Ww questions

  • So i have been tired of eating food on my own diet, it gets old ya kwim? I was thinking of getting some ww meals so i could do it myself without going to meetings, the only problem is that all their meals seem to have a ton of carbs in them. Can you have their meals 3x a day or are they only meant for once in awhile. I'm just so confused on all these diets fat no fat, carbs no carbs, to watch calories or not Please someone clear this up for me!!
  • First all CARBS really don't have much to do in the way of losing weight. Losing weight is calories in vs calories out. While having more complex carbs is better, healthier and more filling you could in theory have those frozen meals 3 times a day. However, you can usually have more food for the same or less points if you cook or make your food yourself.

    The frozen foods down side is 1) they are processed foods, 2) full of sodium and 3) simple carbs. In otherwords they don't usually stick with you for being filling.

    W/W is designed by nutritionists, registered dieticians, medical doctors and PhDs who specialize in studying weight loss. W/W takes all the best weight loss tips (reducing calories and fat and increasing fiber) and combines them into a great plan.

    Now get the diet mentality about carbs being bad out of your head. Use your common sense in what is better for you (less processed foods, junk and more healthy foods---lean proteins, complex carbs <whole grains>, fruits/veggies, dairy and some healthy fats <canola, flaxseed oil, olive oil, safflower, sunflower -- you need 2 tsp of these a day>).

    Watch your portions and add exercise to your day.
  • Thank you for your input. You really helped me clear things up alot, i went out and bought alot of yummy looking food from ww line. They sure look more appetizing than turkey on lettuce How are their deserts?
  • They are ok! Personally I make a lot of my own frozen meals from left overs I have made because like I said I get more food for the same or less points when I cook myself. I will share those recipes if you want (really simple ones too) but there is another thread like this from the past probably 1-2 months that has them in this same forum.
  • Cool i'll do a search for those recipes. Thanks again