system this morning.
    We got it for a good price but it all seems a bit shonky The cost was $1925 and we had $2000 cash with us. The bloke just took the money and stuck it in his back pocket, did not count it. We then pointed out we would like some change which we did get.
    As soon as we came home dh opened the computer box to ensure that all the paraphernalia that he had ordered was in fact in there.
    Thank goodness it all was and dh is now loading windows xp operating system, and after that I will be starting to load all my programs on it.
    Lets hope it will go really fast as I have been promised, but for the time being I won't be holding my breath!!!
    In theory this should last us for years..........

    Peggy strange that we all speak english yet use different words for different things. I suppose 'mincing' and 'grinding' both describe beef mince.
    We call a 'cell phone' a 'mobile phone'. Lot of american words have come into the Australian vocabulary much to the annoyance of the 'dyed in the wool' Aussies.
    I spoke to d-i-l last night and she cannot wait to have Matilda, we have had some very hot weather in Adelaide and she has just had enough.
    I remember that feeling well towards the end of both my pregnancies.

    You are right Trudy age is only a number. The important thing is to try and stay active, fit and healthy.

    See ya tomorrow.

  • Trudy, Thanks so much for the points information. I had guessed at 1 point per ounce as it was advertised as less than chicken and that's how I count chicken with no skin or fat.
  • Hi Everybody

    Welcome to the new gals on our board.

    It's been raining off and on all day today. I did go out to the stores for a bit. DH has a bad cold and cough so he stayed home.
    I didn't have tea time today, and I sure miss seeing the gals. I just baked a new recipe for a "Baked Oatmeal Cake" which you can eat by cutting a piece and pouring milk over it. It sure smells good. My grandson was here yesterday after school and he said to me, "Baba, you're 65 years old, right". I said yes I was, and he said, I just want to tell you that you sure don't look older then 56 years. Boy no wonder I love him so much....heaven only knows how he came up with a number like 56 ???
    Maria looks like you are getting all set up with a new computer. I am going to get a new one too. I don't need a monitor or speakers but my computer is getting kind of old. It still works ok, so I am not in any rush. BJ3 my grandson would just love to have a golden lab. My dil is allergic to fur faced critters although the children do have a little guinea pig. I call her my "grandpig". LOL
    Tomorrow in DH is feeling ok, I think I will go out to lunch and a day of shopping with my friend. It's nice to see my friends and it's good for me too.
    Nothing else much new.......I weighed myself this morning and the scale has not moved at all.
    I guess I am not putting enough effort into to getting these extra pounds off.
    Talk to you all soon. Bye now.
  • G'day all,

    I am just exhausted but very happy!
    I may have told you about a friend of ours has set up his own consultancy business and he has been ringing me about 5 times a day for assistance with various tasks.
    This afternoon I got his webpage up and he is thrilled and so am I!
    It has been on my mind such a lot and this morning it all fell together.

    It is 5.20 pm here and I have just been to get something for our dinner and shouted myself a couple of classical CD's. I felt I deserved them!

    Our new computer will be fantastic but at the moment it is a bit of a nightmare configuring the jolly thing DH is determined to do it all so I just leave him alone and let him go for it and try and ignore the mutterings that come from his side of the dining room table (our home office )

    Slavika what a grandson you have 56 sounds a pretty good number to me!
    I hope your dh was well enough for you to get out of the house.
    Did you buy any 'bargains'?? With all my work I have not had a chance to get any bargains though when I was tossing up which CD to get (both $24.95 each) the fellow said I could have them both for $40. Of course I could not resist a 'saving' of $9.85

    I better be off and get dinner going.

    See ya in the morning all,

  • It is so nice to hear from you, Slavika. I hope you are getting to go out and shop. There is nothing like shopping! I am hopeful you DH is doing better. You have such a sweet grandson. Yesterday I took off to take care of Makenzie while her mom had 4 hours to herself. When I was going home, I stopped at other son's house to see the little boys. Austin (almost 4) asked me, very seriously, if I had brought my Papa with me. I had so much fun yesterday, but driving home in the dark I made a goof and ended up driving an extra 30 miles. Sure was glad to get home.

    Just made my consult appointment with the whatever she is called to talk about the permanent makeup. Cannot wait. I am so eager.

    Peggy, so how is the new grandmother? Still in a euphoric haze? And it just gets better and better.

