Hi everybody

  • Hi there everybody, I am new here and thrilled to have found you. I am a fellow PCOS woman and lately it's become clear to me that I have to pay more attention to my PCOS if I want to get to my goals. I used to think it was just an issue for my fertility woes but I now believe it should be a life issue!

    I am 40, have a wonderful 2-year old son and have been married 12 years. I did not start gaining weight until my mid-twenties, and then it just piled on. And has stayed.

    I just started Weight Watchers again, I have had good success in the past but always slide back to my starting weight. (I should say, I have gone from being really fat to medium fat, but never gone all the way back down to a slinky weight!)

    What motivated me to seek you guys out, and hopefully I will have something positive to add to your community, is that after I had my son, I could not lose weight the way I had before. I literally did not lose a pound by just cutting calories. I am now trying to mix low-carb and insulin-resistant tips from my doctor and nutrionist with the WW program. I am also taking Glucophage. I am boldly attempting to cut sugar from my diet: I started writing down what I did NOT eat as well as what I did in my journal! I already feel more perky, I have to admit, the six small meals thing seems to be helping with my energy levels. And I am STUBBORN. If this does not work, at least I will have given it my best shot. But I realized, I am not yet ready to lay down my size 24 pants in defeat. So wish me luck and I hope to be talking to you in the future!

    PS I put my post name as Krister because my sister calls me her Krister Cyster, for the PCOS cysts... I'm still not sure if that's nice or not!
  • Hi Krister,

    I just wanted to say hi and that I enjoyed your post - I like your positive attitude. I pop in here once in awhile - then when I fall off the wagon (diet wagon that is) I disappear for awhile only to resurface again.

    I am 39 yrs old, was diagnosed about 10 years ago. DH and I have a wonderful 3 yr old who we adopted from China when she was 8 months old. After I stopped being concerned about the infertility, I seemed to ignore the fact that I have PCOS. Over the last or so, I have gone through these stages of realizing that I must deal with the other aspects of having PCOS. I have high blood pressure and elevated tryglcerides and lately I seem to be getting more hair in places that I didn't use to have a problem with. I was in Costco with my daughter a few months ago and she loudly announced "Mommy why do you have a moustache???" It was actually quite funny - humiliating but funny!

    I'd be interesting in hearing what tips your nutritionist and doctor. I really think that carbs are key to dealing with weight issues in PCOS - I tend to agree with the plans that suggest choosing the right kind of carbs.

    Anyhoo, I am having a really tough time getting started and I'm hoping that hearing some of your tips may get me going.

    Take care and good luck,

  • Hello all -

    I've never tried to get pregnant, and i'm not really ready at this point in my life, but do ALL women with PCOS have fertility problems? I want to have children eventually, and I hope that I will be able to.
  • Hi MissMeliss:

    I don't think all women with PCOS have fertility problems, but I would guess most do. There are many symptoms of PCOS - some women show some symptoms and other show others. There is lots of info on line about PCOS, and maybe talk to your doctor too.
