New to the Site, Need a Buddy

  • Hello everyone,
    I am new to the site, this diet plan was recommended to me by my doctor so we are going to give it a shot.
    I am hoping to get pregnant later this summer so I need to get rid of some excess weight before then. I am religious about my working out but it is my eating that is posing an obstacle. I need someone outside my home to help hold me accountable.
    I have been experimenting with SB recipes during the last few days but have not jumped in with 2 feet because I am leaving for NY on Thurs. I plan to start hard when I return! (I know that probably sounds crazy)
    One of the potential problems I see with my sticking to SB is during the 1st 2 weeks, no fruit! Ahh, I love fruit!
    I am 26 years old and need to take off about 20 pounds, I am looking for a buddy with similar needs!
  • Hello and welcome to the board!

    Good luck with sticking to the diet plan! After 2 weeks, you can have fruit again, that is?