300+ And Ready To Try Again #683

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have a bi-weekly 2x2 Challenge.
    Our goal is to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
    We have a long term goal of losing 300+ lbs within our 300+ group in 2005.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.
  • Hey, I Just wanted to pop in right quick and say hello...I'm having a good day foodwise, I've been trying to motivate myself to get up and do my exercises, but I had a rough ROUGH night (emotionally, i kept waking up to see if my boy was home, he didn't come home til seven AM his time - he's in England...I spent half the night up worried SICK!!! Men are soooooooo selfish, he was supposed to call me as soon as he got home, and he NEVER bothered to call me and let me know he was going to be staying at a friend's house...RAHHHH) and I just can't seem to be bothered, plus I'm sick with a cold and I feel more tired than usual...I guess I could give it a go though.

    Le sigh. Also still stressed out about work. Or lack thereof.
  • Hello everyone!

    Just popped in to say hello. I will try to get on later tonight. Later Gators.

  • Rar, I'm so sad today. I was so much happier with a broken scale. I'm motivated now. But like...omg....can't it go off as quick as it went on? So sad.
  • MS Emotional Eater: checking in!!! When things are going good I can stay so motivated, but when they are not, it's "how low can you go?"
    I finally got the results from my medical tests and as of yesterday, I'm officially dx'ed with high blood pressure and asthma. So along with my combination of many other pills (which I blame partly for not being able to loose) I am now on blood pressure pills and two inhalers.

    Then when I got out of the doctors office I had a call from my brother that one of my aunts had died. So instead of getting togo play bunco tonight as I had planned, I will be out of town at a funeral home. Then to add to the stress I've been on the phone all day & most of yesterday trying to find a sub for me at bunco. You really need all 12 plaayers for it to be fun, and you are suppossed to find a sub for yourself if you can't be there. So this is a church group. I think I called every woman between the ages of 15 and 90 to find someone, but everyone already had plans. So I finally found them, but...

    Upps I think the freight truck is here and I need to make sure everything is ready!!!
  • To all of you (US) who have eating the whole package of cookies, had the fajitas for dinner, chowed down on the taco salad, gone loco with the Easter Candy, etc...

    I want to share with you more wisdom from my WW leader Michelle (who thinks that she isn't the real reason we come to meetings):

    We are our own worst enemies. We live by a very all-or-nothing mentality. We are either perfect ALL the time...or we are worth NOTHING. And if we can't be perfect, then why bother at all. One "bad" choice does not ruin you for life, or even the week for that matter. It takes a week to lose weight. One bad day does NOT mean that your entire week is off...and does not mean that we should just throw up our hands, and say "to **** with it all" and go back to our less healthy ways.

    We sabotage ourselves day after day after day. I am probably worse than most and I feel genuinely bad about the many times that I have gone head first into the downward spiral of failure and self-pity and self-loathing and left BF to try to fish me out of it. We must learn to be our own allies and not our own enemies. Ok...so you eat all the cookies....that was one action. Does it mean that you should just scrap today? NO! You can still make better choices for dinner. Easter is coming up on Sunday...who doesn't love a Creme Egg? So love one...choose to not love 5...and then congratulate yourself for making a good choice.

    Be your own cheerleader. Give yourself the strokes you need. Tell yourself what a good job you did when you did something good. When you stay OP all day...praise yourself...and believe it. We don't always get the strokes we need from external sources...so do it yourself! Nobody else can lose the weight for us, so we also need to work on (as Michelle calls it) our "Fat Heads."

    Remember, none of us got to weigh what we weigh from ONE box of cookies. Whenever it is that you decide it's time for a change is a time for celebration.

    Sorry again for getting so preachy...some nights I think she is speaking to me alone.

    The last thing...this week she read to us from a wonderful children's book by John Wooden (former UCLA men's basketball coach) called "Inch and Miles." GET THIS BOOK...not only for your children but for yourselves. It is a story about what real success is and how to gauge it.

    "What is success? It's easy to see!
    It's trying to be the best you can be!
    Don't worry what others may have or might say.
    When trying your best, success comes your way."

    Be happy...be healthy....be fabulous...BE YOU!!!