    Gloria, BJE and Jan, what is in a number? We are all struggling with our weight and having a good time at this time in our lives. BJ3, once you get your boys married, you will certainly enjoy the next phase--grandmotherhood. You must be an animal lover. I am just getting over (don't know if that is possible) having to put our baby Kassie to sleep. She was a Schnoodle and was the closest thing to a child. I am not ready to get another.......yet.

    Maria, mince is a good word for ground beef. I hope you enjoy your new computer. Sounded like that businessman was a little iffy though. Can you imagine taking a wad of money and just putting it in your pocket?

    Everyone, have a great day. I have certainly enjoyed meeting you new ladies. Jan4945, I love your weight scale. How much do you want to lose more? You are certainly doing fabulous!
  • Slavika good to see you. Hope DH is feeling better.

    Glad everyone else sounds happy and healthy. We still have company but she goes tomorrow. Our new puter came yesterday and we have a geek guy coming in on Friday to help us get some of the stuff we want to save out of this one. Need a Geek guy for that. Wish Maria or Lily were here. I'm sure they could get us on the right track. Gotta go catch you later.
  • I guess I will start this morning. I'm sure no one else is awake. I woke up at 3:30 today. I've learned to just give up, get up and get busy. (Or as busy as I get anymore.) The maid comes today and I have my little messes to clean up that I don't think she should have to deal with. I put everything up as I've learned that no one else knows where I want my "stuff". George Carlin does the funniest bit on our "stuff". Has anyone else heard it? The older I get, the more stuff I get rid of.
    Yes, Glenda I am quite an animal lover. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have to
    put one to sleep, but I know that is the kindest thing to do sometimes. I also think we are more humane to animals in that respect than people. Oooh, too morbid for this early in the morning!
    Isn't it funny how much of our time and energy goes into our computers now? In some ways they simplify our lives so, and yet when something goes wrong they can drive you insane. My break is over. Everyone have a lovely day! It is in the 80's in Texas and beautiful this week. Of course in August I will be wanting to move north when it's in the 100s.
  • BJ3, you are from Texas? We are almost neighbors since I am just north of you. Today should be about 70 degrees here in Stillwater, OK. Are you into Texas sports? Our school (OSU) plays in the Big 12 with all the Texas schools. I am so impressed. You have a maid. I am my maid and she doesn't come very often.

    Karen, you have about made it! And you don't sound overly stressed so they must have all been good children. By the way, did your other SIL talk to the one who has such a problem with medicine about taking it? Oh well. Sometimes sisters can talk sense to sisters. Mine is a huge influence in my life.

    All, we have made it through winter and spring (except for you, Maria) is about to be sprung here. Hallelujah!
  • Hi Everybody

    BJ3 good morning.....you sure were an early bird today. I agree sometimes, it's just better to get up instead of laying there thinking, "will I ever fall back to sleep". Next, you start thinking about all the stuff you have to do and then you just figure the heck with it and get up. Before my DH was diagnosed with cancer this past December, we had thought we might like to buy "a place" in Texas in one of the senior parks to spend the worse part of our winters in. We have put that idea on hold until we see how he will be when his treatments are finished. We did visit an aunt and uncle in a place called Weslaco, Tx. We spent a couple of weeks with them and had a great time. We also like to holiday in Maui, but it's to expensive to stay there for months with our Canadian dollar, but we do manage to go for one month. If all goes well we hope to go back next winter for 6 weeks. I think it's good for DH to have something nice to look forward to while going through treatment.
    He had a cold the last couple of days, and although he is still coughing he feels better today, so I will take him out for an "airing". LOL It looks like we are in for a lovely spring day. Talk to you all later. Bye for now.
  • Slavika,
    Baked Oatmeal? Can we have it too? How many points? Oh ya ! Good Morning
  • Glenda, I'm afraid I'm not into sports of any kind much. Even though one of my sons is a coach. (football & golf) The only sports I really ever got into was when one of my sons were playing. Then I mostly just sat there and prayed. (Especially with football - so many injuries) Don't be too impressed with the maid. She only comes once every two weeks. I wish I could have her every day! I would almost give up food to fit her into the budget - and as a fan of this site we all know how important food is.
    Slavika, I am so sorry about your husbands illness! You will be in my prayers that he recovers quickly. When he does if you are still interested in wintering in Texas look into the Padre Island area. It is absolutely gorgeous and very friendly. I've only been there once for a week, but loved it. My goal used to be to retire to a little beach house there or even Galveston. However after living through a flood during Allison and it taking a year to get my house back those dreams went out the window. We have too many hurricane warnings and I don't want to have to run everytime one comes along. (Or come back to a house washed out to sea!)
    I'd like to know about the baked oatmeal also.
    Have a great day yall!
  • Just a short note to say Hi before the weekend.

