Time For Serious Fun # 100

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  • WEDNESDAY: Today is Wednesday's Woes. A day to gripe and a day to commisserate!

    back in later gals

  • Hi Girls!
    Okay so on Monday& Tuesday-I got 2pts for OP and 1pt for water, none for exercise.

    The first day(Mon.) was hard, I was starving, but I think it was sugar withdrawal, lol. The next morning(Tues) was a little bad and I was cranky a bit, but by the eveing I guess my body was getting used to less food. Today's(Wed) been great so far.

    Amanda- Congrats! I didnt know you were gettign married. You must be excited and what a get movitation that is. Keep it up!

    Julie- I remember you! Hope all is well with you.

    The weather here in NYC is great. Finally, some sun. I love spring! Take care girls.
  • Faye, I don't know if you remember me - we used to post together on another thread here. I've been looking for a group to join so I'm asking if I can join you. I"m also have a stressful time. My husband has congestive heart failure and now they are testing him for kidney problems and he may have to go on dialysis 3 times a week. We won't know until the 28th when they finish the last test - an ultrasound. My weight has stalled at 160 since January and I know it's my fault...I have 2 good days and then I eat everything in sight for a day, etc. Stress is not good but I'm trying to deal with it by not eating junk. My husband will get his first Social Security Disability check next week so that will help a little since I am now the sole breadwinner and we don't have much to spend on groceries of the better sort right now.

    I'll be reading your posts!
  • Hi all,

    I got 4 points yesterday. Haven't got much else to report - feeling tired today so am having a rest day from exercise. It was a warm day today with scatterd showers and silly old me wore my big old raincoat into town - I was so overheated and sweaty and I just felt so fat and miserable. I always have this love/hate thing about summer because I love the sun and it brightens my mood etc, but I hate being sweaty and uncomfortable. All around me were girls looking really cool and skinny and I felt like a huge heifer, and it wasn't even that hot - just nice and warm! The sooner I get this weight off the better - I say this every year, but this year I mean it - THIS IS MY LAST FAT SUMMER!

    FAYE - What am I meant to do when I open up the birthday alarm site? Do I have to register etc? I went to the homepage and was a bit bemused aboutwhat to do - sorry!

    DOROTHY - Well done for staying on plan for 2 days - it isn't easy is it? The good news is it will get easier each day. Yes I am getting married to my long term partner Nigel - next Spring, somewhere in the caribbean. We haven't booked it yet as we are waiting for his inheritance to come through after his mothers death - but hopefully that will be sorted out in the next 6 months.

    SUSAN - Welcome to our group - it has been so quiet here lately, we are very glad of new members! I am so sorry about your husbands health problems - they sound very serious indeed. I will pray for you both. On a lighter note (literally! ) I must say WOW!- 196lb lost!!! That is amazing. Please share your story, I am sure it is inspirational!

    Have a nice evening

    Love Amanda x


    Susan: It is so great to have you here. I have wondered what ever happened to everyone and why the majority stopped posting all at the same time. Kind of weird unless there was a problem you and I knew nothing about! Anyway, welcome and our group will be praying for your hubby. Seems like this is sick central lately between all the hurtin' husbands and my darn allergy stuff.

    Amanda: You are simply amazing, girly! (here is the proper link so that you can put in your birthday, etc) http://www.BirthdayAlarm.com/dob/37842824a922173825b363

    Dorothy: Good job! You are on your way back. I know you can do this!

    It has been awful here today, storms upon storms, with tornado watches, storm warnings, lightening and driving rain. My doggy was so scared, I took him with me to go get hubby from work. He loves to ride in the car and has his own carseat. Yeah, I know, kind of weird, but it keeps him safe and he can look out the window.

    I am reading the Amber Frey book and I also have the one written by his sister. This man was truly a sorry soul it looks like. There is a lot of evidence in these books that wasn't avaibable to the public. For one thing, the guy was a real pathological liar even when he didn't have to lie, he did. Interesting, but very sad stuff.

    Well, gotta go for the evening. See you all in the morning, hopefully with a sunny sky tomorrow!

  • Hi Girls!

    Got 3pts for Wed.

    Well Wed. was and an interesting day for me. The weather once again was really nice out, but soon we'll get clouds and rain. Keeping my fngers crossed Sunday will be sunny so Gizmo(my baby pup, he's really 3yrs old now, but still a pup in my eyes, hehe) & I can go to the park.Anyway, I amazingly, I stayed within my points! See, i'm supposed to only have 22pts per day on WW, but for lunch I had a Sbarro's pizza slice, which I thought was worth a regular 6pts, but came to find it was really 16pts!! Luckly I had only had 6pts previous to that meal and managed to have chicken with broccolli for dinner(3pts) and lotsa water and a salad. I kept it at exactly the 22 pts, good thing the slice was really filling, lol.

    Amanda-Go for it girl! Your last "fat summer"! You can do it .

    Susan-Welcome! Just know that these girls are great. I too will keep your husband in my thoughts. And must give you a 2 thumbs up for those 165ls! WOW!! Way to go! I am truely happy for you.

    Faye-Aww, poor pup, I used to have a dog that was terrified of thunderstorms. You'd be suprised the silly ways or things we can do to make them feel at ease.

    Well take care girls!
  • Do Not Post Here But Join Us At #101
  • Thanks for your welcome...I appreciate all your prayers for my husband. His health has deteriorated quickly over the last 6 months...and he's only 62.

    Briefly, my story is like many. I first joined WW in 1971 weighing 356 pounds and reached my goal weight of 142 a little over 2 years later. I was able to maintain that until 6 years ago. At that time I had a recurrence of childhood asthma and was put on prednisone and my thyroid quit working. I gained close to 50 pounds - 191 at my highest and struggled with points. Got on medication for asthma and thyroid, had allergy immunization shots for 5 years - and got healthy. Got down to 175 and couldn't get the scale to budge. Went to a RDA and worked out a healthy diet, higher in protein and complex carbs, then WW Core plan came out and I went on that. Lost 15 pounds and now I'm stuck at 160. Since I'm now 63, I think 150 is a more realistic goal than 142 and had WW set it at the top of my range, 155 so I can quit paying again. Sorry - no magic secret - just lots of hard work.