    Happy Weekend
  • wow, where is everyone this evening? just checking in before bed, only to see that no one's posting, it would seem...
  • I hope all of you have seen the notice that the forum will close later this morning and will probably be closed until sometime on Monday.

    Hope everyone has a nice holiday!!!
  • Until Monday!
    I may very well have the last word here until Monday Unless some other night owl is up??

    How am I going to survive for two whole days without this thread OK, I just had to pop in here and say something.

    Happy Easter everyone, and have a good op weekend. See you Monday Iwillbe
  • Hi guys... we had HAIL here sooooo bad last night. It looked like 5 inches of snow on the ground. Plus... 10 hours later there was still hail by my front porch. Sure glad I got my garage cleaned and my new car put in it.

    Hope I get this posted before they shut us down.....
    I would like to share a different thought about the alcoholic and the overeater.

    Alcoholics still have to drink. They CHOOSE different drinking substances. They substitute the alcohol with coffee, pop, koolaid, tea, water, etc. They make a choice of what they will now drink.

    We have to make the same choice with our food addiction. We can choose to eat french fries and candy, and a dozen donuts... or we can choose to eat salads, and lean meats or veggies. The same with drinking... we can choose to drink a gallon of pepsi or a gallon of water.

    Alcoholics usually choose to NOT go to bars... and we usually choose not to go to McDonalds or buffets, etc.
    I understand what you mean about how the alcoholic can just say NO to alcohol... but he still has to make choices as to what he will drink. We all need fluids to live.
    But we have the same option to say NO to sugar. We don't need sugar. We can live without it.

    For some people an occassional drink doesn't hurt them... and for some people an occassional donut does not hurt them. We must face the TRUTH about ourselves... and act accordingly.

    If the alcoholic always has "good intentions" to only have one drink... but always drink 4-5 or more....then he must face the truth about himself and say "I am better off not drinking any.
    If the overeater always has "good intentions" to only eat one slice of pizza or cookie ... but always eats 4-5 or more ... then he must face the truth about himself and say "I am better off not eating pizza"

    I agree 100 % that moderation in all things is best.... but ,,, if you can't control moderation with any substance... be it food, alcohol, sex, over the counter medications ... then you have a problem and need to deal with accordingly.

    How do you know if you are an alcoholic or a foodaholic or a cookiealholic.
    Try some controlled eating or drinking a few more times.... if you can't control it... then maybe you should do as the successful non drinking alcoholic does... and quit trying... and accept the fact.... I have an addiciton to this food substance and it is better to not drink or eat it at all .. than to continue abusing it.

    Just a different look from a different angle.
    Just something to think about... a suggestion .. not a law in stone.

    Okay.. I am having a WONDERFUL time with my entire family.
    We are spending as much time with our daughter as possible.
    Great food, great company, great time.
  • I willbe... there is another night owl here.
    Hope you have a good nights sleep.
    Hope everyone has/had a Happy Easter too.
  • i missed the board sooo much.. hey our wieghloss sliders are gone... what happened????

    i have so far been able to not eat the kids chocolate... ok i know its only 8:45am here but hey so far so good. Hubby wants lamb today.. with all the trimmings... is lamb eatable on curves???
    well off i go to the madness that is having 5 sugared kids on easter.
    Happy Easter everyone!!!!!
  • well hello ladies, how was everyone's weekend? i checked in a few times hoping that they would be done early, and apparently they are!

    i've had (still do have) a horrible cold all weekend...I haven't been really tracking this weekend, just watching it (i had pizza on friday night though, i'd been craving it all week) - i'm a bit more relaxed on the weekends, i don't gorge myself of course but i take a break from weighing and measuring and la di da.

    also due to my cold, i only worked out twice last week maybe i'll try to see if my lungs will allow me to get winded this afternoon.

    happy easter everyone!
  • Afternoon Ladies,

    I made up for last weeks 1 lb. gain with a 3 lb. loss this week.

    I opting for a baked potato today while everyone else has escalloped potatoes w/Easter dinner but I can manage everything else on the menu. HURRAY!

    Hope the bunny treats you all well,
  • hello again, where is everyone? I guess you all think the site is still down...congratulations Judy on your loss!! :clap:

    My goal this week is to once again do my exercises three times, plus eat more fresh fruit...i didnt have much fruit last week