    Slavika I, too, am sorry to hear about your husbands illness. He will be in our prayers for a smooth recovery.

    Bj3 I know what you mean about sports. Grandson #3 is into football and I cannot bring myself to watch. Just pray. Ten years ago DD#1 lived in Dallas for two years and we did get down to see them but not much away from the Dallas area. Someday I would like to visit San Antonio...I hear it is beautiful.

    Karen, Glenda, Maria Hope you all have a great weekend.

    It is Patriot's Day weekend here and Monday is the Boston Marathon...no I am not running this year!

  • G'day all,

    Trust you are all having a good weekend.

    Gloria I have given the marathon run here in Sydney a miss as well I had a quick look on the net about your Patriots Weekend. Sounds interesting and fun. It is good to remember our history.

    BJ3 I am a bit the same about sports, never played it in my life but both my children and dh are very keen sports people. My daughter-in-law plays netball for Australia, has won a world championship and has won gold at 2 Commonwealth Games. As soon as her baby is born she will be back into full training and she hopes to be selected for the Australian Team in the upcoming Commonwealth Games (March 2006)
    It is all a bit beyond my comprehension. I told her she may not want to go back to full training after the baby is born but she is very determined and has the support of my son. Our son now only plays football and golf, I always worry about injuries.

    Karen everything must have gone OK with all the sisters and brother together!

    Slavika hope your dh is getting over his cold and is feeling well enough for your regular 'airings'

    I have completed another website for a customer....phew. It was somewhat easier than the last one I did but I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination So much too learn.
    I have 2 collages to complete and then I also want to learn how to burn DVD's on this new computer of ours. DH has spent all day 'fine tuning' it, still not quite right.
    Off to the football tomorrow, our Adelaide team is playing here in Sydney. Few supporters make the trip to Sydney so it is important we go and show our support.

    Cheers for now....
  • Hi Everybody

    Thanks everybody for asking about DH. He's feeling good today and it's a nice warm sunny day. He is going to spend some time with son and grandson this afternoon, and right now has gone to the store and garage.

    Here's the recipe for the Baked Oatmeal. You serve it warm and pour milk over it, and eat it like a breakfast cereal/or as a warm dessert. Love it!!!
    It makes a 9x13 pan, so the next day you just have to put some in a bowl and nuke it and it tastes great.

    Baked Oatmeal
    3 cups Quaker Oats Quick Oats (but not the instant stuff)
    1 cup Brown sugar(you could cut that back and add Splenda when you eat it)
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 cup milk
    2 eggs
    1/2 cup melted margarine
    2 tespoons vanilla
    Add 3/4 cup dried cranberries or raisins (I used cranberries)

    Just mix all the ingredients together and pour into a sprayed 9x13 pan (I use a glass one). Bake 350 for about 30 to 35 min. Slice into squares and serve warm with milk poured over it. It's a great treat for breakfast and especially nice if you have guests. You can make it the day before and just heat it up in the microwave.

    Ok the points:
    3 cups of Quick Oats = 12 points
    1 cup Brown Sugar = 16 points
    1 cup milk = 2 points
    2 eggs = 4 points
    1/2 cup margarine = 24 points
    3/4 cup Ocean Spray Cranberries = 6 points

    Total points = 64 points.
    You gals will have to judge for yourselves how much you would would consider a serving....and NO half the pan is not considered one serving. LOL LOL
    The only thing I cut back on was the sugar....I guess you could try cutting back a little on margarine and using apple sauce, but this is a new recipe and I haven't done much fooling around with it. It's a quick recipe and I think you will all like it.
  • Thanks Slavika for the recipe. I figured it would be 12 serving? Or 10 so we are talking 5 - 7 points. not bad for once in a while. I will make it in the morning but will only make 1/2 of the recipe. Sounds good for a chilly morning. And we have been having chilly mornings.

    Glad DH was feeling better today. It's nice that he can spend time with his son and grandson.

    All my Mom told me the other day that Chemo will only prolong my Dads life and not cure as I had hoped. Not the news I really wanted to hear. I have been sitting on this foe days turning it over in my mind not sure how to deal with it. I know he is 78 and has a good run. But still. I will get through this I know.

    Have to go see you all later.