Super Sunday Menu, April 3, 2005

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal made with skim and finally with 1/2 cup homemade applesauce

    Lunch: Egg beater omelet with FF Borden American Slice and ketchup

    Snack: Dean's FF cottage cheese and Del Monte Peach Fruit Cup Naturals

    Dinner: White Chicken Chili, corn meal corn cakes, salad

    Snack: Core Candy Apple
  • b: shredded wheat, banana, milk
    l: three bean salad, pear, milk
    s: popcorn
    d: ham, baked potatoes, broccoli, milk

  • Brunch: bagel w/light cream cheese, smoked salmon, veggies
    tea w/milk, splenda

    Later: bowl of soup (beef/barley/veggie)

    Dinner: marinated some chicken breast slices in lemon garlic dressing yesterday - will probably broil them??
    Brown rice, maybe squash?
    sf/ff jello

    Snack: yogurt

  • Hoo boy, don't even ask. This has been a really bad weekend for me eating wise. Don't stand too close or I might take a bite out of you!
  • Vickie,
    what are your corn meal cakes? Are they core also, since cornmeal is core.
  • Yep, they are Core and incoporate healthy oil. Some "hardcore" people say anything that is "breadlike" isn't Core. WW last ruling was Core + Core = Core. So, I say these are Core. However, you must watch for your redlight or trigger foods. WW says even if it is on the Core list, you should avoid the item if it is something that you cannot stop eating. I don't make these too often because they are REALLY good to me. Olives can also be a problem for me. Couscous is a problem for another of our buddies here. Having said all that, the recipe for the Corn cakes is on our webiste under Core recipes. Probably side dishes.

    You should also check out She has alot of good Core Recipes. Do recipe search; change the parameters to 12 months and search Core. You'll see hundreds of recipes.